Aix-en-Provins at Madagascar

The compagnons go to the malgasy orphanage of "Les Amis du Catja".

Project visual Aix-en-Provins at Madagascar
End date
Out of €4,000
25 %

Aix-en-Provins at Madagascar

We are two teams of Companions of the Scouts and Guides of France (SGDF) that have for project to go to Madagascar in an orphanage. Why this orphanage and not one that is in France ? Firstly, this orphanage isn't a simple one but an orphanage for twins. Secondly, the association we go with is French and there are good relations between this association and the SGDF. Only for twins, but why ? In a certain numbers of regions of Madagascar the faiths are really strong and, for multiple peoples, because God is unique and he made the humans in his image, think that everybody have to be "unique". Unfortunately, it can happen that the mothers give birth to twins, that are not considered like unique peoples and people often see them like devil. For all of this, the twins of these regions are unfortunately often abandoned or killed by their birth. This orphanage gather these abandoned twins and give them a place where they can live and grow up in peace. What will we do there ? Firstly, it is important to know that we won't come empty handed, the idea is to give them some comodities that they can't afford at Madagascar. When we arrive, we will sleep in the orphanage and we will support the kids in their different activities that can be sporty, cultural or educative. We will also participate in the devellopement of the infrastructur of the orphanage which unfortunately suffered the full force of the cyclone Batsirai at the beginning of the year.

Allocation of funds

This fundraiser will allow us to finance our plane tickets, our food once we are there and bonus material to help the orphanage. This fundraiser is not the only action we are doing to finance this project. We are also working all year long to make it happen.

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