June 16, 2016
Clarnival goes Hungary!
Let's join the belgian clarinet quartet 'Clarnival' in creating a CD covering all possible styles (Jazz, Pop, Classical) in Budapest!

End date
Out of €4,000
100 %
Clarnival goes Hungary!
Hello everybody!</p>
We’re Clarnival, a young <strong>clarinet quartet </strong>from Brussels, Belgium, where we met during our music studies in the halls of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, and have been forming a warm and generous quartet sound and especially a repertoire which goes from jazz to waltz, passing by bossa nova, classical, as well as rock and pop.</p>
<img alt="10300664_722958301183541_1785218123544248610_n-1463682889" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/318492/10300664_722958301183541_1785218123544248610_n-1463682889.jpg"></p>
The members of Clarnival are:</p>
-Véronique Bernar from Esch/Alzette, Luxemburg (B-flat clarinette)</p>
<img alt="1557136_10202185484950493_940073968_o-1463572204" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/317739/1557136_10202185484950493_940073968_o-1463572204.jpg"></p>
-Bethsabée Hatzfeld from Brussels, Belgium (bass clarinet)</p>
<img alt="Clarnprem-4858-1463683454" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/318501/ClarnPrem-4858-1463683454.jpg"></p>
-Philippe Lemaire from Eupen, Belgium (B-flat and E-flat clarinet)</p>
<img alt="Buzpa4luouswdovlq_hkkgf7q2qtphuglpyiqqp7nxe_kopie-1463572242" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/317742/bUzPA4lUoUSwdoVLQ_hKkGf7Q2QTpHuglpyIqqp7nXE_Kopie-1463572242.jpg"></p>
-Cédric De Bruycker from Arlon, Belgium (B-flat clarinet)</p>
<img alt="12140068_781529058659702_7928672616528997102_o-1463572251" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/317743/12140068_781529058659702_7928672616528997102_o-1463572251.jpg"></p>
We’ve been playing together since 2011 and after different concerts last year with the hungarian oboist Laszlo Zsolt Pinter, we felt that it’s high time to perpetuate our work we’ve been doing over the years,...</p>
<img alt="10310104_10152949115298652_3367853889555790760_n-1463572259" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/317744/10310104_10152949115298652_3367853889555790760_n-1463572259.jpg"></p>
We’re so excited to have the unique opportunity to create <strong>our first CD </strong>in the Utopiastudio in Budapest, Hungary during the week of <a>August 15th</a> ! There will be two different parts:during the first one, Clarnival will play together with Laszlo (Oboe Concerto of Marcello, a Filmmusicmedley regrouping the best mélodies of Ennio Morricone,...) and the second part will be consisting of a lighter repertoire (West Side Story, a Klezmer Piece, a Popmedley,...) played only by Clarnival!</p>
<img alt="1546378_638286546317384_2108764761560342372_n-1463572175" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/317736/1546378_638286546317384_2108764761560342372_n-1463572175.jpg"></p>
This Cd-recording is just the beginning of a <strong>long journey</strong>, as we will promote the CDs by different concerts in the hungarian <strong>Balassi Institutes</strong> (cultural centers) all over Europe ; the idea behind this is a <strong>cultural exchange</strong> and meeting between hungarian and belgian artists, music and culture, in fact, it is a meeting between two different countries and their respective cultures, an exchange which all of Europe desperately needs as we speak…</p>
We frankly cannot do this without your help! We still need to raise a <strong>minimum of 4000€</strong>, which is really the bare minimum we need to collect in order to actually have a chance to record our first CD, as we need the money for booking the studio, with all its mastering and mixing work, printing the cds, sending the rewards,…</p>
Please help us and <strong>spread the word</strong> via all of your favorite social medias (Facebook, Twitter,…), or by smoke signals if you feel so…</p>
If you haven't done it yet, please "Follow" & "Like" our Facebook page!</p>
Thank you so much, Merci beaucoup, Vielen Dank, Dank u wel, Köszönöm szepen !!!!</p>
<img alt="11050785_722952671184104_7030446334030630129_n-1463680684" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/318461/11050785_722952671184104_7030446334030630129_n-1463680684.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
The money you pledge to this project will go directly towards all of our <strong>production costs at the Utopia Studio in Budapest</strong>, Hungary (<a href="http://www.utopiastudio.hu/">http://www.utopiastudio.hu/</a>)</p>
<a>August 16th</a> and 17th: Recording</p>
<a>August 18th</a> and 19th: Mixing</p>
<a>August 20th</a>: Mastering</p>
<a>August 21st</a>: Concert in the Castle of Hatvan</p>
Until September: Production of the CD</p>
-Recording and producing the CD: 1400 euros (447.718f)</p>
-Copyrights: 1000 euros (315.513ft)</p>
-Photography & design for the cover & liner notes: 300 euros (94.654ft)</p>
-Printing of booklets: 500 euros (157.756ft)</p>
Total= 3200 euros (1.009.064ft)</p>
-8% of the amount we collect will go directly to KissKissBankBank! (320 euros)</p>
-Sending the rewards : min. (!) 480 euros</p>
Total= <strong>4000 euros</strong></p>
Without your support, we would never be able to bring gour project to life !!</p>
You can pledge as much or as little as you wish. But remember always, that <strong>every Euro counts</strong> ! Even if you can’t contribute, you can still help us by simply <strong>SHARING OUR PROJECT</strong> with your friends, your family, neighbours, shortly : everybody who might be interested !</p>
The rewards are our way of saying that we are incredibly grateful for your kind support, we hope you ‘ll have fun with them !</p>
Thanks so much,</p>
<img alt="1908005_722952057850832_246585473622827871_n-1463572187" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/317737/1908005_722952057850832_246585473622827871_n-1463572187.jpg"></p>
- 1 contribution
-A big thanks for your support for this project !
Estimated delivery: December 2016
- 1 contribution
- Your name will be shared on our social media site (Facebook: clarnival)! Thanks so much
Estimated delivery: December 2016
- 6 contributions
-1 CD with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
-ONE FREE entrance for one of our concerts
Estimated delivery: December 2016
- 10 contributions
-1 CD with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
-TWO FREE entrances for one of our concerts
Estimated delivery: December 2016
- 4 contributions
-2 CD's with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
–FAMILY ENTRANCE for one of our concerts
Estimated delivery: December 2016
- 3 contributions
-2 CD's with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
-Family entrance for one of our concerts
–One private clarinet lesson in Brussels (30')
Estimated delivery: December 2016
- 4 contributions
-2 CD's with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
-Your name in the CD-booklet
-A little home concert (30') by two members of Clarnival in Brussels
Estimated delivery: December 2016
-2 CD's with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
-Your name in the CD-booklet
-A little home concert (30') by three membres of Clarnival in Brussels
Estimated delivery: December 2016
- 1 contribution
-2 CD's with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
-Your name in the CD-booklet
-A little home concert (30’) by Clarnival in the area of Brussels (wedding, jazz concert, classical concert,...)
Estimated delivery: December 2016
-2 CD's with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
- Your name in the CD-booklet!
-One concert (50') just for you in the area of Brussels (wedding, jazz concert, classical concert,...)
Estimated delivery: December 2016
-2 CD's with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
- Your name in the CD-booklet!
-One concert (50') just for you in Belgium (wedding, jazz concert, classical concert,...)
Estimated delivery: December 2016
-2 CD's with 70 min. of fantasticly arranged pieces in all possible styles (Jazz, Klezmer, Pop, Classical, and the list goes on...)
-Your name in the CD-booklet
-"Around the world in 80 notes", a musical spectacle played only for you in Brussels. Clarnival and Sébastien Goutte will make you travel around our beloved planet earth by mixing music and theatre (50'). REPRESENTATION ONLY IN FRENCH !
Estimated delivery: December 2016