<em> "<strong>Pipoye</strong> is without a doubt <strong>The ARTIST</strong> whose path will mark history.</em></p>
<em> Endowed with an unlimited imagination and exuberant creativity, he is the incarnation of a smile. </em></p>
<strong><em> A SMILE is all that is needed for everything to become possible. </em></strong></p>
<em> This is why Pipoye is chosen as our project ambassador. </em></p>
<em> His optimism and his art will be showcased for EVERYONE to become aware of autism. </em></p>
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<em><u><strong>“We wish to be engaged by your side, in this project. It is a way to demonstrate that in art the notion of disability must disappear because art is a form of expression that emanates from all beings. When we speak of difference and not a disability: the difference is an engine while disability is a barrier ( in any case it is often designed this way).”</strong></u> Iman Chair, artist-photographer, author of the exhibition “<strong>Autisme en couleurs</strong>” (Autism in Color), mother of Pipoye. </em></p>
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Pipoye, a known and recognized artist, currently has an exhibition in Hollywood.</p>
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<strong> Pipoye will be the presenter of the documentary film </strong>we will present upon our return of our journey. His task is immense, but his smile is the promise that makes anything possible.</p>
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Anything is possible if we all believe.</p>
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<strong>Support that smile, support this project, and support the EXPRESSION</strong>.</p>
<em> Ardent."</em></p>
<strong><i>Handicap or no cap ?... </i></strong><strong><i>Well more than a project, it is a real commitment, a motivation and desire to change spirit, mindsets and assumptions. We want to highlight all these young talents from around the world. Come on! Let’s go on the adventure to discover these pearls, these hidden gems that are concealed because of what…of their disability? But what is a disability for you? What does it mean to be normal? Why not collect all these young artists from the different artistic outlets from paintings, music, writing, theatre… EXPRESSION is unique to each human being, so let’s take advantage of this asset to exchange, share and get together.</i></strong></p>
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This project will begin with the <u><strong>exploration of disability</strong></u> in five different regions of the world. To better comprehend the interior, let’s discover the exterior in order to pose a distanced view of our own culture. This is why we travel, Hannah, Charlotte, Goretti and I, to the five continents to understand how each society according to its culture and history perceives and integrates the disabled person within it. For this we will make a great stop in Cambodia, Morocco, Brazil, Canada and Italy.</p>
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We are going to meet people in situations of disability through various structures that will welcome us and guide us throughout this journey. You can also see below our partners, we worked with over the past year to strengthen our project.</p>
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<strong>OUR PARTNERS :</strong></p>
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In each of these countries we have partners who support us and who will welcome us throughout our journey:</p>
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<i>Cambodia</i> : Children of Mékong (<a href="http://" target="_blank">http://www.enfantsdumekong.com/</a>), Handicap International (<a href="http://" target="_blank">http://www.handicap-international.fr/</a>), Veteran Cambodia (<a href="http://" target="_blank">http://www.ic-vic.org/</a>) .</p>
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<i>Morocco</i> : Artist : Pipoye (<a href="http://" target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pipoye/354308601255381?fref=ts</a>), (<a href="http://" target="_blank">http://lemondedepipoye.hautetfort.com/</a>) and his mother the artist photographer Iman flesh behind the traveling photo exhibition "Colors of Autism" but also the AMH (Amicale des Marocains Handicapés) (<a href="http://" target="_blank">http://amh.ma</a>) . </p>
<i>Brazil</i> : Rodas Da Liberdade (<a href="http://" target="_blank">http://rodasdaliberdade.blogspot.fr/</a>).</p>
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<i>Canada</i> : Residence of the Buisson for people with mental disability.</p>
<i>Italie</i> : Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles. (National Institute of Blind Youth)</p>
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<strong>OUR SPONSORS</strong></p>
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Many people have sponsored our project.</p>
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<em> This is the case of <strong>Dr. Pierre Yves Baudot</strong>, lecturer in political science at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines and also an associate researcher at the Centre for European Studies (FNSP, Sciences Po). His support takes the form of methodological support in terms of project management and working methods as well as a theoretical deepening on<strong> how to design and produce public policy on disability</strong>.</em></p>
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<i>"This project is particularly attractive" ...The associative experiences and professionals can show a mature projected plan, which is very thoughtful" ...These elements made me support and even encourage this project"</i></p>
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We also have the support from <strong>Hamou Bouakkaz</strong>, Deputy adjunct to the Mayor of Paris in charge of local democracy and community life.</p>
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<i>"The intersection of disability issues, youth, travel and culture are very rich domains, combining dynamism, human relations, cultural discovery and reflection" ... "My dual approach towards those elected in charge of associations and not seeing involvement in many actions within disability allows me to make a positive opinion on this project."</i></p>
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<em> Then there is</em><em> <strong>Leila Ghandi</strong> graduate of Sciences Po Paris, photographer, journalist and filmmaker specializing in portrait documentary. She is engaged in Moroccan civil society and active alongside national associations and international foundations.</em></p>
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<i>"This project could also ultimately work for the development of public policy that integrates and improves the quality of life of people with disabilities (access to employment, development and access to childcare, training nursing staff, develop a pipeline of services and assistance at home, etc. ..) and it seems to be a social priority for human development. In this sense, I support this project and I am committed to my support. "</i></p>
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The<strong><em> PEJA </em></strong>(Programme Européen de la Jeunesse en Action), thanks to a training that was given to us were able to better focus our project.</p>
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And, this project is funded with support from the European Commission.<a href="http://www.jeunesseenaction.fr/uploads/EU_flag_progryia_EN-01.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://www.jeunesseenaction.fr/uploads/EU_flag_progryia_EN-01.jpg"></a></p>
<strong>We need your support which is very important to us since our engagement is for you. </strong></p>
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Following this observation trip, we will<strong> reflect our experience </strong>through several mediums:</p>
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- The creation of a documentary film, thanks to two great personalities who are Sussfeld Jean Claude, director, screenwriter and French director who has worked alongside Michel Audiard and Jean-Luc Godard (<a href="http://" target="_blank">http://fr.wikipedia .org / wiki / Jean-Claude_Sussfeld</a>) and Audrey Peguin who has already made a film about disability!</p>
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- The establishment of an exhibition of photographs and stories to illustrate the results of our research</p>
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- The writing of a thesis, which aims to study how each society according to its culture and history perceives and integrates people with disabilities,</p>
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- - The creation of a Talent Festival. Moreover artists of all kinds: photographer, illustrator, theater, music ... we need you to create the Talent Festival which will be a time for a week in Paris, the time of expression for all! Write to us at <a href="http://" target="_blank">hpc.talents @ gmail.com</a>!</p>
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- And plenty of other surprises!</p>
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Finally we will <u><strong>create long-term association</strong></u> law 1901 for the promotion of young talents with disabilities, but also for the establishment of funds deliberations on the issue of disability, and the creation of joint activities for disabled and people say invalid can conduct joint experiences. <strong>An association that aims to break down barriers between two worlds</strong>, to better appreciate the wealth of each.</p>
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If you are interested do not hesitate to make a donation, even if it is not a huge amount, because <strong>it is not with that which we build tomorrow</strong>! Any given amount is welcome! We appreciate the gestures which are symbolic ;) and are multiplied as they become more than concrete.</p>
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And you will see that your donations will be accompanied by <strong>counterparties</strong>, which are a little wink to thank you for advantage!</p>
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Also know that we shall receive your donations only if we reach the € 3,700 ...</p>
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<strong> Ultimately, everything counts for us, and above all the involvement of people, their mobilization, and their presence. A presence that has no price!</strong></p>
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Do not hesistate to ask questions at : <a href="http://" target="_blank">
[email protected]</a> ... </p>
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<strong> Thank you all</strong>, for having taken the time to read this project!</p>
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Artistically Yours !</p>
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