July 12, 2014
DODOMA'ction et formation durable
DODOMA'ction for sustainable development

End date
Out of €1,100
115 %
DODOMA'ction et formation durable
Dear friends, acquaintances, kissbankers,</p>
<u><strong>Who am I?</strong></u></p>
My name is Nelly, 23. I have recently finished my Master degree in electrical engineering and I have committed myself to doing a volunteer service and <em>become an active</em> participant in the world-wide process of <em>sustainable development</em>. At the end of August, I will go for one year to DODOMA, Tanzania, to work with the NGO DONET (<a href="http://www.dodoma-guide.com/donet.html">http://www.dodoma-guide.com/donet.html</a>).</p>
<img alt="Tanzanie_2" height="340" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/92535/tanzanie_2.jpg" width="311"></p>
<u><strong>Who is DONET?</strong></u></p>
DONET (DOdoma environmental NETwork) was launched in 1994 in Dodoma, Tanzania. The association aims to promote sustainable development in Tanzania and therefore to improve time the well-being of the population. DONET works:</p>
<strong> - </strong><u><strong>within the government, private organizations and local leaders.</strong></u></p>
It speaks in favor of the implementation of policies to support sustainable management of resources and access to energy.</p>
<strong>- <u>within the population.</u></strong></p>
Its goal is to raise the awareness of the citizens of Tanzania, and especially of children, on several themes such as the access to green technology and clean water, food security, and biodiversity and resources conservation. It aims to encourage them to get involved in environmental protection and energy transition.</p>
The operation? Prevention and Education! Indeed, education is identified as an essential tool for achieving sustainable development.</p>
<em>“Give a man a fish, you feed him for one day, teach a man to fish, you feed him for life”</em></p>
<img alt="Donet_logo" height="143" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/92536/donet_logo.JPG" width="147"></p>
Currently, DONET‘s main mission is to enhanced knowledge and stimulate the engagement of pupils. </p>
Tanzanian government has implemented that in every school an Ecology teacher should be assigned. DONET offers trainings providing these teachers with strong up-to-date knowledge of environmental concerns. Then, they can pass the skills down to the students and explain them the links between people, the economy and the environment and teach them the benefits of a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle.</p>
The association also sets up “Environment clubs” in schools. Pupils, teachers, members of the association, etc. can meet up weekly in these clubs, share their knowledge and ideas and debate. They also can organize sustainable development projects. In these clubs anyone can access information on environmental issues. Personal initiatives are stimulated and encouraged. Anyone who wants to act and get involved for a better and more respectful way of living will be welcomed in the clubs.</p>
<img alt="1091" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/92546/1091.jpg"></p>
DONET wishes to establish its action over the long term and wants the clubs to become autonomous and work without its support over time. None of the projects will be imposed, they will have to be submitted by the clubs’ stakeholders.</p>
<u><strong>Why will I do?</strong></u></p>
During the year in Tanzania, several tasks will be assigned to me:</p>
- Support of the project “Environment Clubs”</p>
I have studied electrical engineering and acquired knowledge in the field of renewable energies. I will pass on this knowledge to ecology teacher and stakeholders of the clubs. I will promote sustainable energy management, I will inform them of the environmental as well as the social impacts of fossil fuels and I will help them in the realization of their project with regard to energy.</p>
- Office administration (meetings, partnership, set up of projects, etc.)</p>
- Public relations and social media for DONET</p>
<img alt="Energie-renouvelable-monde" height="157" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/92538/energie-renouvelable-monde.jpg" width="159"></p>
Allocation of funds
An educational year costs 805€ a month. This sum covers:</p>
- boarding pass 110€</p>
- food and accommodation 200€</p>
- social insurance and vaccines 60€</p>
- administrative fees and visa 350€</p>
- projects of the DONET (training and clubs) 85€</p>
I kindly request your support to collect the money needed for the setting up of the project of DONET, which consist of the training of teachers and the opening of several environment clubs. Therefore, I would like to gather <strong>1100€ </strong>(85x12= 1020€ for the projects + the KKBB fees and commission of 8%).</p>
Donations are tax deductible. You will receive a record of your contribution.</p>

- 4 contributions
You will receive a thank-you email.
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 4 contributions
In addition to the first compensation, you will be in the mailing list of the association DONET and get the newletters.
Estimated delivery: October 2014
- 9 contributions
In addition to the previous compensation, you will have access to the online photo books of the projects.
Estimated delivery: January 2015

- 7 contributions
In addition to the previous compensation, you will receive a postcard from Tanzania.
Estimated delivery: February 2015

- 6 contributions
In addition to the previous compensation, you will receive a letter from one of the clubs' stakeholders.
Estimated delivery: February 2015