November 28, 2016
Batu'Capoeira : aux JO de Rio (Objectif Atteint !)
25 French children will travel and present a spectacle in the Olympic Games of 2016, through the use of batucada and capoeira developed in the lo

End date
Out of €25,000
102 %
Batu'Capoeira : aux JO de Rio (Objectif Atteint !)
BatukaVI and ABADA Capoeira are partner organizations within the city of Grenoble (38, France). They were both created in 2010 in the poorer neighborhoods of of the city and have worked together ever since the beginning.</p>
Batukavi's main goal is to develop these children into high quality musicians, and for ABADA the goal is to develop them into great athletes through the practice of capoeira. Regardless, the the main objective of both organizations is to help young people to become respectful citizens, achieve great results in school and increase their economic abundance.</p>
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Batucada and capoeira are used as social, artistic and educational tools to achieve developmental goals and progress. Individually BatukaVI and ABADA are defined as two schools of life and and together this partnership has developed an amazing collaboration of 25 french children, Batu'Capoeira !</p>
<img alt="2014-05_batu_capoeira_dsc00609-1457677934" src=""></p>
(Image of the first version of Batu'Capoeira show at Olympic Village in Grenoble in May 2015)</p>
BatukaVI has held more artistic performances than anyother children's group in all of France (174 contracts signed in 2015 and over 150 in 2014) and in the world. In fact, they have played in Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Burkina Faso and 12 young people were also in Brazil during the World Cup 2014. The group is composed of 60 members between 4 and 18 years old, and aims to promote social relationships and improve the image of poor neighborhoods in the Villeneuve neighborhood of south Grenoble. This program is facilitated by Afric'Impact Association which, since 1989, develops educational programs in relation to local and international citizenship.</p>
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ABADA, Brazilian Association for the Support and Development of the Art of Capoeira, founded by Mestre Camisa in 1988 in Rio de Janeiro, seeks to disseminate ethical values of respect, socialization and freedom, through multi-cultural project development.Capoeira is seen not only as an ancient art, but also as the living expression of a person's freedom.BY way of the french state of Isère Som Gung Assosiaction,was one of the first to bring ABADA capoeira to Europe and quickly through a very active group of young weekly show performers, it began to spread all throughout the region.</p>
<img alt="Batizado_abada_2-1457708372" src=""></p>
In the future, BatukaVI and ABADA seek to support other projects and ifrastructure in the poor districts of France in order to develop other batucada and capoeira groups so that they can also live adventures as beautiful as those that are being lived by our children ever since they are 6 years old.</p>
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The Batu'Capoeira show is the best illustration of our true passion desire for arts and impact. It tells the story of the collaboration of two groups in Grenoble that can eventually end up in the Olympic Games in Rio 2016. During this experience ou children will live and share amazing moments with a variety of groups of young people from the favelas of Vidigal, Rocinha and Santa Marta for a month, in addition to playing at the official Club France Rio.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//" width="540"></iframe></p>
In Rio, <a href="" target="_blank">Favela Experience</a>, a social impact tourism company, will host our french children in the favela of Vidigal for nearly 18 days at a new accomodation facility being developed throught the support of this campaign within the facility of a local NGO in the community. Favela Experience facilitates socio-cultural exchange and activities with a variety of favela based groups such as batucada, capoeira, actors, dancers, surfers and more. During our stay with Favela Experience they will be helping us to create amazing and impactful exchange and experiences so that children who are benefiting from social programming from all around the world can connect and get to know each other.</p>
Finally we have another partner: Hadra, who has supported us technically and artistically since the beginning, through connection and integration with electronic music festivals.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//" width="540"></iframe>(Batu'Capoeira show, which will be presented in Rio, thanks to your contribution and support.)</p>
Allocation of funds
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The campaign of 25,000 euros represents a quarter of the ideal amount we need to conduct the exchange "Batu'Capoeira in the rhythm of the Rio Olympic Games."</p>
<img alt="Echange_batucapoeira-1458206884" src=""></p>
This amount will be used to supplement the funding already obtained by the children of BatukaVI and ABADA through weekly shows (14,000 euros), via public funding and grants (29,000 euros), as well as private sponsorship (in addition to the financial contribution of the families). These funds will be used during the trip as payment for housing, food, transportation and activities of the 25 children and 5 accompanying adults.</p>
<img alt="En4-1461824491" src=""></p>
In addition,every 5,000 euros over the targeted amount will be used to help the finance of arts and culture focused social projects in the favela of Vidigal and other poor neighborhoods of Grenoble.</p>
In Rio, the money will be used to sustain the fixed costs of developing educational, recreation and artistic activities supported by Favela Experience, the local NGO such as ballet lessons, football classes, academic support, theater workshops, language courses, among many others.</p>
In France, we will support new activities to be developed by BatukaVI and ABADA, like the creation of other batucada groups in Grenoble, the Ryth'em'Cité project, which has as its ultimate goal the establishment of a national center for socio-educational Batucada, and the design of a Capoeira gym bringing together different aspects of the Brazilian culture.</p>
In the end, we hope to collect more than 30,000 additional euros to fund these social projects and without you in wont be possible. We believe in the power of arts, music and culture and travel to bring together people from all around the world and promote ideals and morals of progressive growth, collaboration and peace. There is no better moment than at the Rio Olympic games to bring this to fruition. We thank you for your time in reading our campaign and appreciate your support in making this a reality.</p>

- 28 contributions
Votre Nom au Générique du Film Batu'Capoeira
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 52 contributions
Le cadeau précédent ...
+1 Sticker Batu'Capoeira
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 61 contributions
Les cadeaux précédents ...
+1 Badge Batu'Capoeira
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 54 contributions
Les cadeaux précédents ...
+1 Bracelet Brésilien Batu'Capoeira
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 47 contributions
Les cadeaux précédents ...
+1 Photo du Groupe Batu'Capoeira Dédicacée
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 16 contributions
Les cadeaux précédents ...
+1 DVD Complet du Spectacle Batu'Capoeira
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 2 contributions
Les cadeaux précédents ...
+1 Carte Postale Nominative Adressée de Rio
Estimated delivery: August 2016

- 6 contributions
Les cadeaux précédents ...
+1 Mug Souvenir Batucada/Capoeira Batu'Capoeira
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 4 contributions
Les cadeaux précédents ...
+1 T-Shirt du Spectacle Batu'Capoeira
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 1 contribution
Les cadeaux précédents ...
+1 Nouvelle Tourne (Morceau) de Batucada créée et portant votre nom
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 1 contribution
Les cadeaux précédents ...
+1 Prestation de BatukaVI + ABADA-Capoeira à votre Anniversaire
Estimated delivery: September 2016