October 27, 2014
Everyday Differences - a creative online platform!
A web platform for sharing everyday life around the world, discovering differences and learning from one another.

End date
Out of €15,000
100 %
Everyday Differences - a creative online platform!
<img alt="Titel_en-01-1412798543" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126466/titel_en-01-1412798543.png"></p>
The online platform Everyday Differences brings people together, breaks down cultural barriers and stimulates limitless discussions about the shapes, colours and functions of various everyday objects. All around the world, people can upload photos of everyday objects – packaging, signs, municipal services (police, fire brigade), public institutions, monuments, architecture, etc. – in order to compare and comment on them.</p>
With just a few clicks, users with a passion for graphics, a love of photography or an interest in travel can access foreign cultures, traditions and inventions.</p>
<img alt="Visuels_kisskiss5-1412631050" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/125809/visuels_kisskiss5-1412631050.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Visuels_kisskiss4-1412631036" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/125808/visuels_kisskiss4-1412631036.jpg"></p>
It will become <strong>the tool of the future</strong> for architects, urban planners, designers, artists and photographers, and even sociologists and ethnologists. A new source of inspiration as well as offering solutions for systems that are already in place in different countries.</p>
In time the platform will grow and will allow that every object and subject can be compared world wide.</p>
<img alt="Visuels_kisskiss2-1412631005" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/125806/visuels_kisskiss2-1412631005.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Titel_en-03-1412799177" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126467/titel_en-03-1412799177.png"></p>
Overcoming differences to allow commonalities to emerge – that is the underlying intention of this project. To communicate, swap experiences and thereby draw closer to one another.</p>
<em>Everyday Differences</em> is aimed at all the world's detail-obsessed flâneurs who also enjoy the occasional virtual stroll through a city's streets without having to travel far. It is aimed at people who are fascinated and attracted by the structures and materials of multifaceted objects; those who like to use their smartphones in order to</p>
photographically capture the new things or fresh takes on old things they come across; and those who love to share their discoveries with their friends or online followers.</p>
With Everyday Differences, everyone has the opportunity to learn something about other countries and cultures by observing, comparing and discussing. <em>Everyday Differences </em>makes it possible to find new urban solutions or visual design solutions (recycling systems, improving public transport, living spaces, etc.).</p>
<img alt="Visuels_kisskiss3-1412631022" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/125807/visuels_kisskiss3-1412631022.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Titel_en-06-1412799437" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126470/titel_en-06-1412799437.png"></p>
The online platform <em>Everyday Differences </em>is intuitive to use.</p>
When searching for inspiration, it takes only a few clicks of the mouse to compare elements. Users can choose whether to search according to <u>origin</u> or <u>object</u>, globally or nationally. Thanks to an ingenious filter system, the results of the individual search can not only be presented on a <u>pinboard</u> and sorted according to various criteria (most recently added, photos with comments, or those photos with the most "likes"), but can also be displayed within their local context on a <u>map</u>. All the photos can be shared with friends and followers via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or email. The comment function provides the opportunity to learn about and discuss the context of various different products and objects.</p>
<img alt="Screens_anglais-1412800378" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126484/Screens_anglais-1412800378.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Screens_anglais2-1412800395" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126485/Screens_anglais2-1412800395.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Screens_anglais3-1412800407" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126486/Screens_anglais3-1412800407.jpg"></p>
Users can upload their own images via the individual upload or multi-upload functions as required. They can then assign their uploaded images to one of the categories and/or locations offered. The parent categories available on <em>Everyday Differences </em>are "Cityscape", "At home" and "Food product/Packaging". If you are searching for a category that is not provided on the platform, feel free to suggest it to our administrators. Photos can be managed, edited or deleted as required in the login area.</p>
<img alt="Screens_anglais4-1412800421" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126487/Screens_anglais4-1412800421.jpg"></p>
The site will initially be available in English, German, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Additional languages (Russian, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Japanese) are being planned, and will be easy to integrate into the existing system.</p>
The planned smartphone app will make it possible for users to upload images directly from their phone and automatically assign a location to the images thanks to their phone's geo-localisation technology.</p>
Going forward, our plan is to organise a quarterly photo exhibition based on one of <em>Everyday Differences</em>' key thematic focuses, and invite the platform's users to attend the event. The aim is to give the digital collection a physical reality, and to create a space in which people can come together and engage in dialogue with one another. The photo prints will be available for purchase at these events in order to keep the website's running costs to a minimum.</p>
<img alt="-comp-01-1412801456" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126494/-comp-01-1412801456.png"></p>
<em>Everyday Differences</em> is a platform focused on a specific target group and which allows users to discuss an image or an issue, comment on images and ask questions.</p>
Unlike Google, the contents and search results are controlled and, if necessary, corrected by users themselves. Whereas <em>Everyday Differences </em>features a clearly structured filter function, the search results for a Google image search are unfiltered. In order to obtain additional information about an image, Google users must go to that image's page of origin and familiarise themselves with the image's context.</p>
By contrast, Wikipedia provides a lot of text and few images. Wikipedia is not visually oriented.</p>
Pinterest, whose target group is predominantly female, offers a slew of images on topics such as fashion, food, weddings, children, etc., but does not consciously promote the theme of intercultural communication, or of mutual understanding and dialogue.</p>
<img alt="Capture_d__cran_2014-10-08_22.38.28-1412800729" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126490/Capture_d__cran_2014-10-08_22.38.28-1412800729.png"></p>
<img alt="Titel_en8-08-1412800081" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126477/titel_en8-08-1412800081.png"></p>
<img alt="Team-1412842255" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126568/team-1412842255.jpg"></p>
Our team has all the skills necessary to make this project a reality: </p>
<strong>Tobias Hellwig</strong>, a skilled programmer who is always on top of the latest technologies</p>
<strong>Selina König</strong>, an experienced UX designer and graphic artist working in print and internet media</p>
<strong>Diana Chwalczyk</strong>, an eloquent art historian and PR spokesperson</p>
<strong>Geoffroy Tauszig</strong>, a Parisian photographer and globetrotter</p>
<strong>Friederike Lorenz</strong>, a student of visual communication, an intern, and our best beta tester</p>
<strong>The only thing we lack is a budget for covering our server costs and for compensating our team members and translators for their work.</strong></p>
<img alt="Titel_en-02-1412800197" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/126478/titel_en-02-1412800197.png"></p>
When I moved from Germany to Paris nine years ago, I gradually began to notice all the little differences in everyday life between the two neighbouring countries. The green cross as the international symbol for pharmacies, rather than the German pharmacy symbol I was familiar with – a red A for "Apotheke" ("pharmacy") in combination with the rod of Asclepius and a medicine goblet – is just one of many examples. The shape of the letterboxes, the supermarket logos, banks, packaging, construction site signage or police vehicles... the list is almost endless.</p>
I began to collect pairs of photographs, and wrote a blog in which I published these visual differences I had discovered. It did not take long until this topic received great interest not only from my friends and acquaintances, but also from strangers who discovered my blog by chance. People began sending me more photos from different countries, so as to be able to compare the different objects with one another.</p>
Out of this grew my dream of a giant database which would make it possible to compareeveryday things from around the world with one another. One single click would provide images of all the world's letterboxes; everybody should be able to compare them with one another!</p>
This dream is very soon to become a reality. I gathered together a team of people with a broad variety of skills. We decided to tackle this project head on in order provide humankind with a platform which will not only allow for visual comparisons, but also provide various target groups with wholly practical benefits.</p>
<img alt="Visuels_kisskiss-1412630973" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/125805/visuels_kisskiss-1412630973.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
Currently Everyday Differences is a cultural and creative project without profit objective. <strong>This is why we need you!</strong></p>
The 15,000 euros we hope to collect are intended to cover the following costs:</p>
- approx. 500 euros for server costs for one year</p>
- 7,000 euros for programming</p>
- 4,000 euros for graphic/UX design</p>
- 1,500 euros for PR</p>
- 1,000 euros for translation</p>
- 1000 legal advise</p>
We take this opportunity to say thank you to</p>
<img alt="Titel_de-10-1412260948" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/124719/titel_de-10-1412260948.png"> <a href="http://www.uebersetzungsbuero-typetime.de" target="_blank">http://www.uebersetzungsbuero-typetime.de</a> for their cooperation, Anna and Paul for their patience, their responses and corrections and Annabelle for all the good advices!</p>
Every euro we receive above our target amount will be set aside for the implementation of our planned smartphone app (Android and iOS).</p>
<img alt="Visuels_kisskiss_smart-1412664426" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/125835/visuels_kisskiss_smart-1412664426.jpg"></p>
So that you know what to expect and to whet your appetite a little, we have used the photos we have already collected together from friends and acquaintances in order to create a beta version of <em>Everyday Differences</em>. </p>
<strong>If you like, you can browse through it all here
--> http://www.everydaydifferences.org </strong></p>
- 1 contribution
Every euro counts and helps bring us closer to our goal! Thank you!
- 3 contributions
THANK YOU! Your name will be listed on our ACKNOWLEDGMENT PAGE.
Estimated delivery: January 2015

- 2 contributions
We say personally thank you via SKYPE. Meet the Everyday Differences Team in a VIDEO-CALL and learn more about the project. Of course you will also be mentioned on our acknowledgment page.

- 8 contributions
You will receive a HANDWRITTEN THANK-YOU-POSTCARD from Paris + your name will be listed on our acknowledgment page.
Estimated delivery: January 2015

- 13 contributions
A very fashionable HIPSTER TOTE BAG. You can choose here out of a selection of six different motives: http://goo.gl/yg6c4E + your name will be listed on our acknowledgment page.
Estimated delivery: January 2015

A POSTCARD SET (10 cards) that you can use for send to friends + your name will be listed on our acknowledgment page.
Estimated delivery: January 2015

- 2 contributions
A POSTCARD SET(10 cards) + a very fashionable HIPSTER TOTE BAG. Choose your design here: http://bit.ly/1vCjwCT + your name will be listed on our acknowledgment page.
Estimated delivery: January 2015

- 8 contributions
Three PHOTO PRINTS (20x30cm), you can choose the motif from our beta website plus your name will be listed on our acknowledgment page.
Estimated delivery: January 2015
- 3 contributions
3 IN 1 : Postcard set, totebag, three prints and a VIP INVITATION to the launch party of the website in Paris (without travel cost and hotel) + your name will be listed on our acknowledgment page.
Estimated delivery: January 2015
- 2 contributions
You would like to support us but don't need any merchandise. VIP INVITATION to the launch party of the website in Paris (without Hotel and travel cost) plus your name will be listed on our acknowledgment page.
Estimated delivery: January 2015

- 2 contributions
10 TOTE BAGS - It’s not just a present for yourself! Give one of these practical bags to your best friends or your favorite coworkers!
You can choose your designs here. http://goo.gl/XEQFfl + you will be mentioned on our acknowledgment page.
- 3 contributions
YOUR LOGO will be featured on our website, including a page reference + VIP invitation to the launch party of the website in Paris (without Hotel and travel cost) + your name will be listed on our acknowledgment page.
Estimated delivery: January 2015

WOOOWWW! You get to know the meet the EVERYDAY DIFFERENCES-TEAM in person. We are inviting you and a friend to a ROMANTIC WEEK-END IN PARIS. We will pay the travel expenses (In Europe) + Hotel, a personal guided tour through the city is of course included as well. We will welcome you with Cocktails and take you out for a dinner in Paris. We will take care of everything!
Estimated delivery: January 2015