Print Van Paris
First of all BONJOUR and thanks for stopping by!</p>
<u><strong>THE IDEA</strong></u></p>
- Screenprint your own limited edition t-shirt inside a classic vintage ice cream van - </p>
The Print Van Paris allows you to screen print your own t-shirt inside a classic vintage french van. The designs change each weekend and are only available to be printed and or bought on the selected weekend. We would like to invite everybody onboard the van, where you can choose a design and we will be there to help you through all the steps to getting your t-shirt looking great. </p>
<img alt="Van_2" src=""></p>
Starting in Paris I will drive out and visit a different location each weekend. We already have a thumbs up from Point Emphemere, Careau du Temple, Welcome gallery and Imprimerie du Marais.</p>
<img alt="10171178_718931164824263_761468842_n" src=""></p>
Screenprinting is a very hands on process and the reward is lifting the screen up and seeing the fresh print sitting on the t-shirt or paper. </p>
There will a be a small set of already exposed screens each featuring a different design. We are very fortunate to have Permaset aqua colours as our ink sponsor. They have provided us with a wide range of different coloured inks and we will change the colours on a frequent basis throughout the day. </p>
The inks used in the Print Van Paris are all 100% water based and non toxic.</p>
Each weekend we will collaborate with a different designer, artist or illustrator offering a fresh, limited edition design for our customers to print. I have personally handpicked each designer based on their visual esthetic and I am extremely happy to have them all aboard the project.</p>
<u><strong>THE T-SHIRT DESIGNS</strong> (A - Z)</u></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_akacorleone" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_deuxmille_2" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_deuxmille" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_tim_3" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_tim_2" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_tim_1" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_lb" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_calugi" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_margeaux" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_jeanjullien" src=""></p>
<img alt="Nkondo" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_sarahparsons" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_thorpe" src=""></p>
<img alt="Printvanparis_pvp" src=""></p>
Additionally there will be an ongoing selection of Print Van Paris designs to choose from.</p>
<img alt="Crowd" src=""></p>
By funding this project you will help me launch a fun interactive project between a wide range of designers from all over Europe and you, the public. The basis of this project is all about collaboration and bringing different skills, events and talents together. So far I already have come a long way by creating a pitch website ( and by sourcing all the designers and some product sponsors. </p>
With your funds I will be able to buy an classic french Renault Estafette and remodel the van into a mobile screen printing station. Furthermore, the funds will allow me to buy all the screen printing materials and t-shirts I need to start.</p>
The refurbishment of the van takes up most of the money needed. I have found a great specialist team based in the south of France to refurbish an existing old Renault Estafette.</p>
I came up with a very cost and space efficient interior design for the van allowing for a maximum of printing and storage space. </p>
So I'm asking you to share my excitement about this project that will hopefully turn into a long and mutually rewarding journey beyond the borders of Paris. </p>
<u><strong>THE VAN</strong></u></p>
<u>SIDE VIEW: </u></p>
There will be ample storage for different sized t-shirts with easy access to each size. We have allocated a small ink station to create new colour combinations on the spot. After printing the t-shirt there is space for up to 9 t-shirts to dry. At the top end of the van we have a small bench to rest and wait for your t-shirt to dry. A power source allows us to have good music in the van throughout the day and small hair dryers for express ink drying if needed.</p>
<img alt="Autre-modele-estafette-glacier-2" src=""></p>
<img alt="Side" src=""></p>
<u>BIRDS EYE VIEW:</u></p>
The two printing stations can be folded down to allow for more room.</p>
The top end bench is also a storage space for printing utilities.</p>
Opposite the printing station we have the t-shirt storing facilities and the ink mixing station. There is also space to store a table for outdoor printing. (bottom right)</p>
<img alt="Top" src=""></p>
<img alt="Back_1" src=""></p>
<img alt="Van_inside" src=""></p>
We aim to add a weather proof structure so we can print outside on sunny days and stay dry and warm on the (hopefully few) rainy days.</p>
<img alt="Waether" src=""></p>
Once the project has been successfully funded the van will take about one month to be up and running. As soon as this is the case I will be on the streets and ready for action!</p>
<strong><u>The Rewards:</u></strong></p>
In return for your pledge and to thank you for supporting the project, we have put together a list of rewards that we think will get you as excited about the T-shirts and the Print Van Paris as we are. As kisskissbankbank backers you will get exclusive screenprinted goodies and the opportunity to have a private screenprinting class.</p>
I hope to see you soon inside the van with your own Print Van Paris t-shirt!</p>
<em>Oschon, Print Van Paris</em></p>
<u><strong>EN FRANCAIS:</strong></u></p>
Le concept de Print Van Paris est de transformer un ancien et authentique camion à glace en atelier de sérigraphie mobile. Nous commencerons notre tournée cet été au travers des rues de Paris. Nous proposerons au public d’imprimer eux memes des T-Shirts dans le van. </p>
La mobilité du Van nous permettra de visiter des endroits différents chaque week end, ruelles, places, galleries museums, et parcs.</p>
Nous collaborons avec des artistes, illustrateurs, graphistes différents chaque week end afin d’offrir au public des designs exclusifs .</p>
Les participants pourront choisir leur motif et je serai là pour les guider et les familiariser avec le processus afin que leur T-shirt soient parfaitement imprimés.</p>
La beauté de cette technique est qu’elle permet d’être impliqué du début à la fin, du design papier, à la maquetisation sur ordinateur, la réalisation des cadres, la préparation des encres jusqu’a l’impression en elle même. Chaque sérigraphie est unique . </p>
J’ai vraiment hate de partager cette ludique technique et vous offrir la possibilité de repartir avec votre exclusif “self-made” T-Shirt.</p>
Jusqu’a présent nous avons réussit a réunir une incroyable sélection d’artistes, illustrateurs, animateurs européens. </p>
Nous avons aussi Martin et Anthony, spécialistes en restauration de vieux véhicules prêts pour commencer la réhabilitation du Van . </p>
C’est pour cela que j’ai besoin de vous. Votre participation me permettra d’acheter le van, de le restaurer, réhabiliter et le convertir en atelier de sérigraphie . Cela me permettra aussi d’acheter les T-shirts nécessaires à la réussite de la première tournée estivale. </p>
Merci beaucoup pour votre attention et votre support. J’ espère vraiment vous rencontrer cet été à bord du Print Van Paris. </p>
Oschon, Print Van Paris</p>
<img alt="Rewards" src=""></p>