April 20, 2016
DARADAM TOYS | Arabic language and cultural heritage
DARADAM is a new brand of educational toys inspired by the cultural heritage of the Arab Region

End date
Out of €3,000
108 %
DARADAM TOYS | Arabic language and cultural heritage
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<img alt="Kkbb_daradam_jeux_fren-1456995124" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/285196/kkbb_daradam_jeux_fren-1456995124.jpg"></p>
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<strong>Discover the arabic language, art and culture with fun and well-designed toys</strong></p>
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My name is Hanna. I have always been amazed by the beauty and the complexity of the arab art and architecture.</p>
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I live in France with my Tunisian husband. We are a multicultural family with two little trilingual sons (French + Arabic + Hungarian). </p>
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Like all parents we would like our sons to have the best education. It's very important for us that they learn our mother tongues and discover the treasures of our cultures.</p>
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Unfortunately for<strong> Arabic language</strong>, we could not find good quality products that have excellent content and fine design. </p>
Therefore I decided to create them with the help of my husband and arabic teachers. </p>
Educational toys helping children to <strong>appreciate the treasures of this cultural heritage</strong>, and helping parents to teach Arabic language in an educational, playful and attractive way.</p>
The Daradam brand is born today after one and a half year of hard work, lots of exchange and great experiences with parents and teachers. </p>
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<strong>By now, we have developed three products :</strong></p>
<a href="http://www.daradam.com/files/banner_kkbb_arabicubes_daradam.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://www.daradam.com/files/banner_kkbb_arabicubes_daradam.jpg"></a></p>
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<strong>ARABICUBES</strong> : wooden blocks that help to learn writing in Arabic</p>
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- to understand all the forms letters can have and to choose the right one,</p>
<p dir="ltr">
- to actually compose real words thanks to the big number of blocks available : 48!</p>
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- to manipulate wooden cubes and discover classical patterns.</p>
<a href="http://www.daradam.com/files/banner_kkbb_arabicouples_daradam.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://www.daradam.com/files/banner_kkbb_arabicouples_daradam.jpg"></a></p>
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<strong>ARABICOUPLES</strong> : card game that helps kids to learn about the 22 countries of the Arab League, their flags and traditional costumes. A great educational material to start a quality discussion and to widen your children/students vocabulary.</p>
<p dir="ltr">
It's played with the Old Maid rules. Don't keep the Scorpion! </p>
<a href="http://www.daradam.com/files/banner_kkbb_chkobbakids_daradam.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://www.daradam.com/files/banner_kkbb_chkobbakids_daradam.jpg"></a></p>
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<strong>CHKOBBAKIDS</strong> : inspired from a much loved card game in Tunisia.</p>
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You will need to collect a maximum of cards by counting, adding (1 to 10), and playing in a team.</p>
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A very dynamic game that will make you discover the numbers used in the Middle East. </p>
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Your whole family can play these two card games even if you don't speak Arabic.</p>
With your help the DARADAM toys will be available on Internet and in specialized bookstores and shops.</p>
Allocation of funds
<p dir="ltr">
By now the designing phase of these three products has been completed. </p>
We have chosen the suppliers who meet our required strict quality standards. The prototypes have been tested by children and been presented to future clients like arabic bookstores. </p>
They simply love them! </p>
<strong>Please find below a little recap about the financing part :</strong></p>
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- My personal investment will finance the product design and development,</p>
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- The bank loan will cover the e-shop & communication fees required at the launching stage.</p>
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- <u>What's left is the </u><u>production cost of the</u><u> first collection !</u></p>
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Today the production of the 3 toys is on the verge of kicking off... All I need is to place the order.</p>
<p dir="ltr">
But to finance the minimum order quantity (of 1000 to 5000 pieces per reference), I need your help.</p>
<p dir="ltr">
The costs of this first order is 15000 € :</p>
<p dir="ltr">
> An association is giving me a 0% loan of 6000 €</p>
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> I will finance another 6000 € with my personal savings</p>
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<strong>> For the missing 3000 €, </strong><strong>I definitely need your participation!</strong></p>
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<strong>What happens if the fundraising exceeds the target ?</strong></p>
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We have a lot more great product ideas. If you help me double the 3000 € target, we will be able to speed up the design and development of the 4th product that will be focusing on the <strong>traditional arabic architecture</strong>... A very rich and exciting subject. It's important to raise its appreciation and respect from a very early age.</p>
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Support this project, to make the Daradam dream come true! </p>
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<strong><em>Our children have the right to discover the richness of their culture and it’s our responsibility to help them to appreciate it and be proud of their inherited values.</em></strong></p>
<a href="http://www.daradam.com/files/banner_kkbb_fin.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://www.daradam.com/files/banner_kkbb_fin.jpg"></a></p>
<p dir="ltr">
Thank you for following, sharing and liking also @DaradamKids.</p>
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Let your friends know about <a href="http://www.daradam.com/" target="_blank">www.daradam.com</a>!</p>
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♥ A Thank you! card sent to you by email + A big THX on the DARADAM Facebook page
Estimated delivery: April 2016

- 9 contributions
♥ ChkobbaKids card game shipped in Europe
Estimated delivery: June 2016

- 4 contributions
♥ ArabiCouples card game shipped in Europe
Estimated delivery: June 2016

- 19 contributions
♥ ArabiCouples & ChkobbaKids card games shipped in Europe
Estimated delivery: June 2016

- 2 contributions
♥ Arabicubes - 48 wooden arabic alphabet blocks shipped in Europe
Estimated delivery: July 2016

- 18 contributions
♥ The first three products :
ArabiCubes, ArabiCouples & ChkobbaKids
shipped in Europe

- 3 contributions
♥ The first three products : ArabiCubes, ArabiCouples & ChkobbaKids shipped worldwide
Estimated delivery: July 2016

- 1 contribution
♥ One of all of our fantastic new educational toys coming out and lovely goodies shipped to your home during the 3 next years
Estimated delivery: March 2019