January 1, 2017
A la rencontre de l'Australie, a travel story
Support the reconstructrion of Napalese school wia the promotion of a web-series full of adventures

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Out of €2,419
100 %
A la rencontre de l'Australie, a travel story
<u><em><strong>Re-building project of the Nepalese school "KALIKA"</strong></em></u></p>
<img alt="N_pal_les_classes_actuelles_novembre_2016-1480600747" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/373637/N_pal_les_classes_actuelles_novembre_2016-1480600747.jpg"></p>
What you can see on this picture, it is one of the 9 classes of the Nepalese school "KALIKA". The education of hundreds students is based on precarious conditions and nonexistent budget. Disappointing, isn't it? This school was destroyed by the earthquake of April, 2014, letting 200 young students without installation.</p>
However, it is not an irreversible situation.</p>
The Lions Club of my locality "<strong>Boën pays d'Urfé</strong>" and three other french Lions Clubs (Roanne, Le Forez, Le Puy) set up a project in collaboration with the Nepalese association " <strong>NAMASTE KALIKA</strong>" to re-build an earthquake resistant school of 9 classes in Nepal.</p>
The re-building of this Nepalese school, <strong>KALIKA</strong>, needs a financial of 105 000 euros. </p>
Unfortunately, for the moment, the 5 partner clubs and sponsors associated just collected a total of 70 000 euros. A nice sum of money but still insufficient. Also, to try to fulfill the 30 % lacking for the realization of this beautiful project, I have accepted with a lot of pleasure and honor to be the ambassador of the Lions Club of my locality in Australia. I will have for mission to explain this Nepalese action in each Lions Club that I will visit to find new partners and to raise awareness among new sponsors with the help of an international web-series.</p>
<u><em><strong>Few words about me? </strong></em></u></p>
<u><em><strong> </strong></em></u></p>
<img alt="609fed29-4f5f-41ea-b7dd-84b2e3ef5a5d-1480088488" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/372090/609FED29-4F5F-41EA-B7DD-84B2E3EF5A5D-1480088488.jpg"></p>
My name is <strong>Florian</strong>, I am 24 and I am coming from the French department, Loire (42). I just finished a master in Nutrition and Neurosciences at Bordeaux University. Big fan of sports, travels and music. I also try to develop my drawing skills and my qualities as a guitarist (Certainly without being successful but I keep the faith ;) ). Before the beginning of my PhD, I wanted to experiment other things than my science skills, to integrate a philanthropic association and to discover the world. Also, I decided to organize this Australian project. </p>
Grandson of a former <strong>Lions Club </strong>president from the locality “Boën pays d’Urfé”, I really quickly got wind of the philanthropic actions of the association, especially regarding the <strong>handicap</strong>. My big sister, Manon, is affected by the Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome, a really severe handicap touching all her skills and senses. To improve the relation healer – patient and the senses development of persons suffering from this handicap, the Lions Clubs decided to finance a Snoezelen room at her medical institute.</p>
Along my studies, I learnt a bit more about the Lions Clubs and the international impact of its actions by meeting some Lions members coming from different countries. That is why I took the decision to join a <strong>LEO clubs</strong> (Lions Clubs for young people). Also to help them in their development and financial research, I took the decision to organize this crowdfunding project in Australia and to diffuse it with the help of a web-series. </p>
<em><u><strong>Why Australia?</strong></u></em></p>
First, there are close diplomatic, commercial and migratory relations since almost sixty years, also it was a logical choice. </p>
Besides, it is a country with an important number of community and humanity associations especially on the East coast where there is the majority of the population. This is why I chose to take this the way, from Melbourne to Cairns. It will give me the possibility to explain the rebuilding project of KALIKA school to more Clubs.</p>
Finally, it is also a country that I love and that wish to discover and to share with you via the web-series. </p>
<u><em><strong>Why it is important to finance this project? </strong></em></u></p>
<em>It is true, it is a question that you can ask. By the way, why not directly finance the Nepalese school? It would be better, no? </em></p>
Well, it is a project with a limited diffusion (have you already heard of it before?). Also a single participation is really laudable but with a minus impact compared to the total sum to find. </p>
To avoid this issue, I am going to solicit community clubs with hundreds of members. It will subsequently has more impact.</p>
Beside you will have the possibility to follow me and to discover Australian tradition and customs via the web-series because in each episode I will show you an Australian specialty. </p>
<strong><u><em>What is the Lions Clubs?</em></u></strong></p>
<img alt="Logo_lci_coul_h303px-1482601147" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/379504/logo_lci_coul_h303px-1482601147.jpg"></p>
In <strong>1917</strong>, an American, Melvin Johns, created a humanist club who will become later the biggest philanthropic club in the world: <strong>The Lions Clubs</strong> (1,36 millions of members). Established in more than 200 countries, with the motto “We serve”, The Lions Clubs preaches for <strong>generosity and an open mind to human,</strong> whatsoever is his color, his nationality, his religion and his philosophy.</p>
Among Lions Clubs activities, we can note the support to medical research to struggle against blindness, rare diseases, cancer and many others, the support to ill persons and the support to their families. </p>
But the Lions Clubs, it is also <strong>social engagement,</strong> the <strong>sharing </strong>between generations (LEO Clubs for young people), <strong>cultural learning</strong> (with the possibilities of exchanges coming from Lions Clubs International), and the<strong> artistic development</strong>. A beneficial association at many levels.</p>
The LEO (<strong>Leardship, Experience, Opportunity</strong>) clubs is a part of the Lions Clubs who opened for youth and who works for learning, exchanges, personal development and especially the social engagement for the community. Although in progress, the number of members in this channel stays reduced, maybe because of the lack of promotion in the generation it is regarding for.</p>
<em><u><strong>A LEO club in the Loire (France)</strong></u></em></p>
After a long discussion with the Lions club of "Boën pays d'Urfé", we judged that it would be a major interest to create a LEO in the French department Loire. So I will be the founder of this club. To fulfill this goal I hope to incite young people from my department to become LEO via the web-series. I think that showing the open minded and the sharing spirit of Lions clubs can inspire new persons to get involve in a community association. </p>
<u><em><strong>All Goals</strong></em></u></p>
1) The reconstruction of KALIKA school via a solicitation of new sponsors in particular Australian Lions Clubs</p>
2) To Incite young people from the french department Loire to create a community club. </p>
3) <strong>Exchange between French and Australian cultures that I will share with you</strong>.</p>
* I will give an initiation on French language and culture of two hours in each district.</p>
<strong>A web series of 9 episodes (1 episode every 5 days).</strong> This web series will show my adventures along my journey, and it will be a way to make you discover Australia.</p>
Besides, it will be a place for humor and challenges and finally to realize a new audio-visual project.</p>
In each episode, I will show you an Australian specialty! The mate ship life, the vegemite or the surf, you will know everything! </p>
Indeed, givers will have the possibility <strong>to launch me a challenge </strong>during my road trip. In accordance with the level of the financing, the challenge will be more or less difficult to do.</p>
<em>How it’s working?</em></p>
Participants could send me their ideas when the starting budget will be achieved.</p>
<u>Example :</u></p>
- Flo, you must swim with enormous whales</p>
- You must achieve to get involve a district governor in the Nepalese action</p>
- You must ski in Australia</p>
- You must achieve to play guitar and to surf a freaking big wave in the same time. </p>
<u><em><strong>How can you follow my progress ?</strong></em></u></p>
1) <strong>A blog</strong> (www.florianjavelle.simplesite.com), <strong>a facebook page</strong> (www.facebook.com/alarencontredelaustralie/) and a <strong>youtube channel </strong>(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdS9WUu8NwocZ7whVW5Xcrg)</p>
Pictures will be added daily. I will also write articles to share my discoveries with you.</p>
2) Of course, <strong>the web series</strong> whose episodes will be put online <strong>every 5 days at 8 pm </strong>(to finish your day with a note of humor ;) )</p>
3) To finish, an <strong>interactive map</strong> will be put online to help you to follow my progress in Australia.</p>
If you want more information or if you have questions, you can contact me on this email address: [email protected] </p>
Allocation of funds
<strong>I will engage to totality of my personal funds in this project. Nevertheless, I will miss a part of the funds to correctly realize it. </strong></p>
<u><em><strong>The use of the crowdfunding will be utilized to the realization of my project and the web-series... </strong></em></u></p>
<u><em>Non-exhaustive List:</em></u></p>
- <strong>Flight ticket : 1100 euros</strong></p>
- <strong>Transportation: </strong>the goal is to do as much miles as possible with hitchhiking, subsequently depending of the population good will. However, I prefer to set a budget if I must face the unplanned, if some parts are only possible in bus, and obviously for the flight back between Cairns and Melbourne: <strong>350 euros</strong></p>
- <strong>Food</strong>: I think that I will use 10 euros per day to feed me, so : 44 x 10 = <strong>440 euros</strong></p>
- A big<strong> Backpack</strong> "Osprey Aether" = <strong>207 euros </strong></p>
<img alt="Sac-_-dos-osprey-aether-70-1480031747" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/371927/Sac-_-dos-Osprey-Aether-70-1480031747.jpg"></p>
- <strong> Numeric material:</strong></p>
<img alt="Large_hero3-1480032008" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/371928/large_hero3-1480032008.png"></p>
1 GoPro Hero 3 : 179 €</p>
1 GoPro fixing harness : 49 €</p>
1 GoPro stick : 35 €</p>
1 memory card SanDisk : 35 €</p>
1 supplementary battery GoPro : 24€</p>
<strong>Total = 322 €</strong></p>
- <strong>Accommodation</strong>: the goal is to function with "couch-surfing" with the help of Lions and Leos Australian members in exchange of French language and culture initiations, so: <strong>0 euro</strong>.</p>
<strong>==> Total budget: 2419 euros</strong></p>
<strong><u>If we achieve to pass over the budget, the supplementary money will allow me to realize experiences less accessible and more expensive, like going in the Australian Bush and to meet the Bushmen. </u></strong></p>
<strong><u>*If at the end of this journey, there still have some money, I will entirely pour it to the Nepalese cause. </u></strong></p>
<strong>Thank you in advance. </strong></p>
I hope that this project motivates you as much as it transcends me and that you will take pleasure to participate to the web-series! </p>
- 6 contributions
Votre nom dans le générique de la web serie
Estimated delivery: January 2017
- 14 contributions
Votre nom dans le générique de la web série et une carte postale
Estimated delivery: January 2017
- 3 contributions
Votre nom dans le générique de la web série, une carte postale et la possibilité de me lancer un défi
Estimated delivery: January 2017
- 4 contributions
Votre nom dans le générique de la web série, une carte postale, la possibilité de me lancer un défi et une photo souvenir personnalisée
Estimated delivery: January 2017
- 1 contribution
Une carte postale, une possibilité de me lancer un défi, une photo souvenir personnalisée et votre nom dans le générique de la web série en tant que producteur
Estimated delivery: January 2017
- 1 contribution
Une carte postale, une possibilité de me lancer un défi, votre nom dans le générique de la web série en tant que producteur et un album photo multimédia de l’aventure
Estimated delivery: January 2017
- 4 contributions
Une possibilité de me lancer un défi, votre nom dans le générique de la web série en tant que producteur, un album photo multimédia de l’aventure et une carte postale dans chaque grande ville (Melbourne-Canberra-Sydney-Brisbane-Cairn)
Estimated delivery: January 2017