Building future creative talents in Africa.

End date
Out of €12,500
75 %

Our commitments

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J'aime les startups supports the project AFRICAN CREATIVE TALENTS


<p><em>Nous vous proposons ici une trame pour structurer votre projet.</em><br /> <strong>Le projet en 2 mots :</strong><br /> pour les contributeurs press&eacute;s (comme c&rsquo;est souvent le cas), proposez ici une synth&egrave;se du projet. En une phrase, quel est votre projet ? Pourquoi est-il int&eacute;ressant, novateur, important ? Quelles en sont les grandes &eacute;tapes ?<br /> <strong>Cr&eacute;ateur&bull;s/cr&eacute;atrice&bull;s et les origines du projet</strong><br /> On rentre maintenant dans l&rsquo;histoire plus pr&eacute;cise du projet. Qui &ecirc;tes-vous ? Comment tout a commenc&eacute; pour vous ? Quelle est votre histoire ? Quel a &eacute;t&eacute; le point de d&eacute;marrage du projet ? Comment s&rsquo;est-il d&eacute;velopp&eacute; jusqu&rsquo;&agrave; pr&eacute;sent ? Illustrez un maximum votre propos avec des images, des vid&eacute;os, et tout ce qui pourra rendre cette description convaincante et engageante. N&rsquo;h&eacute;sitez pas &agrave; vous faire relire par un &oelig;il ext&eacute;rieur.<br /> <strong>Le projet en d&eacute;tails</strong><br /> Pr&eacute;sentez ici tous les &eacute;l&eacute;ments du projet qui int&eacute;resseront votre communaut&eacute; de contributeurs. Comment il est construit, quels sont les objectifs, quels sont les dates &agrave; retenir&hellip; Parlez des r&eacute;ussites d&eacute;j&agrave; accomplies, des &eacute;tapes &agrave; venir et de la raison pour laquelle vous sollicitez maintenant le grand public.<br /> <strong>Les contreparties et le r&ocirc;le des contributeurs</strong><br /> Dites-en un peu plus sur les contreparties et sur ce que vous proposez &agrave; vos soutiens en &eacute;change de leur don. Comment et pourquoi souhaitez-vous impliquer votre communaut&eacute; dans votre projet par le biais du financement participatif ?</p>

Allocation of funds

<p><strong>Quelques chiffres, mais pas trop&hellip;</strong><br /> Pour achever de convaincre vos donateurs, dites-leurs &agrave; quoi serviront les fonds collect&eacute;s. Sans entrer dans tous les d&eacute;tails, annoncez les principaux postes de d&eacute;penses. Plus vous serez transparents, et plus vos contributeurs auront confiance en vous. N&rsquo;h&eacute;sitez pas &agrave; ajouter des illustrations (graphiques, camemberts, jauge&hellip;). Pensez &agrave; inclure la commission de KissKissBankBank en cas de r&eacute;ussite de la campagne (8%).</p>


Featured reward

Tome 1 - THE LAST KAMIT - version réédition


    Découvrez l'univers de The Last Kamit. THE LAST KAMIT (TLK), est une oeuvre originale, dans une Afrique fictive et s’inspirant de faits réels À travers les aventures des personnages principaux, SANKA et EMANY, l’oeuvre aborde des faits exogènes et endogènes à la diaspora afro, souvent méconnus et traités de manière fantaisiste. (inclus frais de port) 1 Tome 1 THE LAST KAMIT nouvelle version 1 adhésion membre ami A.C.T 1 badge de membre A.C.T

    Estimated delivery: November 2021

    MAKE IT SWEET - Support on the Creation of our 1er Center in Casablanca - Maroc


    Your contribution will be distributed in the operating and educational budget You will be part of the African Creative Talents Community You will appear in the list of acknowledgments in the program catalog + Thank you from the whole Team

    MAKE IT NICE - Support on the Creation of the 1er Center in Casablanca - Morocco


    Your contribution will be distributed in the operating and educational budget You become a "friend-member" of A.C.T You will appear in the list of acknowledgments in the program catalog You will receive an A.C.T member badge + Thank you from the whole team


      Porte-clé personnage THE LAST KAMIT Découvrez l'univers de THE LAST KAMIT (TLK), à travers ces deux personnages principaux, SANKA et EMANY. Une création hybride, entre dessin animé et manga. 1 porte-clé des personnages de l'oeuvre THE LAST KAMIT (TLK), Vous devenez membre ami A.C.T Vous recevrez le badge de membre A.C.T

      Estimated delivery: November 2021

      MAKE AN ACT - Participation in the creation of 1er Center - Casablanca - Morroco


      "Be involved in the launch of the training center" You invest in functional actions: improvements and rental of the first establishment You become an A.C.T member You will receive the A.C.T member badge You will appear in the "Wall of Thanks" of the 1st training center in Casablanca. Well done!! You are part of history and part of the walls!

      MAKE IT HAPPEN - Classroom equipment


        You participate in the financing of student equipment and tools You invest in functional actions: equipment, software You become an "active" member of A.C.T You will receive the A.C.T "active" member badge You will appear in the "Wall of Thanks" of the 1st training center in Casablanca + PITCH LESSONS BY Mounia ARAM (online)

        Estimated delivery: December 2021



        You contribute to the program and to the financing of the implementation of the training action. You invest in educational actions: license programs, training of educational teams and quality monitoring You become an "active" member of A.C.T You will receive the A.C.T "active" member badge You will appear in the "Wall of Thanks" of the 1st training center in Casablanca + FINANCING COURSE (online) by financial director of a large production company

        Estimated delivery: November 2021

        « MAKE a gift» Partner gift (only 1 copy)


          Receive a collector's copy of a Swhahili Princess doll made in Kenya You become an "active" member of A.C.T You will receive the A.C.T "active" member badge You will appear in the "Wall of Thanks" of the 1st training center in Casablanca

          Estimated delivery: October 2021

          « MAKE IT BEAUTIFUL» Become Godmother or Godmother of a Student


          You help finance the tuition fees of a scholarship student You support part of the entry funding for your branch. You become a member of "honor" A.C.T You will receive the badge of "honorary" member of A.C.T You will be highlighted in the "Wall of Thanks" of the 1st training center in Casablanca You will appear in the training center's catalog of programs



          You participate in the financing of the costs of pan-African internships for students in studios and production companies You contribute to the professional support of scholarship students to ensure their pan-African internships and advise them in their career. You become a member of "honor" A.C.T You will receive the badge of "honorary" member You will be highlighted in the "Wall of Thanks" of the 1st training center in Casablanca You will appear in the catalog of training with a description of you and / or your programs, as a benefactor in the spotlight You are invited to the launch of the opening of the center in Casablanca Morocco invited to the launch of the opening of the center.You are

          Make a donation

          Give what I want

          Sold out

          Sold out

          MAKE IT GLOW - Partner counterpart (10 copies)


            Comics Aurion, the heritage of the Kori-Odan - Live from Cameroon Discover the world of Kiroo Games. A video game and comic book publisher in Cameroon! Aurion the heritage of the Kori-Odan will immerse you in the unique and unprecedented world created in Africa. 1 copy of Aurion Comic You become a friend member of A.C.T You will receive the A.C.T member badge You will appear in the "Wall of Thanks" of the 1st training center in Casablanca.

            Estimated delivery: October 2021