March 15, 2013
Burning man 2013: french CORE project
Help us to build the first large French art installation at the Burning man festival. The festival is 26 years old, and happens in the Nevada desert.

End date
Out of €6,000
13 %
Burning man 2013: french CORE project
"Stairway to heaven" (“Un escalier vers le ciel” in French) is an art installation supported by a small group of people belonging to Frenchburners, the French Burning Man regional group. The French burner community already has much experience creating burner-friendly and burning man themed events in France, and now we would love to bring a touch of French flair to the playa this year as</p>
part of the Circle of Regional Effigies (CORE).</p>
As part of the guiding principles of Burning Man, we practice radical inclusion. Are you inspired by this project? Please join us and help support us financially and logistically to make this project a reality!</p>
<img alt="Nuit_light_core" src=""></p>
1/CORE: what is it?</p>
CORE is the acronym for the Circle of Regional Effigies (link Circle of Regional Effigies), which are a group of art installations created by various regional burning man communities around the world. The regional effigies, which are placed in a circle around the Man, illustrate how global communities of burners work year round to bring the culture of Black Rock city to the world at large.</p>
The CORE teams work together throughout the year and follow the 10 guiding principles of Burning Man.</p>
They celebrate their regional identity and demonstrate the collaborative artistic projects by the international community of burners.</p>
As part of the collaboration between Burning Man and the regional groups, the CORE projects take center stage on the Thursday of during the Burning Man Festival, when all of the CORE projects are burned simultaneously, celebrating the evolution and growth of the burner culture outside of the borders of Black Rock City.</p>
To see the first CORE projects that were featured in the 2011, click this link (ajouter le lien ici )</p>
<a href=""><u></u></a></p>
To see projects that were featured in the 2012 CORE, click this link</p>
<a href=""><u></u></a></p>
<img alt="_scene_jour_core_fxwideangle" src=""></p>
2/ Our Project, Stairway to Heaven</p>
"Stairway to heaven" (in French, "un escalier vers le ciel") is a road to the unknown, a vertical adventure with no other purpose than the experience itself. Excitement for new knowledge, exploring the unknown, curiosity about different people and being present for new experiences: this is our vision of a Cargo Cult.</p>
The stairway is a spiral, ascending to a place where it is impossible to say what lies ahead. As in life sometimes, the participant follows an indirect path, getting closer to the center at each turn, closer to the heart. There is no clear, direct path to ascend towards the center. You learn from the path as you move forward and up, and the meaning comes from the experience. The journey itself is the reward.</p>
What you can expect when you reach the top? A glass of wine poured directly from the barrel. Wine represents both France and also Bacchus or Dionysus, the god of excess, debauchery and wild instincts.</p>
Drink some wine at the summit and celebrate the gods of the playa, enjoying it like a prasad, a treat offered at the end of a hindu ritual.</p>
Picture yourself 6 meters above the ground, taking a deep breath and enjoying the view of the playa, relishing the immediacy of the experience.</p>
The interior of the structure will be hollow and can spontaneously host events. It will be a type of refuge, a secret cavern. The sides and the interior of the structure will be decorated with drawings, graffiti, poems, etc. We will begin decorating the structure ourselves and invite the participants of Black Rock City to continue to decorate the structure during the festival, making the structure interactive and collaborative throughout its existence. </p>
This experience of collaboration and artistic expression rising towards the heavens is a journey not only above the ground, but also within our selves.</p>
<img alt="_scene_jour_core_0005" src=""></p>
<img alt="_scene_jour_core_0010" src=""></p>
<img alt="_scene_jour_core_plateformeinterieur" src=""></p>
<img alt="_scene_nuit_core_0006" src=""></p>
<img alt="_scene_nuit_core_wideangle" src=""></p>
Allocation of funds
We make this campaign in order to buy the materials.</p>
contact: [email protected]</p>
Nous vous enverrons par email une photo de la structure, lorsque celle ci aura été montée.
We will send you via email a photo of the structure once it is built on the playa
En plus de la photo, vous receverez un stickers du logo french CORE
In addition to the email, you will receive a sticker with the logo of the French CORE project
In addition to the previous items, you will receive a vial of playa dust directly from Black Rock City, so you will always have a bit of burning man with you.
En plus des lots précédents, vous recevrez un peu de sable provennant directement de Black Rock. Vous aurez ainsi un peu de burning man chez vous.
In addition to the previous items, you will receive an exclusive invitation to a French CORE party in Black Rock City!
en plus des lots précédents, vous recevrez en exclusivité la date et le lieu de la french CORE party à Black Rock City!!!
en plus des lots précédents, vous receverez le t shirt du projet!
In addition to the previous items, you will receive a T-shirt featuring the French CORE logo and image of the project
en plus des lots précédents, vous recevrez un petit flacon contenant les cendres de la structure une fois que celle-ci aura brulée.
In addition to the previous items, you will receive a vial containing the ashes of the structure collected after it has been burned.
In addition to the previous items, a miniature model of the “Stairway to Heaven. You will receive an assembly kit and then you can recreate the project at your home and keep it for more than the 7 days of the festival.
en plus des lots précédents, recréez vous même le "stairway to heaven"en miniature. Recevez un kit d'assemblage. Vous pourrez alors le contempler pendant beaucoup plus de temps que les 7 petits jours du festival. Mieux: vous pourrez organisez votre propre burn!!!!
In addition to the previous items, your name will be inscribed on the steps, an integral part of the structure! Superb!
En plus des lots précédents, votre nom sera inscrit sur les marches!!! Vous ferez donc partie intégrante de la structure!! La classe!!!
In addition to the previous items, you will receive a photo album retracing the steps in the creation of the structure (construction, during the event, and the burn/cleanup), signed by the French CORE crew!
En plus des lots précédents, recevez un album photo retraçant les grandes étapes de la vie de la structure (construction, visites, burn), dédicacée par la french CORE crew!