Cacao solidaire au Cameroun

Cocoa, handicap, solidarity. If you want to give these words meaning, please read our project with the french organization ALMOHA !

Project visual Cacao solidaire au Cameroun
End date
Out of €3,750
106 %

Cacao solidaire au Cameroun

<p> <img alt="Soutenez_le_projet_cacao_solidaire__2_-1489766201" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Once upon a time, there were 8 students in  ISTOM, reunited around the themes of family farming and rural development to form the consultancy group:</p> <p> <strong>MJE AIDER :</strong></p> <p> <strong>M</strong>ission <strong>J</strong>eune <strong>E</strong>xpert, <strong>A</strong>ide <strong>I</strong>nternationale au<strong> D</strong>éveloppement <strong>R</strong>ural</p> <p> (meaning <strong>Y</strong>oung <strong>E</strong>xpert <strong>M</strong>ission, <strong>I</strong>nternational <strong>H</strong>elp for <strong>R</strong>ural <strong>D</strong>evelopment)</p> <p>  </p> <p> This dream team was composed by 7 beautiful and intelligent damsels, as well as one proud and clever young man. Their names were <strong>Kevin</strong>, <em>Pauline</em>, <strong>Constance</strong>, <em>Elsa</em>, <strong>Jessica</strong>, <em>Margot</em>, <strong>Noémie</strong> and <em>Mathilde</em>.</p> <p> Made stronger by all their different paths, they formed a cohesive group, driven by their will to help the world.</p> <p>  </p> <p> This year,</p> <p> they will realize an appraisal mission for <strong>ALMOHA</strong>, an international solidarity organization.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Capture_d__cran_2017-04-07___12.33.56-1491561276" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> ALMOHA is a international solidarity organization working for rare diseases and handicap.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Capture_d__cran_2017-04-07___12.34.10-1491561284" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> The association helps <strong>persons and families</strong> affected by handicap, in <strong>France</strong> as well as in <strong>Africa</strong>.</p> <p> It informs and increase awareness around disabilities issues. Every year, humanitarian missions are organized.</p> <p> The final purpose of ALMOHA's actions is to help people with disabilities to achieve <em>self-reliance </em>and positive social integration. <strong>Access to formation</strong>, <strong>employment</strong> and a <strong>social life</strong> are indispensable to reach this objective.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="17360929_10210244907977234_351380246_n-1489761782" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p>  In Cameroon, in Sangmélima, the couverture chocolate and the chocolate bars will be produced in a <em>artisanal production unit</em>. The buying price of the cocoa beans bought to <em>the small producers</em> will be <strong>higher</strong> than the price set by the Cameroonian State.</p> <p>  </p> <p> In France, <em>handicaped workers</em> will work on the couverture chocolate et will sell the chocolate sweets and bars.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> ALMOHA asked us to realize a <strong>Supply study</strong> in focusing on three main axes:</p> <p>  </p> <p> - Establishment of a local artisanal unit of cocoa transformation, which will be originating from a small producers cooperative; </p> <p>  </p> <p> - An analysis on the support and guidance of the members of the small producers cooperative, for a high quality chocolate production and in sight of a fair trade certification.</p> <p>  </p> <p> Our v<em>ariety of teammates</em> is our <strong>strength</strong> for this mission,</p> <p> as well as our <em>multidisciplinary of skills</em> structured around agronomy, economy, social sciences,</p> <p> our <u><em>dynamism</em></u></p> <p> and a <strong>reduced cost</strong> compared to consultancy firms's prices.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Capture_d__cran_2017-04-18___14.18.25-1492517966" src=""></p> <p> <img alt="Capture_d__cran_2017-04-18___14.19.53-1492518012" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Capture_d__cran_2017-04-07___12.49.29-1491562184" src=""></p> <p> <img alt="17354863_10210244916897457_1717354143_n-1489761820" src=""></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="17350986_10210244905057161_1695815338_n-1489761868" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Capture_d__cran_2017-04-07___12.31.40-1491561310" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> This money will be paid into our group account, managed by Elsa Ricote, our amazing treasurer! </p> <p>  </p> <p> In the <em><strong>wonderful</strong></em> case in wich your donations exceed our budget, your money will be donated to Almoha.</p> <p>  </p>



  • 5 contributions
Our gratitude and your name on our website!


  • 13 contributions
Our gratitude and your name on your website as well as a postcard sent from Cameroon!

Estimated delivery: September 2017


  • 18 contributions
Our gratitude and your name on our website as well as a postcard sent from Cameroon and a nice keychain bought in the local market!

Estimated delivery: September 2017


  • 16 contributions
Our gratitude with your name on our website as well as a postcard sent from Cameroon and just for you some chocolate once the factory is up and running!

Estimated delivery: January 2018


  • 7 contributions
Our gratitude, your name on our website as well as a postcard sent from Cameroon and just for you a box of chocolate once the factory is up and running!

Estimated delivery: January 2018


  • 4 contributions
Our gratitude, your name on our website, a postcard and to treat yourself 3 chocolate bars and a box of chocolates as soon as the production is up and running!

Estimated delivery: January 2018

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