September 11, 2015
Fabriquons ensemble une éolienne low-cost
Help us finance and build a low-cost wind turbine of 1kW. The first prototype will be installed in a village in Madagascar.
End date
Out of €19,000
103 %
Fabriquons ensemble une éolienne low-cost
<img alt="On_a_besoin_de_vous-1440603166" src=""></p>
<strong>Building a low-cost wind-turbine made out of wood is possible! Help us buidling and testing the first model in Madagascar, a country where 95% of the population lack access to electricity. The adapted plans will then be available for anyone, anywhere in the world. A first prototype has been build by students of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Today, they work with a Swiss-based NGO - CEAS. Together, we will set up the first wind turbine "made in Madagascar". But we want this low-cost wind-turbine to be available for anyone!</strong></p>
Built by local craftsmen, this wood-turbine is simple, strong and affordable. It will enable schools, hospitals and families to have access to a sustainable form of off-grid electricity.</p>
Based on open source plans, this turbine will need material costing about 1500 Euros.</p>
<img alt="Bamboo_turbine-1438328794" height="378" src="" width="192"></p>
Do you want this prototype to become a reality? Jump in and together, we will generate clean, affordable energy for our children.</p>
Did you know it?</p>
<strong><em>7 out of 10 people </em></strong></p>
in Subsaharian Africa lack access to electricity.</p>
<strong><em>30% </em></strong>of the health centers, and schools in Africa have to make do with no electricity at all.</p>
<strong><em>8 out of 10 people</em></strong> in Africa use wood to heat their household and to cook.</p>
<strong>Over 4 million people</strong> die prematurely from illness attributable to the household air pollution from cooking with solid fuels.</p>
<img alt="Etat_des_lieux_-_foyers_09_2013.07.27a_andriambola__san-1440602037" src=""></p>
<em>Access to sustainable energy sources for all is one of the key goals set by the UN. </em></p>
Allocation of funds
We will first adapt and test a prototype based on the work of the team of prof. Abhari and Gawlikowska from the <a href="" target="_blank">LEC lab</a> based at the Swiss Federal Institute of technologies. Another model will then be built in Madagascar and set up in a rural village. Once perfected, the model will be shared with local craftsmen. It will also be shared online through the online plateform</p>
The wood-turbine will then be ready to be built anywhere in Madagascar and in the world.</p>
Your money will finance :</p>
R&D 6'000.- Euros</p>
The building of the first model in Madagascar 10'000.- Euro</p>
The training of local craftsmen 3'000.- Euro</p>
The remaining costs will be covered by our charity. In case we get more money, we will finance more wood-turbine for other villages in Madagascar. So go on, join us and together, let's create a wind of change!</p>
<img alt="Village_alentours_antanetibe_mahazaza-1440603795" src=""></p>
<em>In Madagascar, there are a number of villages that could benefit from wind turbines.</em></p>

- 5 contributions
Our most sincere THANK YOU. Small streams make big rivers!

- 4 contributions
You are terrific! A THANK YOU note will be delivered to You in an email from Madagascar.

- 10 contributions
Your are wonderful! You will receive a thank you email from Madagascar, along with a local tale.

- 20 contributions
You are amazing! You get a pack of sundried organic ananas from Madagascar, along with a tale from Madagascar, to be told to the four winds.

- 7 contributions
You are brilliant! Many many thanks. You'll get our 2016 calendar as well as a tale from Madagascar, to be told to the four winds.

- 14 contributions
You are simply remarkable! Thank You! You'll get our 2016 calendar as well as a bag of organic dried ananas from Madagascar. Also, a tale from Madagascar, to be told to the four winds.

- 4 contributions
You are amazing! Many many thanks! You'll get our 2016 calendar as well as three bags of organic dried fruits from from Madagascar (ananas, physalis and litchis).

- 6 contributions
You are unbelievable ! Many many thanks! You'll get our 2016 calendar as well as five (yes, five!) bags of organic dried fruits from from Madagascar (ananas, physalis and litchis, kaki and banana).

- 1 contribution
You are terrific! Many many sincere thanks. You'll get a wild silk scarf from Madagascar.
But also, our 2016 calendar as well as five (yes, five!) bags of organic dried fruits from from Madagascar (ananas, physalis and litchis, kaki and banana).

- 5 contributions
You are extraordinary! You'll get the building plans of the wind turbine.
But also, a wild silk scarf from Madagascar, our 2016 calendar as well as five (yes, five!) bags of organic dried fruits from from Madagascar (ananas, physalis and litchis, kaki and banana).

- 1 contribution
A great many thanks! You are godfather to one of the three blade of the wind turbine. Your name and a short message of your choice will be engraved on it.
You'll get the building plans of the wind turbine. But also, a wild silk scarf from Madagascar, our 2016 calendar as well as five (yes, five!) bags of organic dried fruits from from Madagascar (ananas, physalis and litchis, kaki and banana).

Many Many Many thanks! You'll get the building plans of the wind turbine.
You are also entitled of a one day training course in our building in order to build your own wind turbine.
Your name and a message of your choice will be engraved on the body of the turbine.
But you will also get, a wild silk scarf from Madagascar, our 2016 calendar as well as five (yes, five!) bags of organic dried fruits from from Madagascar (ananas, physalis and litchis, kaki and banana)

Many Many Many thanks! You'll get the building plans of the wind turbine. You are also entitled of a two day training course in our building in order to build your own wind turbine. Your name and a message of your choice will be engraved on the body of the turbine. But you will also get, a wild silk scarf from Madagascar, our 2016 calendar as well as five (yes, five!) bags of organic dried fruits from from Madagascar (ananas, physalis and litchis, kaki and banana)