January 14, 2015
Paris DJs wants to press a limited edition 9 tracks Vinyl LP, with a new illustration by graphic artist Ben Hito

End date
Out of €3,000
131 %
Paris DJs is media expanding into a very unusual kind of record company.</p>
It is unusual because its principal characteristic is an uneasy marriage between business and "music you dont hear on the radio". It is unusual because there has been a remarkable consistency in its taste and devotion, for nearly 10 years already, to create an international a network of music lovers, spinning its web outside of the traditional "old school" music industry.</p>
This year Paris DJs started moving in new directions, with vinyl pressings, t-shirts and posters. After a <a href="http://bit.ly/1BkO93T" target="_blank">successful crowdfunding campaign</a> named "Vinyl Is Good For You", mainly the feedback has been "when is the next one?". Overwhelmed by the response, we've decided to keep on.</p>
We'll need more time to produce a new astonishing boxset of 45s, so right now the focus is on a selection of nine, as we called them, "Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory", with :</p>
- a VINYL LP pressed at 500 ex.</p>
- a POSTER printed at 500 ex.</p>
- a limited edition T-SHIRT / SWEATSHIRT</p>
Tracklisting :</p>
A1. <strong>Grant Phabao Afrofunk Arkestra</strong> - Ymoja<strong> *</strong></p>
A2. <strong>Grant Phabao & RacecaR</strong> - We Do Anything feat. <strong>Taiwan MC **</strong></p>
A3. <strong>Grant Phabao, Lone Ranger & Carlton Livingston</strong> - A Message To You Rudy ***</p>
A4. <strong>Grant Phabao Afrofunk Arkestra</strong> - Mazouglave<strong> *</strong></p>
B1. <strong>Imagine This & Grant Phabao</strong> - The Break Through **</p>
B2. <strong>Grant Phabao Afrofunk Arkestra</strong> - Ogun<strong> *</strong></p>
B3. <strong>Grant Phabao & RacecaR</strong> - Return Of The Dig-Fu ****</p>
B4. <strong>Grant Phabao & The Lone Ranger</strong> - Usain Bolt The Puma ***</p>
B5. <strong>The Beta Club</strong> - Brassa Nova (<strong>Grant Phabao</strong> Remix) *****</p>
* storming afrofunk instrumentals</p>
** are special blends of roots reggae and hip hop</p>
*** are dancefloor reggae monsters</p>
**** is a unique and deeply funky fusion of afrofunk with hip hop verses</p>
***** is cinematic reggae funk</p>
All 100% Paris DJs Soundsystem-approved MASSIVE HITS!!</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="500" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fw.soundcloud.com%2Fplayer%2F%3Fvisual%3Dtrue%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fapi.soundcloud.com%252Fplaylists%252F64969102%26show_artwork%3Dtrue&wmode=opaque&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fparisdjs%2Fsets%2Fmassive-hits-from-the-grant-phabao-factory&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.sndcdn.com%2Fartworks-000100534706-fj4gjy-t500x500.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=soundcloud" width="500"></iframe></p>
<strong>Grant Phabao</strong> is no doubt familiar to you as France's premier reggae lord. Over nearly two decades of superb music-making, he grew to be a prime purveyor of Jamaican Soul, wether labeled "ska", "rocksteady", "reggae", etc. With the <strong>Paris DJs</strong> label, he managed to cross the rigid boundaries of music categorization with an astonishing quantity of high-quality productions and remixes in many styles, achieving a high-order mastery in reggae, ska and afrofunk.</p>
<strong>Ben Hito</strong> is one hell of a graphic designer, fitting marvelously <strong>Paris DJs</strong>' "international music" approach. We really want to spread his work, and notably, make a vast and eclectic collection of vinyl with him. With your help, we'll be able to produce those beauties.</p>
<strong>Shipping costs & T-shirt size</strong> !!</p>
Don't forget to add the shipping costs to your contribution. We tried to calculate them fair.</p>
We'll also need you address to send your package once we get the vinyl pressed, the posters printed and the shirts manufactured.</p>
If in Paris (or planning to be in Paris in the coming months), don't add any shipping costs, instead get in touch and let us know at which record store you'd want us to leave your selection, or come give us a visit.</p>
If you've picked a t-shirt or a sweatshirt, we'll need your size (S, M, L, XL, XXL), model and color. Tshirts are Sol's IMPERIAL. More info <a href="http://www.solscollection.com/ESA/esa/[email protected]@EQ=11500&clearCache=clear" target="_blank">here</a>. Sweatshirts are Stanley & Stella STANLEY KNOWS. More info <a href="http://www.stanleystella.com/#stanley-knows" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
The t-shirts are not particularly large, think European sizes, not American sizes. Sweats are rather "slim", rather close-fitting. Choose one size over your t-shirt size for the sweatshirts.</p>
<img alt="Paris_djs-tshirts_2014-1418993772" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/147645/Paris_DJs-Tshirts_2014-1418993772.jpg"></p>
You might have seen in some of the bundles we prepared that we've included some tshirts & sweatshirts from our <strong>"Paris DJs Wearplay"</strong> series. Stock is VERY limited, it's all very small printings (50 pieces), so contact us quickly to indicate your choice of Wearplay products if any! You may also pick a (black) Paris DJs Soundsystem tshirt, we still have a few of those left... The "Wearplay" tshirts & sweatshirts designs represent each time a different tune, that you'll get exclusively bundled with your purchase.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="500" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fw.soundcloud.com%2Fplayer%2F%3Fvisual%3Dtrue%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fapi.soundcloud.com%252Fplaylists%252F64971723%26show_artwork%3Dtrue&wmode=opaque&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fparisdjs%2Fsets%2Fparis-djs-wearplay-series&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.sndcdn.com%2Fartworks-000100534641-kblgvp-t500x500.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=soundcloud" width="500"></iframe></p>
Allocation of funds
Paris DJs have funded entirely all the music production, from composition & recording up until mix and mastering (or co-funded with some artists/labels on some co-productions). Paris DJs has also funded all the visual artworks, in collaboration with Ben Hito's KlassAffair society.</p>
The 3.000€ will be used, in part, to fund the pressing and manufacturing of :</p>
- One vinyl LP, pressed at 500 copies This includes mastering, lacquers, conception and printing of the 4 colors centers, test-pressings, conception and printing of the 4-color sleeve, cellophaning, mastering and the whole follow-up process for a total cost of 2000€</p>
- Some t-shirts and sweatshirts, for a manufacturing and printing cost starting at 700€</p>
- A limited edition poster, for a printing cost of 300€ - Shipping costs worldwide, for an approximate cost of 600€</p>
That's a total cost of 3.600€. If everything goes according to plan, 2.760€ will be funded by this campaign (after the Kiss Kiss Bank Bank & Paypal fees). We'll have 840€ left to fund - through record stores pre-orders, complementary to this crowdfunding campaign.</p>
Of course, the more you'll support us, the less we'll need the traditional music business way. As Louis Armstrong used to say: "our music is a secret order" !</p>
<strong>What will we do if the amount we'll raise exceeds the goal ?</strong></p>
First of all, we'd like to add a 30cm insert. That would be an additional cost of 300€, and we'd be able to thank by name everyone who supported the campaign, just as we did in the double LP "Dis Is Reggae Soul" :</p>
<img alt="Mh-special-thanks-1418829287" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/147250/MH-Special-Thanks-1418829287.jpg"></p>
<strong>Thanks for your support !</strong></p>

- 6 contributions
Digital album "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory"

- 41 contributions
"LP PACK" : Vinyl LP + Digital album + Poster (folded) "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" / 20€ + shipping costs France 5€, Europe 8€, rest of the world 9,50€

- 4 contributions
Tshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (Sol's Imperial 190g 100% cotton, model men or women, size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or blue) / 20€ + shipping costs France 4€, Europe 5€, rest of the world 7,50€

- 4 contributions
Digital album + Tshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (Sol's Imperial 190g 100% cotton, model men or women, size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or blue) / 25€ + shipping costs France 4€, Europe 5€, rest of the world 7,50€

Digital album + Poster "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" / 25€ (international shipping costs included)

- 19 contributions
LP PACK (incl. digital+poster) + Tshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (Sol's Imperial 190g 100% cotton, model men or women, size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or blue) / 40€ + shipping costs France 6,50€, Europe 11€, rest of the world 13€

Hoodie sweatshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (Stanley & Stella "Stanley Knows" 300g organic cotton, size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color heather grey or royal blue) / 45€ + shipping costs France 6,50€, Europe 11€, rest of the world 13€

- 11 contributions
LP PACK (incl. digital+poster) "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" + Double Vinyl LP "Dis Is Reggae Soul" / 45€ + shipping costs France 6,50€, Europe 11€, rest of the world 13€

Tshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (Sol's Imperial 190g 100% cotton, model men or women, size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or blue) + Tshirt "Paris DJs Wearplay" (to pick within the limits of available stocks) / 45€ + shipping costs France 6,50€, Europe 11€, rest of the world 13€

- 1 contribution
Digital album + Hoodie sweatshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (Stanley & Stella "Stanley Knows" 300g organic cotton, size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color heather grey or royal blue) / 50€ + shipping costs France 6,50€, Europe 11€, rest of the world 13€

- 1 contribution
LP PACK (incl. digital+poster) + Tshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (Sol's Imperial 190g 100% cotton, model men or women, size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or blue) + Double Vinyl LP "Dis Is Reggae Soul" / 65€ + shipping costs France 6,50€, Europe 11€, rest of the world 13€

- 8 contributions
LP PACK (incl. digital+poster) + Hoodie sweatshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (Stanley & Stella "Stanley Knows" 300g organic cotton, size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color heather grey or royal blue) / 65€ + shipping costs France 6,50€, Europe 11€, rest of the world 13€

- 1 contribution
Digital album + T-shirt + Hoodie sweatshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or royal blue) / 70€ + shipping costs France 6,50€, Europe 11€, rest of the world 13€

- 1 contribution
SINGLES COLLECTION : all the Paris DJs digital singles from 2004 to 2014 - that's a grand folder of 100 tracks!!

- 2 contributions
LP PACK (incl. digital+poster) + Tshirt + Hoodie sweatshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or royal blue) / 85€ + shipping costs France 8€, Europe 14€, rest of the world 19€

- 3 contributions
LP PACK (incl. digital+poster) "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" + Double Vinyl LP "Dis Is Reggae Soul" + Tshirt "Massive Hits" (size S/M/L/XL/XXL, model men or women, color grey or royal blue) + Tshirt "Paris DJs Wearplay" (to pick within the limits of available stocks) / 90€ + shipping costs France 8€, Europe 14€, rest of the world 19€

LP PACK (incl. digital+poster) + Hoodie sweatshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or royal blue) + Double Vinyl LP "Dis Is Reggae Soul" / 90€ + shipping costs France 8€, Europe 14€, rest of the world 19€

Hoodie sweatshirt "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" (size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or royal blue) + Hoodie sweatshirt "Paris DJs Wearplay" (to pick within the limits of available stocks) / 90€ + shipping costs France 8€, Europe 14€, rest of the world 19€

LP PACK (incl. digital+poster) "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" + Double Vinyl LP "Dis Is Reggae Soul" + Tshirt + Sweatshirt "Massive Hits" (size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or royal blue) / 110€ + shipping costs France 8€, Europe 14€, rest of the world 19€

LP PACK (incl. digital+poster) "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" + Double Vinyl LP "Dis Is Reggae Soul" + Hoodie sweatshirt "Massive Hits" (size S/M/L/XL/XXL, color grey or royal blue) + Hoodie sweatshirt "Paris DJs Wearplay" (to pick within the limits of available stocks) / 135€ + shipping costs France 8€, Europe 14€, rest of the world 19€

ALBUMS COLLECTION : all the Paris DJs albums and compilations until "Massive Hits" - plus a free download of the next Paris DJs album or compilation as soon as it's ready - that's a total of 17 full length recordings!!
PACK LP (incl. digital+poster) "Paris DJs Soundsytem presents Massive Hits From The Grant Phabao Factory" + Double Vinyl LP "Dis Is Reggae Soul" + Tshirt "Massive Hits" + Sweatshirt "Massive Hits" + Tshirt "Paris DJs Wearplay" + Sweatshirt "Paris DJs Wearplay" + two entries to one of the upcoming Paris DJs parties, pour une des prochaines soirées Paris DJs, ALL DELIVERED BY HAND during a diner in Paris with the Paris DJs team!! (diner for one, travel costs not included)