June 18, 2014
transforma bxl - coworking and innovation space in Brussels
transforma bxl is a coworking, a fablab and a collaborative professional kitchen hosting a community of entrepreneurs, innovators and makers

End date
Out of €7,500
114 %
transforma bxl - coworking and innovation space in Brussels
<strong>transforma bxl is where you work, meet interesting people and learn about new ideas!</strong></p>
We did our best to summarize our project and motivations below, but the best way to know more about it is to experience it. <strong>Come and see us</strong> and we'll be happy to walk you around and answer all your questions, our doors are open! </p>
For now, please check out our quick presentation movie below for an introduction to our project, and read further to discover how you can help us!</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="http://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fplayer.vimeo.com%2Fvideo%2F96073158&wmode=opaque&src_secure=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F96073158&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F476150256_1280.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=vimeo" width="540"></iframe></p>
<u><strong>WHY TRANSFORMA?</strong></u></p>
Because "The Times They Are a-Changin’ ", we want to enjoy our work, how we work and where we work.</p>
transforma bxl is the result of the natural evolution of society where competition is replaced by sharing, collaboration and exchange of knowledge. The result: synergies and new projects.</p>
More than a physical space transforma bxl is a space of social transformation: a platform that brings together a creative community, and provides them with the needed resources and tools to innovate, transform their ideas into action and drive forward their projects. We particularly love projects that contribute to improve the society in which we live in.</p>
In transforma bxl we live by the values of transparency, collaboration, creativity, sustainability, friendship, social responsibility, innovation, generosity, participation, optimism, and good vibes.</p>
<u><strong>FOUR MAIN ACTIVITIES</strong></u></p>
<strong>When you are in a room with great people... Great things happen!</strong></p>
<img alt="Img_coworking" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/94159/img_Coworking.jpg"></p>
<strong>Coworking Space</strong>: transforma bxl is a coworking space hosting a community of entrepreneurs, innovators and change makers. We care about our community members and want to help them drive their projects forward. We provide guidance and facilitate meaningful encounters with the people you should meet.</p>
<img alt="Img_openfab" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/94160/img_OpenFab.jpg"></p>
<strong>OpenFab</strong>: Openfab is an incubator for makers. It’s based on the FabLab worldwide network, an open prototyping platform where knowledge sharing is essential. Tools, such as 3D printer, laser cutter, CNC milling machine as well as technical and logistical assistance are available to facilitate innovation. We are looking to gather multidisciplinary and intergenerational dynamics between start ups, artists, designers, architects, entrepreneurs, engineers, artisans, hobbyists, students, and hackermoms and their crews.</p>
<img alt="Img_okitchen" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/94161/img_OKitchen.jpg"></p>
<strong>O’Kitchen</strong>: O'Kitchen is a culinary incubator where small businesses have access to a safe food infrastructure and kitchen equipment. A collaborative space to experiment, produce, share knowledge, learn from each other but also plug-in Food Trucks, and much more. The proximity with Coworking entrepreneurs and OpenFab makers will allow all the interactions and serendipity you could possibly dream of.</p>
<img alt="Img_innovation" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/94163/img_innovation.jpg"></p>
<strong>Innovation Lab</strong>: We want to be at the forefront of innovation in Brussels organising and hosting relevant workshops, talks, meet ups, trainings, open space meetings, hackathons, barcamps or simply networking drinks. We co-create and curate content in partnership with other organizations, subject-matter experts,.. Maybe you?</p>
<u><strong>A HIGHLY MOTIVATED TEAM</strong></u></p>
Since over six months now, the transforma bxl team has been working hard to refurbish and co-design this beautiful space, along with the help of the community of coworkers that joined along the way.</p>
<img alt="Img_team-anim" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/94146/img_team-Anim.gif"></p>
<strong>Introducing (from left to right):</strong></p>
• <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/polanri" target="_blank">Paul-Henri Schyns</a> Master Handshaker</p>
• <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jean-yves-huwart/4/46/73b" target="_blank">Jean-Yves Huwart</a> Content Curator & Innovation Enabler</p>
• <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/valeriekinoo" target="_blank">Valérie Kinoo</a> Women Entrepreneurship Facilitator</p>
• <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pub/anne-camille-gilbert/37/7a7/752/en" target="_blank">Anne-Camille Gilbert</a> Project Leader, O’kitchen@transformabxl</p>
•<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pub/nicolas-de-barquin/57/551/943" target="_blank">Nicolas de Barquin</a> Project Leader & Fab Director, Openfab@transformabxl</p>
• <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/anisbedda" target="_blank">Anis Bedda</a> Transformer in Chief</p>
Allocation of funds
We have the opportunity to give a second life to an Expo 58 style building surrounded by a park in order to start a thriving community and prototype the concept of a multidisciplinary entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem. On the eight main rooms available in the building, we have already refurbished six as coworking spaces and meeting rooms. We have also started working on the remaining two, which will be hosting the OpenFab and O'kitchen. </p>
We need your support to finish the job we have started and create a cosy home for our community - and this is also <em>your</em> community - if you're interested in our services, several of the rewards you can get on this page allow you to become a member at an interesting price, check it out, not only you can help crowdfunding the project but you can become a part of it while saving on membership costs!</p>
<u><strong>WHAT WE OFFER: </strong></u></p>
Below is a table with a clear overview of the different rewards your can get - you can purchase them from the right column of this page.. There -></p>
<strong>Important:</strong> after the "Networker" option, rewards are cumulative with that option, i.e. if you go for the "Worker" you will get that reward plus those from "Networker" (which means; the invitation to our garden party, your name on our wall of fame, an OpenFab keychain and the crowdfunder sticker).</p>
Of course, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question!</p>
<img alt="Img_perks" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/95157/img_Perks.png"></p>
And here is how your contribution will be used: </p>
<u><strong>OUR GOAL: 7500€</strong></u></p>
Refurbishing the room that will host OpenFab: security and basic tools: <strong>4335€</strong></p>
• Replacing all light bulbs by LED lights</p>
• Cordless combo tool kit</p>
• Building an OpenDesk table </p>
• Security tool kit (extinguishers, earmuffs, smoke detectors, etc ...)</p>
• Tool kit Servante </p>
Bring O'Kitchen to the hygiene and quality standards of AFSCA-FAVV: <strong>3165€ </strong></p>
• Table fridge </p>
• Certification and sanitation cooker hood</p>
• Noise insulation between the kitchen and the coworking space</p>
• Washable paint, silicone, small repairs</p>
• Hand wash dispenser</p>
• Ladders and grids GN 1/1</p>
This first goal of 7500€ is only a part of the overall cost of the project, it will give us the necessary resources to accelerate the development of the OpenFab and O'Kitchen while maintaining the Coworking activity at the same time. </p>
In addition to hosting OpenFab in the makerspace room, we would like to create a mompreneur space where entrepreneurial moms with toddlers and newborns can find a cosy space to breastfeed, let their babies play and sleep while they can have meaningful social interactions and get some work done. </p>
<img alt="Img_openfab-plans" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/94074/img_OpenFab-Plans.gif"></p>
However, some important investments are needed to create the best possible environment for the community, arrange the OpenFab space according to the plans above and design an efficient O'Kitchen space.</p>
For this reason, we have also setup stretch goals which are detailed below.</p>
<u><strong>STRETCH GOALS:</strong></u></p>
<strong>1st stretch goal: 13000€</strong></p>
• Additional tools for the OpenFab (Laser cutter spare parts) </p>
• Additional equipment for O'Kitchen (Professional fridge) </p>
<strong>2nd </strong><strong>stretch goal:</strong><strong> 18000€</strong></p>
• Provide transforma bxl with some financial stability which will help strengthen the project</p>
• Improve community support by hiring team members</p>
<strong>3rd </strong><strong>stretch goal:</strong><strong> 20000€ and more..</strong></p>
• Design and build custom furniture for the Workshop/Mompreneur/OpenFab space </p>
• Any extra you give us will go towards transforma bxl spending energy and ressources in the organisation of workshops and activities for the public and community members.</p>
<strong><u>THANK YOU ! </u></strong></p>
Voilà, it's up to you now! Thank you for your attention (..and for reading aaaall the way to here..)</p>
<u>Do you have a question?</u> Give us a call - or better - come visit us! We will offer you a coffee on our beautiful terrasse, and all our attention. </p>
<u>Do you know someone who could be interested?</u> Share the project with them, share it on your social networks, that's another way you can help us and.. Your karma credit will be loaded with extra points! </p>
And perhaps we will see you on June 29th at our thank you BBQ? (See the ☼ Networker ☼ reward ;)) </p>

- 3 contributions
✿ Believer ✿
You love us and you want to support us (thanks mom). You are awesome, all our gratitude for your generous move, great karma awaits you!
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 2 contributions
(NEW) ☑ Notebook ☑ A gorgeous handmade notebook with a cover to chose from our stock of images about science and nature
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 1 contribution
✿ Sticker Freak ✿
One gorgeous transforma bxl crowdfunder sticker to be proud of! Use it for your laptop, phone, tablet, 3D printer, kitchen...
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 8 contributions
✿ Key Holder ✿
All the aforementioned rewards + one of the following options: [CNC] One totally amazing digitally carved wood keychain designed by OpenFab - OR - [3D] One beautifully 3D printed plastic keychain designed by OpenFab
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 8 contributions
(NEW) ☍ Relax ☍ handmade OSB wood «Seiza» kneeling bench for meditation. Height 15cm (different heights possible between 5 to 10cm) - OR - One hour Shiatsu session with Nicolas, our OpenFab manager which also happen to learn Shiatsu since 6 years.
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 8 contributions
☼ Networker ☼
An exclusive invitation to our Thank You garden party on June 29, and your name on the transforma bxl crowdfunders wall of fame + all the aforementioned rewards
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 1 contribution
(NEW) ♣ Friday Buddy ♣ Networker + Member card giving access to OpenFab for 10 half days on Fridays between 9h - 18h
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 2 contributions
(NEW) ♻ Chaise Claire Kit ♻ Networker + This nice little kids chair in white birch plywood comes in kit, unassembled, untreated but with screws included. The item will be available to pickup (and mount) at OpenFab, tools are at your disposal and we are here to give you a hand if needed. Dimensions: L:330 x W:300 x H:380 mm
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 6 contributions
웃 Member 웃
Networker + Six months community membership (access to community events, discounts on paying activities, access to our beautiful 4 hectares park for your walking meetings - no desk time included) Value: 125€
Estimated delivery: September 2014

- 2 contributions
✐ Supporter ✐
Networker + one of the following options: [OpenFab] Attend a 4h workshop to learn how to make an ecofriendly lamp (LED + organic structure) - OR - [O'Kitchen] A summer evening initiation to microbrewery and beer tasting in the park with our resident beer brewers (3h)
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 2 contributions
(NEW) ♻ Olivia Desk Kit ♻ Networker + A single-person desk designed by Olivia Tusinski for OpenDesk. It is made to be easy to assemble / disassemble. It comes in kit, in white birch plywood, untreated but with screws included. The item will be available to pickup at OpenFab. Dimensions: L:1180 x W:500 x H:720 mm
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 15 contributions
웃 Worker 웃
Networker + one of the following options: [Coworking] Two months of full access to the coworking space (Value 440€) or four months half time access (Value 520€) - OR - [OpenFab] One month of full access to OpenFab (Value 300€) - OR - [O'Kitchen] Two days full access to O'Kitchen
(Exclusive Offer!)
Estimated delivery: September 2014

- 2 contributions
웃 Meeter 웃
Networker + One day of meeting room rental (Classroom or Board Room), including two coffee breaks and a sandwich lunch for up to 15 poeple
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 1 contribution
웃 Workaholic 웃
Networker + one of the following options: [Coworking] Three months of full access to the coworking space (Value 660€), or five months half time access (Value 650€) - OR - [OpenFab] Two months of full access to OpenFab (Value 600€) - OR - [O'Kitchen] Two months access to O'Kitchen (Value 600€)
Estimated delivery: September 2014

웃 Drudge 웃 Networker + one of the following options: [Coworking] Seven months of full access to the coworking space (Value 1540€) - OR - [OpenFab] Five months of full access to OpenFab (Value 1500€) - OR - [O'Kitchen] Five months access to O'Kitchen (Value 1500€)
Estimated delivery: July 2014

♬ Networking Event ♬ Networker + We organize and host your networking event for +/- 50 people in La Rotonde and on the Terrasse, including drinks, zakouskis, service.. (Call us for details)
Estimated delivery: June 2014

♬ Garden Party ♬ Networker + We organize and host your garden party for +/- 50 people in la Rotonde and on the Terrasse, including outdoor BBQ, drinks, service.. (Call us for details). Treat your team, partners and clients to a great evening in our private park; no hassle for you, just relax and enjoy the party, we take care of everything!