Autonomia Project
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Hello ! We are Marine and Maxime, both passionate about agroecology and sustainable food! We are traveling by bike from France to Asia (Paris-Vladivostok) in order to meet people who are putting together sustainable agriculture and food projects.</p>
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Along the way, we will gather information and skills linked to those 4 ideas:</p>
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SOWING SELF-RELIANCE – In today’s world, the merchandising and genetic modifications of seeds are turning farmers into mere consumers, deprived of their fundamental right to breed.</p>
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Cycling, we are going to meet those seed savers who are resisting nature’s homogenisation and the loss of biodiversity, those who are sowing their own self-sufficiency. We plan to exchange with them the heirloom seeds we will be carrying on our bikes, transformed into mobile seed banks. </p>
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GROWING SELF-RELIANCE – Intensive farming has become an unsustainable model for both the environment and human beings. That is why, we wish to showcase those who cultivate the Earth with respect. </p>
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We plan on finding inspiration with those who, season after season, care for the land and the life it contains. We will learn the agroecology and permaculture technics capable of changing paradigms through practice: without biodiversity there is no future for the planet. </p>
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COOKING SELF-RELIANCE – At a time when the fast-food industry, the standardisation of taste and the loss of culinary biodiversity prevail, we wish to stand up for varied, local and seasonal cooking. A cuisine which is respecting Nature’s seasons, the human body and which nourishes joy. </p>
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We aim to bring back with us a colourful collection of recipes gathered from those people who cook in a self-sufficient way. To do so, we will meet people around the pleasure of cooking and eating. </p>
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HEALING SELF-RELIANCE – Due to our society’s disconnection from Nature, we are stripped of our capabilities to heal the simple pains and aches of daily life. </p>
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Healing oneself is having the power to decide how to maintain your own well-being and those of the people around you. It’s understanding the key role we each play in preventing our illnesses. We are going to rediscover traditional skills and learn about the medicinal properties of local food and plants.</p>
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In order to be able do document and share with you essential knowledges aiming at preserving food biodiversity, we need you to support our travel to Asia ! </p>
We will document inspiring life stories of farmers, seed savers, food activists with practical teachings from all around the world !</p>
We need you to fund our daily expenses during one year in order to dedicate time to meet passionate people and produce little documentaries on food-reliance.</p>
We estimate our expenses of 7euros/person per day (bivouac). </p>
= 4 500 euros for one year</p>
So 5000 euros for which we solicit your generosity : </p>
- 4500 euros to fund our projet during one year.</p>
- 500 euros to fund KissKissBanBank rewards.</p>
<strong>Thanks a lot for your help that will allow us to germinate many seeds on our way.</strong></p>
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<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
Facebook : <a href="" target="_blank">Autonomia Project</a></p>