October 30, 2015
Ateliers éducatifs et créatifs en impression 3D
Help us to launch the first 3D printed pedagogic workshops to understand the technologies for the environment and healthcare.

End date
Out of €2,500
143 %
Ateliers éducatifs et créatifs en impression 3D
<strong>Lebeedule</strong> [lə.bi.dyl]</p>
We design, 3D print, and give free access to pedagogic workshops. For kids from 6 to 116 years who have stars in their mind and who want to retroengineer, to build and use windmills, hydraulic systems, Stirling motors … and understand the way they work.</p>
<strong>At the beginning : prototyping and 3D printing as a new pedagogic and creative tool</strong></p>
Hello everybody, my name is Sebastian.</p>
Some years ago, I begun to 3D print geometrical shapes, puzzles, spin tops, in order to teach my daughter fundamentals of science and engineering.</p>
Thus, I decided to develop pedagogic workshops for kids, where they could manipulate, understand and create 3D printed prototypes. Of course in the fields of environment and healthcare technologies !</p>
<img alt="1-1445503322" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/243565/1-1445503322.png"></p>
<i>We tried our first workshops during the « Remue Méninges » event the 22-25 April 2014. With the very kind support of Clélia, Harisoa, Clément et Alexis PhD of CERMAV.</i></p>
Many kids from 6 to 11 came to draw and make 3D shape cubes, pyramides, polygones… We also explain the kids the action/reaction principle through manipulating an air propelled car.</p>
This experience has been shared during the « Forum des projets » organized by « Echosciences Grenoble ».</p>
<a href="http://%20http://issuu.com/ccsti-grenoble/docs/livret-fdp14_bd" target="_blank">http:// http://issuu.com/ccsti-grenoble/docs/livret-fdp14_bd</a></p>
<a href="http://atelier.rfi.fr/profiles/blogs/a-grenoble-sciences-et-innovations-se-partagent?context=tag-innovations" target="_blank">http://atelier.rfi.fr/profiles/blogs/a-grenoble-sciences-et-innovations-se-partagent?context=tag-innovations</a></p>
<img alt="2-1445503338" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/243566/2-1445503338.png"></p>
<i>Last month, we were at the Grenoble Mini Maker Faire, 3-4 october 2015.</i></p>
During these 2 days, the kids were very happy to build, manipulate, test and understand how technology could help. For that we 3D printed windmills, microscope and a protestic hand. A big thanks to the « Casemate, CCSTI de Grenoble ».</p>
<img alt="3-1445503357" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/243567/3-1445503357.png"></p>
We also had the opportunity to collect many positive feedbacks, that give us the motivation to go further.</p>
<strong>Further, what does it means?</strong></p>
We would like to make much more and more sophisticated workshops and give a free access for schools and fablabs. (3D printed prototypes, .stl files, scientific explanation, news stream concerning 3D printing).</p>
<strong>For that we would like to continue to :</strong></p>
<img alt="Kkbb_en_1-1446565940" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247701/kkbb_en_1-1446565940.png"></p>
We would like to continue to collect .stl files (3D numeric files) and news in order to publish them on our internet website, Facebook and twitter.</p>
Finally, we would like to participate to education workshops, make partnerships with professionals of education and publish a pedagogic book.</p>
<strong>What about the workshops ?</strong></p>
We plan to create 6 workshops, with technical, scientifical and pedagogical files, .stl files, and 3D printed prototypes.</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_en_2-1446564516" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247680/kkbb_en_2-1446564516.png"></p>
<strong>1. Windmill and measuring the speed of the wind</strong></p>
<strong>2. An hydraulic motor, to harvest the energy of your water pipes</strong></p>
<strong>3. A Stirling motor that run, run and run …</strong></p>
<strong>4. A house that keep and use the chemical energy of water molecules </strong></p>
<strong>5. A photovoltaic power plant for robots</strong></p>
<strong>6. A very useful prosthetic hand</strong></p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2F6rVrGmgHLUA%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6rVrGmgHLUA%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F6rVrGmgHLUA%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
<strong>Our road map, from the design to the publication (2 month per workshop) :</strong></p>
<img alt="Kkbb_en_3-1446564547" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247681/kkbb_en_3-1446564547.png"></p>
<strong>How to have access to our ressources?</strong></p>
On our internet website <strong>http:///www.lebeedule.com</strong> we are going to really improve, you would find everything, workshops, tutorials, numeric files, technical and pedagogic files, news…</p>
<img alt="Site-1445503387" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/243568/site-1445503387.png"></p>
By coming to us at the Grenoble <a href="https://fablab.lacasemate.fr/#!/" target="_blank">FabLab</a>, we would be very pround to show you and give you our workshops.</p>
Maybe we would be happy to send them all around the world !? :) If this first crowd funding give us the opportunity to make a huge quantity of 3D prints.</p>
<strong>What would these workshops bring ?</strong></p>
Firstly, our workshops are designed to have fun, in groups of creativity. They also bring the understanding of technologies and an awareness massage concerning the the environmental and healthcare challenge of our society.</p>
<strong>The Lebeedule team</strong></p>
It's a team of school teachers with Ségolène et Émilie in Grenoble and Paris, Clémentine Beta-test manager and myself PhD in chemistry and R&D engineer.</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_en_4-1446564573" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247683/kkbb_en_4-1446564573.png"><img></p>
<img alt="Lebeedule_kkbb_slides_en-1449005242" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/256579/lebeedule_KKBB_slides_EN-1449005242.png"></p>
Allocation of funds
<strong>Crowdfunding, yes you can, but for what !?</strong></p>
We need your help to launch our 6 first free access workshops.</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_en_6-1446564613" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247685/kkbb_en_6-1446564613.png"></p>
After one week of crowd funding the situation already change !</p>
<strong>A BIG THANKS</strong> to all our crowdfunders of this first week and of their confidence.</p>
ALSO, thanks a lot to <strong>Advanc3D Materials </strong>who gives us colorful PLA filaments. <strong>Bravo !</strong></p>
<strong>If you crowdfund up to 2500€</strong></p>
It's the minimum to buy 3D printer, electronics components for the workshops and counterparts, the subscription to the Grenoble FabLab, and the improvement of our website and hosting.</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_en_7-1446564627" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247687/kkbb_en_7-1446564627.png"></p>
<strong>If we get 4000€</strong></p>
We would subscribe to a coworking place in order to be in relation with marketing professionals and to work to the publication of a book.</p>
<strong>For more than 6000€</strong></p>
MANY THANKS !!!!</p>
We would buy a second 3D printer and make <strong>MORE</strong> workshops, <strong>MORE</strong> beautiful with <strong>MORE</strong> colors and to give them to <strong>MORE</strong> kids.</p>
You could easily help us</p>
By talking about LEBEEDULE around you.</p>
We would be very pleased !</p>
We are also looking for a graphist, a community manager and many kids to tests our workshops.</p>
<strong>Whatever contact us at [email protected] :)</strong></p>
See U soon !</p>
<img alt="Licence_qr_code_3d_print-1449682836" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/258965/licence_QR_code_3D_print-1449682836.png"></p>
- 3 contributions
Un BIG HUG, une présentation du projet et votre nom sur notre site internet au côté de tous les donateurs de la campagne.

- 3 contributions
Un KDo imprimé en 3D (hauteur : 3cm ou l’objet de votre choix pour un temps d’impression d’1h). KDos : Toupie, Fullerene, Polygones ou un LOVE.
Estimated delivery: March 2016
- 6 contributions
Une invitation pour tester 1 atelier parmi la liste suivante : 1. Éolienne, 2. Turbine, 3. Moteur solaire, 4. Maison autonome, 5. Centrale photovoltaïque, 6. Prothèse de main
Estimated delivery: March 2016

- 8 contributions
Une invitation pour tester 1 atelier et un KDo imprimé en 3D (hauteur : 3cm ou l’objet de votre choix pour un temps d’impression d’1h).
KDos : Toupie, Fullerene, Polygones ou un LOVE.
Estimated delivery: March 2016
- 10 contributions
3 invitations pour tester les ateliers ; et un KDo imprimé en 3D (hauteur : 5 cm) ou l’objet de votre choix pour un temps d’impression de 3h.
Estimated delivery: March 2016
- 2 contributions
6 invitations pour tester les ateliers ; et un KDo imprimé en 3D (hauteur : 8 cm) ou l’objet de votre choix pour un temps d’impression de 5h.
Estimated delivery: March 2016

- 1 contribution
An electrostatic motor.
Estimated delivery: March 2016

- 1 contribution
Un « Rubik Cube Braille » en couleur
Estimated delivery: March 2016

- 1 contribution
Un ensemble « Géométrie » composé d’un kit « Pythagore » et de 20 polygones de couleurs différentes.
Estimated delivery: March 2016

Le kit « microscope », avec optique d’appareil photo Fujifilm, lame de verre, notice de montage et d’utilisation.
Estimated delivery: March 2016

- 1 contribution
Le kit « Système solaire » et les fiches techniques et pédagogiques correspondantes
Estimated delivery: March 2016

Le kit « Éolienne » et les fiches techniques et pédagogiques correspondantes. http://www.reprap-windturbine.com/index.php?id=18&L=1
Estimated delivery: March 2016

Le kit « Moteur solaire » et les fiches techniques et pédagogiques correspondantes. http://www.reprap-windturbine.com/index.php?id=18&L=1
Estimated delivery: March 2016

Le kit « Turbo fan engine » complet et les fiches techniques et pédagogiques correspondantes.
Estimated delivery: March 2016