Mindful Coaching

Become the main character of your story. Mindful coaching to flow with the rhythm of your true self.

Project visual Mindful Coaching
End date
Out of €2,000
4 %

Mindful Coaching

My story Fifteen years ago, in university I made my first public speech. My teacher surprised me by telling me that I have a gift for public speaking. At that time, I did not yet realize the pertinence of his words. A few years later, when I started in the business world, I facilitated my first training. It was a real revelation. I took great pleasure in sharing knowledge and facilitating ideas. Since then, I never get tired of that moment when I perceive that someone has just learned something new, this "TADA" moment when new horizons have just opened. I have evolved as a corporate trainer navigating between a range of favorite topics, such as communication, leadership and emotional intelligence. It then became clear to me that my passion was personal development. I myself have read, watched and listened to books, videos and podcasts to get to know myself better and grow from the inside out. The idea of becoming a coach then flourished. From an artistic blur to the discovery of “my niche”, my own touch: Mindful Coaching. What is coaching and mindfulness? I like to define coaching as the vehicle on the journey of change. For me, being a coach means helping to unleash your underlying beliefs, understanding the motivation of your choices and the root of your judgments. It is also and above all to create the necessary space that allows you to answer the question: Who am I? And then allowing yourself to flow with the rhythm of your true self. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention, without judgment, to the present moment. Mindfulness is a key driver to be truly present in oneself, and in this sense supports the principles of coaching. There are many techniques and tools that allow us to reach full consciousness. My choice is the use of singing bowls. What are singing bowls? The brain emits different types of waves depending on the physical and psychic states. The most common are: • Beta waves: when we are in a state of wakefulness and activity • Alpha waves: when we are in a state of calm, they also characterize this state between wakefulness and sleep • Theta waves: when we dream or are in deep mediation. It has been measured that the waves emitted by the vibratory chant of the bowls are close to the alpha and theta waves, which facilitates a state of deep mindfulness. It's as if you were immersed in a bath of meditative frequencies! My project? Combine the singing bowls with coaching to promote the integration of the session or to arouse change through visualization. They can be used in sound bath or massage. The bowl is then placed close or on the body to physically feel the vibrations.

Allocation of funds

What is the purpose of the crowdfunding? To realize this project that is close to my heart and practice mindful coaching, I need to acquire a series of bowls. The goal of 2 000€ will allow me to purchase 7 vibro-acoustic Tibetan bowls of medium size (from Do to Si notes in 3rd octave) and 1 vibratory bowl. If the pool reaches 2 600€, I will be able to add 3 Crystal bowls with the notes Do, Fa and Si to my collection. Finally, if the crowdfunding exceeds expectations and reaches 3 500 € I can complete with Ting Sha cymbals and Koshi chimes and propose an event better experience to my clients.


Featured reward

60-minute Individual meditative sound bath


I guide you individually to experience the chant of the singing bowls. The meditation will be followed by a discussion about your sensations.

Estimated delivery: August 2022

A GREAT thank you!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your participation.

30-minute pre-recorded meditative sound bath


Sit back, let yourself be carried away by the sound of singing bowls and enter into full consciousness. I will send you a pre-recorded sound bath of 30 minutes that you can listen to again as you like.

Estimated delivery: August 2022

1 coaching session (60 minutes) and 1 meditation (30 minutes)


We meet for a 60-minute coaching session followed by a sound journey.

Estimated delivery: August 2022

2 Individual sound baths of 45 minutes


I guide you individually to experience the chant of the singing bowls. The meditation will be followed by a discussion about your sensations.

Estimated delivery: August 2022

1 meditation (60 minutes) and 1 vibro-acoustic massage (30 minutes)


During the mediation the bowls are placed around you. During the massage, you will be able to feel the vibrations with the vibro-acoustic bowl against you. If you are located outside the Emirates the massage will be replaced by a second meditation.

Estimated delivery: August 2022

2 coaching sessions (60 minutes) and 1 meditation (30 minutes)


We meet for two 60-minute coaching sessions, two weeks apart. Following the second session the bowls will guide you in a state of relaxation and integration.

Estimated delivery: August 2022

2 meditations (60 minutes) and 1 vibro-acoustic massage (45 minutes)


During the mediation the bowls are placed around you. During the massage, you will be able to feel the vibrations with the vibro-acoustic bowl against you. If you are located outside the Emirates the massage will be replaced by a third 60-minute sound bath.

Estimated delivery: August 2022

3 coaching sessions (60 minutes) and 2 mediations (30 minutes)


We meet for three 60-minute coaching sessions, two weeks apart. Following the second and third sessions the bowls guide you in a state of relaxation and integration.

Estimated delivery: August 2022

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