Humanitarian mission in Colombia - BDH EM Strasbourg


Project visual Humanitarian mission in Colombia - BDH EM Strasbourg
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Out of €3,000
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EM Strasbourg supports the project Humanitarian mission in Colombia - BDH EM Strasbourg

Humanitarian mission in Colombia - BDH EM Strasbourg

<p>In partnership with LifeTime Project, Viv&#39;act and Corporimar, 15 students from EM Strasbourg Business School will go to Colombia in June 2021 to Rincon Del Mar. The project consists of helping the village, strengthening family and social ties, helping the children in their academic success, promoting the richness and exchange of artistic culture.&nbsp;</p> <p>The population does not live in great comfort: power cuts, inaccessible drinking water and very little access to education. However, life in Rincon Del Mar remains peaceful and the inhabitants are happy. The project takes place in the village of Rincon del Mar, Colombia. This Caribbean village of Afro-Colombian fishermen, with about 5000 inhabitants, is bordered by the sea and the mangrove swamp. Waste management is difficult and plastic is omnipresent in the village. Waste recovery systems exist but most of the inhabitants do not use them because they have to pay for them. As a result, large quantities of waste, especially plastic, are buried in the gardens and yards of the inhabitants. The Corporimar association, which will be the project leader in the field, has already set up a paid waste recovery system, but this system is not viable in the long term because it depends mainly on the families&#39; budget. This project aims in part to transform and improve this system so that it can be applicable by all and in the long term within the village.&nbsp;<br /> We will conduct workshops that will benefit the children and raise awareness of the values we stand for, sensitize and train the village inhabitants in sustainable management and long-term waste disposal.&nbsp;<br /> . By interacting with them, we will be able to create and propose new activities such as: giving French lessons or helping the village in its daily tasks.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>The direction of the association</p> <p>Safia Chouit : President,</p> <p>Quentin Jourden: Community Manager,</p> <p>Simon Dietsch: Treasurer,</p> <p>Th&eacute;o Nainggolan: Financing,</p> <p>Chlo&eacute; Baissac: Secretary.</p> <p>However, we are more than 90 people involved in the association this year!</p> <p>We have several means to finance our project in Colombia :</p> <p>- we organize breakfasts in the school every Monday.</p> <p>- the fundraising group which takes care of the telephone prospecting of companies, to collect financial donations.</p> <p>- different missions (gift wrapping, sale of chocolates ... etc)</p> <p>- and of course this Crowdfunding campaign that we hope to succeed!</p> <p>We are also involved in other types of missions such as the &quot;&Ocirc; Coeur de la rue&quot; mission, helping it to prepare food for the homeless of the city of Strasbourg.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>The humanitarian association of EM Strasbourg will collect all the funds raised!</p> <p>We need this money to reduce the financial cost of the humanitarian mission. Indeed, the latter amounts to 30000&euro; (2000&euro; per person), which represents a real budget for the students of the school and they cannot participate with their own money.</p> <p>We have already collected nearly 5000&euro; thanks to our different missions. In addition, we have launched a grant application with our business school, EM Strasbourg, which we hope will enable us to raise nearly 12,000&euro;.</p> <p>Depending on the amounts collected by the financing group (solicitation of companies), we will have several possibilities in case we exceed the sum of 3500 euros :</p> <p>- The surplus will contribute to the direct financing of the mission, intercultural exchanges to reach the final sum of 30 000 euros.</p> <p>- If we reach 30,000 euros and more, we plan to use the surplus for the support of migrants in Strasbourg. By helping them in their administrative procedures or by giving them language courses (French/English), we could develop a new branch of activity for our association.</p> <p>We are counting on you to support us in this project which is very important to us.</p>




  • 15 contributions

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Estimated delivery: July 2021

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