July 29, 2013
"D'autres artisans"
I am a designer collaborating with craftmen unrelated to the world of objects. My aim is to promote interdisciplinarity.

End date
Out of €3,000
119 %
"D'autres artisans"
<img alt="Banderole" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17649/banderole.jpg"></p>
I am Mélanie Buatois, a young French product designer based in Lyon. </p>
Since the summer of 2012, I am working on the developement of a collection called "d'autres artisans" ('other craftmen'), a collaboration with craftmen coming from different fields. The collection is a series of colaborations with craftmen that are entirely unrelated to the world of objects : plumbers, shoemakers, tilers, zinc workers, etc. Every object is an exploration of a universe of knowledge, tools, techniques, materials and sollutions resulting in an aesthetic naturally drawn from the offered possibilities. </p>
Every object is a mutuaI exchange, a brief moment where two trades meet, share, and work parallel towards a shared goal. Each project is a partnership joining the vision of the designer with the skills of a craftsman. “D’autres artisans” is a series of objects and portraits of its makers, each piece entirely made by hand in the craftman’s workshop. </p>
<img alt="Double4" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17650/double4.jpg"></p>
<strong>Jérôme Jourdan</strong>, Saddler<em> </em><i> (simili cuir)</i></p>
<img alt="Double5" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17651/double5.jpg"></p>
<strong>Rémi Gras</strong>, <i>Plumber</i></p>
<img alt="Double1" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17653/double1.jpg"></p>
<strong>Muhammet Sert</strong>, <i>Shoe maker (simili cuir)</i></p>
<img alt="Double3" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17652/double3.jpg"></p>
<strong>Jérôme Okoniewski</strong>, Zinc worker</p>
<img alt="Double2" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17654/double2.jpg"></p>
<strong>Jérôme Berranger,</strong> <i>Tiler</i></p>
<strong>For me, to design is to interact with experts.</strong></p>
<strong>This project wants to promote interdisciplinarity, exchange of skills and the sharing of knowledge and knowhow.</strong></p>
When two jobs meet, each one can learn from the other : the designer can learn new techniques and the craftman can explore new ways of fabrication and discover new possibilities. </p>
Both craftsman and designer are forced to think past their own boundries to create an object that is honest to both the material and their shared craftmanship in order to create an unique and exceplary design-object.</p>
<strong>Objective :</strong></p>
<u>Create new objects, initiate more collaborations :</u></p>
There are already new projects and other craftmen that I want to work with (african hair dresser, garagist, charpenter, coppersmith, plasterer, road worker ...) </p>
<u>Realise good presentation pictures :</u></p>
I am in contact with a profesional photographer who is specialised in making protraits. He would make pictures of the craftmen and of the products. Those pictures will be printed and presented during exhibitions. They will also be used in the book, postcards and all other means of communication. </p>
<u>Create a book :</u></p>
I would like to realise with a graphic designer a book that could tell the story of this big adventure. </p>
<img alt="Photos-crea-1" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17656/photos-crea-1.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Photos-crea-2" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17657/photos-crea-2.jpg"> </p>
<img alt="Tous" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/20317/tous.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
Your donations would alow me to give more visibility to this collection and to the work of these craftmen who deserve it. And for this work to get the importance it deserves, I have to realise new objects with more craftmen. This costs money.</p>
Thanks to you, this project will get the possibility to be exhibited in galeries or design- and crafts-related events and be published. </p>
<strong>- For the creation of new objects</strong></p>
1760€ to ba able to buy materials and pay craftmen for their collaboration. </p>
<strong>- Photographs</strong></p>
700€ to pay a photographer who will realise pictures of the objects on white background, in situation, and to make portraits of the craftmen in their workshop. (including the cost of printing the pictures) </p>
<strong>- For the book</strong></p>
300€ to edit a book talking about this adventure. (budget including graphic design and printing costs) </p>
<strong>-Kisskissbankbank "frais"</strong></p>
<strong>= 3000€ </strong></p>
<strong>When the amount of donations pass the objective, this money will be used to realise the furniture and presentational objects needed for the exposition of the collection.</strong></p>
<i>And if you'd be really very generous, I could produce in small serie some of the objects. With the craftmen I'd set up mall productions, producing the most appreciated works and selling them to clients willing to possess one of the objects:</i></p>
<u><strong>Different rewards are proposed to you :</strong></u></p>
In each case, you will receive my eternal gratitude, for life and until the end of the universe ! </p>
<u>For 5€ and more</u></p>
- Your name on the "thanks" page of the book</p>
- Invitations for the opening of an exhibition </p>
<u>For 10€ and more</u></p>
<strong>CLASSIC PACK :</strong></p>
- Your name on the "thanks" page of the book</p>
- Invitations for the opening of an exhibition</p>
- 3 postcards (photographs of the collection and craftmen) </p>
<u>For 18€ and more</u></p>
- <strong>CLASSIC PACK</strong></p>
- A poster with the portrait of one of the craftmen (A3 size) </p>
<u>For 25€ and more</u></p>
- <strong>CLASSIC PACK</strong></p>
- A necklace realised by BULO from the collection "prends tes jambes à ton cou" </p>
<u>For 40€ and more</u></p>
- <strong>CLASSIC PACK</strong></p>
- The book "d'autres artisans" </p>
<u>For 65€ and more</u></p>
-<strong> CLASSIC PACK</strong></p>
- A necklace realised by BULO from the collection "prends tes jambes à ton cou"</p>
- The book "d'autres artisans" </p>
<u>For 150€ and more</u></p>
-<strong> CLASSIC PACK</strong></p>
- ONE zinc vase made by our zinc worker (with a signature of the collection and named after the craftman) </p>
<u>For 250€ and more</u></p>
-<strong> CLASSIC PACK</strong></p>
- TWO zinc vases made by our zinc worker (with a signature of the collection and named after the craftman) </p>
<u>For 650€ and more</u></p>
- <strong>CLASSIC PACK</strong></p>
- ONE of the four clocks designed especialy for this occasion and realised just for you. </p>
<img alt="Prendstesjambesatoncouweb" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17659/prendstesjambesatoncouWEB.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Prendstesjambesatoncou2web" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17660/prendstesjambesatoncou2WEB.jpg"></p>
Necklace realised by BULO (myself) from the collection "prends tes jambes à ton cou".</p>
Plastic figure with a cotton lace. Each one is unique.</p>
<img alt="Vases" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17954/vases.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Ech1" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/20454/ech1.jpg"></p>
Zinc vase</p>
<img alt="Horloge-a-refaire" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17836/horloge-a-refaire.jpg"></p>
Here are the FOUR clocks that we will make espacially for you.</p>
You could even chose your shape and color !</p>
<img alt="Horloge-cheminee" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17837/horloge-cheminee.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Ech2" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/20456/ech2.jpg"></p>
- 4 contributions
Votre nom inscrit à la page “remerciements” du livre + Des invitations au vernissage de la première exposition.
- 11 contributions
Pack classic : Votre nom inscrit à la page “remerciements” du livre + Des invitations au vernissage de la première exposition + 3 cartes postales (photographies de la collection et des artisans)
- 5 contributions
Le pack classic + Un poster avec le portrait d’un des artisans (format A3)
- 11 contributions
Le pack classic + Un collier réalisé par Bulo de la collection “prends tes jambes à ton cou”
- 9 contributions
Le pack classic + Le livre “d’autres artisans”
- 7 contributions
Le pack classic + Un collier réalisé par Bulo de la collection “prends tes jambes à ton cou” + Le livre “d’autres artisans”
- 2 contributions
CLASSIC PACK + ONE zinc vase made by our zinc worker
- 1 contribution
Le pack classic + DEUX vases en zinc fabriqués par notre zingueur (avec une plaque au nom de la collection et des créateurs)
- 1 contribution
CLASSIC PACK + ONE of the four clocks designed especialy for this occasion