January 21, 2013
Apprendre à compter
"Learning to count" is an interactive documentary following youngsters that decide how to spend public money for their school or their city in Europe. They are learning for a year by practicing democracy.
End date
Out of €8,550
11 %
Apprendre à compter
Financial crisis, the cuts are being made everwhere. But where is democracy? Who could decide about those cuts?</p>
Ordinary people should be involved in deciding how our money should be spent. That's what participatory budgeting is all about.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/57984836" width="540"></iframe></p>
This transmedia project will focus on youth participatory budgeting after many years in Europe, because it's interesting to see how democratic processes could happen with people without specific degree.</p>
How do they consider this new share of power ? Are they convinced by the approach ? How easy it is when they set priorities for a budget? How do they define the best projects ? What will happen to the winners and to the loosers ?</p>
<u><strong>Where ?</strong></u></p>
The cases will be in France (Poitou-Charentes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais), Portugal (Condeixa, São Brás de Alportel, Trofa) and we hope in the United Kingdom (Berkhamsted).</p>
<a href="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8078/8303743136_f759ceef64.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="02" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/10065/02.jpg"></a></p>
<u><strong>Why an interactive documentary ?</strong></u></p>
Learning how to decide and how to have a say in local politics could start at a very early stage. How the youngsters will deal with the rule of majority ?</p>
This movie will be crowdsourced by the young participants and we will run workshops in order to foster this kind of open source journalism. We mean open source journalism because we want to use open source softwares like the powerful Popcorn. Open source means that we use creative commons. Anyone would be allowed to remix the contents we produce.</p>
March-May 2013 : First shootings in France, in Portugal and in the UK + organization of workshops with young participants about video, conducting interviews,...</p>
June 2013 : Editing and organization of hackathon with Popcorn with developers</p>
July 2013 : Beta version of the web native documentary</p>
September 2013 : Youth exchange in Portugal in order to complete the interviews</p>
October 2013 : Release of the interactive documentary</p>
2014 : New cycle of shootings about new places, new characters</p>
<img alt="Img_0003" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/10066/IMG_0003.JPG"></p>
Allocation of funds
In this transmedia project, our global budget is about $60 000.</p>
With this campaign, we need to cover the first production costs : travel expenses are the main costs for 6 months (March to May, October to December): 1 500 euros for <strong>transport</strong>; 2000 euros for <strong>accommodation</strong> for the team.</p>
We also need a decent camera to film: a <strong>camera</strong> and two batteries (2 000 euros). We need to get an insurance (150 euros).</p>
With our research, it would be necessary to have an <strong>extra week of shooting</strong> during spring 2014 (700 euros) to see what will happen to the different projects.</p>
For the costs of post-production, we will buy the <strong>DCP copies</strong> required by festivals (1600 euros) for a 52min version. In addition we have the <strong>commission</strong> from KissKissBankBank (8% levied on the entire collection, 600 euros).</p>
We will cover by ourselves the cost of developing our interactive platform in HTML5, using opensource software and fund the salary of two people in full-time equivalents (15 000 euros).</p>
But we know that the project will have extra costs such as quality translations for the subtitles in English, French and Portuguese. That's why we intend to get the support from foundations for the second step in order to provide effective projections in festivals and to promote participatory budgeting after the summer.</p>
<a href="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8084/8302695409_48edd83cd3.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8084/8302695409_48edd83cd3.jpg"></a></p>
You will be thanked in the credits of the interactive documentary film.
You will be thanked in the credits of the interactive documentary film and will get a picture of the shootings (format 10x15)
You get a DVD of the project with extras + the above rewards
You access to the interactive documentary before the official launch and you could vote for some choices of narration, you could watch uncut interviews and more... + the above rewards
You are invited to the national Premiere (without travel expenses) + the above rewards
Your name appears at the beginning of the movie, we will send signed mock-up from our animation sequences + the above rewards
You are invited to the national Premiere (without travel expenses) and you will taste then ten portugueses products (drinks and food) + the above rewards
For 3 hours, we will show you how we are building and editing our interactive documentary in France or in Portugal+ the above rewards
Come with us for a day for a final voting PB event, and have dinner with traditionnal food and drink from Porto. We also cover the hotel for one night.
Your kind organization is credited with its logo at the beginning of the film (with the support of... for non-profit organizations only !).
Your name appears at the beginning of the film as co-producer and we will come to visit you for a special screening and we offer 5 DVDs (continental Europe only).
Your name appears at the beginning of the film as co-producer and we will come to visit you BY BIKE for a special screening and we offer 10 DVDs (continental Europe only). We will be ready for a training for 2 days about participatory budgeting or about interactive documentary.
Your name appears at the beginning of the film as co-producer and we will come to visit you for a special screening and we offer 10 DVDs (continental Europe only). We will be ready for a training for 2 days about participatory budgeting or about interactive documentary (for local governments only).