GRAM #6 - Sanden+Hodnekvam

Dialogues and projects presentation of the architectural office Sanden+Hodnekvam Olso based.

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GRAM #6 - Sanden+Hodnekvam

EDITIONS QNDMC Editions QNDMC is an independent publishing house for architecture and design, passionate about the notion of space and its construction. It features critical and poetic reflections on architecture. It was founded in 2011 and is based in Paris, Basel and Oslo. GRAM #06 - SANDEN+HODNEKVAM GRAM is a multiple research tool that combines graphic investigations with architectural explorations. It portrays the methods and processes of architecture offices throughout of email exchanges. The outcomes are both theoretical and practical, and opens the doors to the endless thought processes behind the production of space. This publication of 112 pages is a re-transcription of emails conversations with Sanden+Hodnekvam Architects. The interview concludes with a presentation of a few recent projects. Sanden+Hodnekvam Architects is an architecture studio founded by John Sanden and Ingvild Hodnekvam in 2014. The studio is based in Oslo, Norway, and is engaged in a varied range of projects all over the country. Their work balances between simplicity in form and richness in tectonics and atmospheres. They seek simple solutions with honesty of materials and construction in mind, always striving for the rational, aesthetic and sustainable solution. The studio has won several architectural competitions and their work is widely published. They have been included in Wallpaper`s list of the worlds most promising emerging practices, and their work have been nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award. Sanden+Hodnekvam is one of six selected studios for the norwegian national scenic route program 2022-2029. Both partners have also been teaching and are frequently guest critics at NTNU and AHO.

Allocation of funds

Editions QNDMC is a non-profit and independent research platform financed only through the sale of its publications and donations. Help us raise the necessary funds to print a limited series of a hundred copies. Your generous support can even contribute to increase this amount. This presale ensures that we only print books that have already been sold, preventing waste and overprinting. It's a unique chance to own a copy of this publication since no extra copies will be printed. Claim your print today and be part of our journey. The entire team at Editions QNDMC would like to thank you for your support and your financial contribution to the project.


GRAM #6 - Sanden+Hodnekvam


  • 17 contributions
A copy of the publication GRAM #6 - Sanden+Hodnekvam

Estimated delivery: October 2024

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GRAM #6 - Sanden+Hodnekvam - EARLY BIRDS 20% DISCOUNT


  • 20 contributions
A copy of the publication GRAM #6 - Sanden+Hodnekvam with a 20% discount for the 20 first orders.

Estimated delivery: October 2024