The Bun(nes) Amies (The Good Friends) , Manon & Audrey Created by two good friends who graduated from the Paul Bocuse Institute, Bunami is a new fast food concept. This gourmet food concept is fun and relaxed. At Bunami, you eat pulled meats, fish and vegetables. But not any kind of “pulled”, we pull the French way! We rethink the usual fast foods by putting forward and using creative, high quality products that are all full of flavours from around the world. After a succession of terrible surprises and 7 months of delay, we should be opening our first restaurant in the centre of Bordeaux by October 2022 !
Our adventure had yet a good start when we signed the sale agreement for the restaurant back in July 2021. But this was only the start that was followed by months of difficult situations… Getting the loan was the first big step that we finally obtained after 4 months of disappointments and 13 bank appointments… It was in January 2022, that we got to finalize the sale and get the keys to the restaurant… … but during the first week of the renovation, that we found out that one of the beams supporting the entire building was badly damaged and that the floor above our restaurant was almost falling on us… As life is never easy, this coudn't be just it ! We bought this restaurant for its hood (air exhaust), which actually did not exist and we found out during the demolition, this was a disaster ! At this point, we understood that if we wanted to make our dream come true, we had to become warriors. So during the past 6 months, we launched a ton of administrative proceedings with lawyers, bailiffs, artisans, and different organizations. By putting together all the strength in us, we kept believing that it would all work out in the end. Giving up was not an option for us! End of July 2022, we are finally allowed to start again our renovation and are able to project an opening for the beginning of October! Nevertheless, the steps and proceedings are very long and we had been obligated to advance huge sums of money that were not forecasted. As of today, we are in a situation where we are so close to succeed but are tight financially to make it happen. This is why we are reaching out to all of you, to your generosity and we thank you in advance and from the bottom of our heart for all financial support that will make all this come true. With love, Manon & Audrey