January 17, 2014
Get involved in the production and promotion of my new EP !

End date
Out of €10,000
117 %
<img alt="1608737_10151888545505878_862940327_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/59740/1608737_10151888545505878_862940327_n.jpg"></p>
This EP (Extended Play, meaning a mini-album or “Maxi ") will feature 5 tracks. It was recorded in Berlin, in December 2013, at the H2 Studio/Funkhaus, by Marco Birkner along with :</p>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Cohen" target="_blank">Greg Cohen</a> Bass, Double Bass and music producer</p>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Harvin" target="_blank">Earl Harvin</a> Drums and Percussion Instruments</p>
Massimo Giangrande: Guitar, Mandolin and vocals</p>
Daniel Bodvarrson: Electric Guitar</p>
Elias Stemeseder: Keyboards</p>
Fabiana Striffler: Violin.</p>
We are currently brainstorming where and with whom it will be mixed, as well as on the mastering.</p>
<img alt="Capture_d__cran_2014-01-10___17.46.05" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/59702/Capture_d__cran_2014-01-10___17.46.05.png"></p>
We have conducted a photo shoot in Rome with photographers Fabiola & Pollyana Torres, and the illustrator <a href="http://felicitasala.blogspot.com%20%20" target="_blank">Felicita Sala</a> has already designed the logo that will come along with this EP.</p>
The release date is scheduled for spring 2014</p>
in the forms a CD, digital and vinyl record.</p>
Instead of focusing on quantity, we wish to make beautiful products that will give music a different meaning.</p>
Our goal is to be able to perform as many live shows as possible with this record, and most of all, to find labels partners and show producers in order to release an album in 2015.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FsQe2fGpiUYM%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DsQe2fGpiUYM&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FsQe2fGpiUYM%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=4bca658af8d811e08ea84040d3dc5c07&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
We are at 91% of our goal and to celebrate my 231 kiss bankers I would like to share with you the acoustic version of "Doum Doum Doum" a song (I wrote and composed with Massimo Giangrande) that many of you already know and which will be part of the soundtrack of the new film by Ferzan Ozpetek "Allacciate the cinture" (released in Italy on March 6).</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="500" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fw.soundcloud.com%2Fplayer%2F%3Fvisual%3Dtrue%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fapi.soundcloud.com%252Ftracks%252F137720934%26show_artwork%3Dtrue&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fawaly%2Fdoum-doum-doum-acoustic&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.sndcdn.com%2Fartworks-000072472801-tvoi55-t500x500.jpg%3F435a760&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=soundcloud" width="500"></iframe>
Allocation of funds
<img alt="1528081_10151888554455878_1100063559_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/59742/1528081_10151888554455878_1100063559_n.jpg"></p>
We were able to raise funds to finance the first part of making this record.</p>
- Recording of the 5 tracks </p>
o (Financing of the studio, musicians, producers, travels and accommodations)</p>
- Photo shoot for the album cover</p>
- Designing of the logo</p>
<u>We still have 3 steps left:</u></p>
<strong> - FINALIZING THE RECORDINGS </strong></p>
<strong> - MAKING THE RECORDS </strong></p>
<strong> - ADVERTISING THE PROJECT</strong></p>
<u>More precisely</u></p>
<strong> - FINALIZING THE RECORDINGS </strong> </p>
o Mixing records </p>
o Mastering</p>
With the same artistic standards we’ve had so far.</p>
<img alt="Capture_d__cran_2014-01-10___17.46.18" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/59703/Capture_d__cran_2014-01-10___17.46.18.png"></p>
o CD </p>
o Vinyl </p>
o Download Cards</p>
Manufacturing involves: </p>
- Graphic design </p>
- SACEM Rights </p>
- And manufacturing and deliveries</p>
In addition, as you know, making a record without promoting it is risky as it may go unnoticed. Therefore, I need you to help me finance the whole promoting and marketing part of this record:</p>
<strong>- ADVERTISING THE PROJECT</strong></p>
o Hiring a Press Officer for 4 months </p>
o Making billboard, biography. </p>
o Promotional campaigns in radio and / or internet . </p>
o Mailings </p>
o Making of promotional videos ( Introduction interviews, sound tracks , music video ... )</p>
<img alt="Capture_d__cran_2014-01-10___17.54.32" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/59704/Capture_d__cran_2014-01-10___17.54.32.png"></p>
We set a budget of € 10,000 in order to fund the final part of our project in suitable conditions.</p>
<strong>But this amount is not final.</strong></p>
The more we can increase the gauge, the more tools we will get to finalize the release of this record the best ways possible:</p>
- Investing in the making of one or more music video. </p>
- Hiring press officers in other European countries such as Italy. </p>
- Financing show dates across Europe. </p>
And most of all, being able to offer a better compensation to the providers who are already making huge efforts for this project.</p>
Ideally, 20 000 Euros would allow us working in optimum conditions.</p>
We know that it is possible.</p>
And we count on you to book and provide all counterparties!</p>
<img alt="1598424_10151888555860878_1192813186_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/59743/1598424_10151888555860878_1192813186_n.jpg"></p>
<strong>Good to know:</strong> want to make a present to your friends and family?</p>
You can offer a reward adding a little note, just clicking on the gift package right next to the reward you chose to offer.</p>
<img alt="Capture_d__cran_2014-01-10___18.19.43" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/59738/Capture_d__cran_2014-01-10___18.19.43.png"></p>
( Photos non contractuelles ) </p>
- 2 contributions
Nominal Fee
You would like to take part of the project but your post-holidays finances do not allow it.
Don’t worry, the most important is to participate, and your support, no matter how small it is, means a lot to us.
Estimated delivery: March 2014

- 15 contributions
Description: Digital EP (1 week before the official release)
One week before the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
Estimated delivery: May 2014

- 10 contributions
Description: Autographed Collector Download Card
One week before the official release, you will receive a signed download card to your home with the codes to download the EP exclusively. Shipping is included
Estimated delivery: May 2014

- 133 contributions
Description: EP in a limited CD edition, numbered and autographed + digital EP (1 week before the official release)
You will receive the EP in an autographed and numbered CD to your home. Shipping is included.
And one week before the official release, you will receive via email a code to download the EP exclusively.
add 2 euros for shipments outside France
Estimated delivery: May 2014

- 50 contributions
Description: Autograhped EP Vinyl numbered edition in limited edition
You will receive the EP in a numbered and autographed vinyl to your home. Shipping is included.
And one week before the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
add 2 euros for shipments outside France
Estimated delivery: May 2014

- 60 contributions
Description: The AWA FamiLY pack
You're part of the famiLY
And you’ve got access to Awa Ly’s logbook all through the making of the project.
Each week, via email, we will keep you informed of the progress of the project. Questions, news. You'll be behind the scenes with us. You can listen to versions of songs that will not be released. See samples of the different EP covers etc ... You will be a priority guess at the public events in the limit of seats available, and many other surprises we do not know existed yet.
Anyway, you are part of the famiLY and we'll take you with us wherever possible.
On top of that
One week prior the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
You will receive the EP in autographed and numbered CD and Vinyl, and the autographed collector download card to your home. Shipping is included.
As well as a collector Badge reserved for the members of the Awa FamiLY
Estimated delivery: May 2014

- 23 contributions
Description: Choose your Numbered vinyl edition number!
Between numbers 6 and 299, we give 50 people the opportunity to choose their lucky number
Warning: the choice will be made as a first come first served basis. Thank you for giving us your chosen number during your reservation.
+ You're part of the famiLY
And you’ve got access to Awa Ly’s logbook all through the making of the project.
Each week, via email, you will be kept informed of the progress of the project. Questions, news. You'll be behind the scenes with us. You will be able to listen to versions of songs that will not be released. See samples of the different EP covers etc ... You will be a priority guess at the public events in the limit of seats available, and many other surprises we do not know existed yet.
Anyway, you are part of the famiLY and we'll take you with us wherever possible.
On top of that
One week prior the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
You will receive the EP in autographed and numbered CD and Vinyl, as well as the autographed collector download card to your home. Shipping is included.
As well as a collector Badge reserved for the members of the Awa FamiLY
Estimated delivery: May 2014
Description: An acoustic show case at home !
Invite friends in your living room to watch Awa Ly’s show case in private
Excluding travel and accommodation fees for Awa Ly and one musician
For personal use only
For up to 20 people
Showcase Length : 45 min
The AWA FamiLY pack
You're part of the famiLY
And you’ve got access to Awa Ly’s logbook all through the making of the project.
Each week, via email, we will keep you informed of the progress of the project. Questions, news. You'll be behind the scenes with us. You can listen to versions of songs that will not be released. See samples of the different EP covers etc ... You will be a priority guess at the public events in the limit of seats available, and many other surprises we do not know existed yet.
Anyway, you are part of the famiLY and we'll take you with us wherever possible.
On top of that
One week prior the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
You will receive the EP in autographed and numbered CD and Vinyl, and the autographed collector download card to your home. Shipping is included.
As well as a collector Badge reserved for the members of the Awa FamiLY
Estimated delivery: May 2014
Make a donation
Give what I want
Sold out

Sold out
- 1 contribution
Description: Numbered vinyl number 5 !
In a limited and numbered edition, here is the opportunity to have the copy of the 5th EP in vinyl.
+ You are part of the Family
And you’ve got access to Awa Ly’s logbook all through the making of the project.
Each week, via email, you will be kept informed of the progress of the project. Questions, news. You'll be behind the scenes with us. You will be able to listen to versions of songs that will not be released. See samples of the different EP covers etc ... You will be a priority guess at the public events in the limit of seats available, and many other surprises we do not know existed yet.
Anyway, you are part of the famiLY and we'll take you with us wherever possible.
On top of that
One week prior the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
You will receive the EP in autographed and numbered CD and Vinyl, as well as the autographed collector download card to your home. Shipping is included.
As well as a collector Badge reserved for the members of the Awa FamiLY
Estimated delivery: May 2014

Sold out
- 3 contributions
Description: The test Pressing of the Vinyl edition + the Awa famiLY pack
The tests are the first pressings of a record vinyl before sending it to manufacturing. They are used to validate the quality of the sound and the pressing, limited to 5 copies. We are giving you 3 chances to get 1 of those!
+ You are part of the Family
And you’ve got aces to Awa Ly’s logbook all through the making of the project.
Each week, via email, you will be kept informed of the progress of the project. Questions, news. You'll be behind the scenes with us. You will be able to listen to versions of songs that will not be released. See samples of the different EP covers etc ... You will be a priority guess at the public events in the limit of seats available, and many other surprises we do not know existed yet.
Anyway, you are part of the famiLY and we'll take you with us wherever possible.
On top of that
One week prior the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
You will receive the EP in autographed and numbered CD and Vinyl, as well as the autographed collector download card to your home. Shipping is included.
As well as a collector Badge reserved for the members of the Awa FamiLY
Estimated delivery: May 2014

Sold out
- 1 contribution
Description: Numbered vinyl number 3!
In a limited and numbered edition, here is the opportunity to have the third copy of the EP in vinyl.
+ You are part of the Family
And you’ve got access to Awa Ly’s logbook all through the making of the project.
Each week, via email, you will be kept informed of the progress of the project. Questions, news. You'll be behind the scenes with us. You will be able to listen to versions of songs that will not be released. See samples of the different EP covers etc ... You will be a priority guess at the public events in the limit of seats available, and many other surprises we do not know yet existed.
Anyway, you are part of the famiLY and we'll take you with us wherever possible.
On top of that
One week prior the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
You will receive the EP in autographed and numbered CD and Vinyl, as well as the autographed collector download card to your home. Shipping is included.
As well as a collector Badge reserved for the members of the Awa FamiLY
Estimated delivery: May 2014

Sold out
- 1 contribution
Description: Numbered vinyl number 4 !
In a limited and numbered edition, here is the opportunity to have the 4th copy of the EP in vinyl .
+ You are part of the Family
And you’ve got access to Awa Ly’s logbook all through the making of the project.
Each week, via email, you will be kept informed of the progress of the project. Questions, news. You'll be behind the scenes with us. You will be able to listen to versions of songs that will not be released. See samples of the different EP covers etc ... You will be a priority guess at the public events in the limit of seats available, and many other surprises we do not know existed yet.
Anyway, you are part of the famiLY and we'll take you with us wherever possible.
On top of that
One week prior the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
You will receive the EP in autographed and numbered CD and Vinyl, as well as the autographed collector download card to your home. Shipping is included.
As well as a collector Badge reserved for the members of the Awa FamiLY
Estimated delivery: May 2014

Sold out
- 1 contribution
Description: Numbered vinyl number 2 !
In a limited and numbered edition, here is the opportunity to have the second copy of the EP in vinyl .
+ You are part of the Family
And you’ve got access to Awa Ly’s logbook all through the making of the project.
Each week, via email, you will be kept informed of the progress of the project. Questions, news. You'll be behind the scenes with us. You will be able to listen to versions of songs that will not be released. See samples of the different EP covers etc ... You will be a priority guess at the public events in the limit of seats available, and many other surprises we do not know existed yet.
Anyway, you are part of the famiLY and we'll take you with us wherever possible.
On top of that
One week prior the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
You will receive the EP in autographed and numbered CD and Vinyl, as well as the autographed collector download card to your home. Shipping is included.
As well as a collector Badge reserved for the members of the Awa FamiLY
Estimated delivery: May 2014

Sold out
- 1 contribution
Description: Numbered vinyl number 1!
In a limited and numbered edition, here is the opportunity to have the first copy of the EP on vinyl.
+ You are part of the Family
And you’ve got access to Awa Ly’s logbook all through the making of the project.
Each week, via email, you will be kept informed of the progress of the project. Questions, news. You'll be behind the scenes with us. You will be able to listen to versions of songs that will not be released. See samples of the different EP covers etc ... You will be a priority guess at the public events in the limit of seats available, and many other surprises we do not know existed yet.
Anyway, you are part of the famiLY and we'll take you with us wherever possible.
On top of that
One week prior the official release, you will receive, via email, a code to download the EP exclusively.
You will receive the EP in autographed and numbered CD and Vinyl, as well as the autographed collector download card to your home. Shipping is included.
As well as a collector Badge reserved for the members of the Awa FamiLY
Estimated delivery: May 2014