April 25, 2014
Happy People Are Happy
Can we train ourselves to be happy ? Help us to discover and deliver happiness to the most !
![Project visual Happy People Are Happy](https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/resized/380x0/quality:90/https%253A%252F%252Fdjxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net%252Fuploads%252Fproject%252Favatar%252F24273%252Flarge_thumbnail.jpg)
End date
Out of €9,000
109 %
Happy People Are Happy
<img alt="Capture_d__cran_2014-03-23___21.26.09" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/78342/Capture_d__cran_2014-03-23___21.26.09.png"></p>
<strong><i>Introspection on what makes us really happy makes us feel more conscious about the simplicity of this feeling.</i></strong></p>
<i>Happiness is an emotion, </i><em>just as we can train ourselves to be unstressed, we can also train ourselves to be happy ! </em><em>The most important part of this training is to know that we can do it.</em></p>
<i>The goal of this project is to share this awareness with the most people possible!</i></p>
<strong>Why are you happy ?</strong></p>
We will ask this question to six people: «<strong>Happy Ambassadors</strong>». We will try to find them in six different parts of the world (France,Tanzania, U.S.A, the Amazon, Mongolia and Japan) in order to show that this feeling is universal.</p>
<img alt="Pays" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/77624/pays.jpg"></p>
<strong>Happy People Are Happy works like a doctor's prescription :</strong></p>
the six ten-minute episodes are <strong>six happy doses</strong>, that you can watch whenever you want or whenever you need!</p>
How we will look for these six Happy Ambassadors ?</p>
<strong><i>1st meeting:</i></strong></p>
We will start our journey with someone we have known for a long time. We will meet him in Harlem. Since we started this project we knew that we wanted to film his life. We can’t wait to introduce you to <strong>Archie</strong>, a man whose life has been guided by art. An old New Yorker, he owns an art shop where you can buy everything, furnitures included.</p>
<strong><i>Happy booth :</i></strong></p>
We will set up a street booth on which you can read "What Makes You Happy?". Passengers passing by will have the opportunity to <strong>show</strong>, in their own style, the way they <strong>feel happy</strong>. after that we will pick one to be a Happy Ambassadors. </p>
<strong><i>Charity Organisation :</i></strong></p>
We’re now working with <strong>Afrique Durable</strong> that offers to young africans the ability to attend French business schools. At the same time they work in Africa to build a library and places of knowledge and exchange. They accepted our project in order to set up <strong>Happy Meetings</strong>, once the documentary will be finished. They will also introduce us to natives in Tanzania who still live like their ancestors !</p>
<strong><i>Path :</i></strong></p>
We will follow a flow of people by asking them who’s the person they think is the happiest among their relatives. Then we will meet them and find the one that will became a Happy Ambassador. Therefore we can <strong>study the differences</strong> between what we show and the <strong>deep feelings</strong> we have. This is a key point that will <strong>teach </strong>us how to deliver a true and easy to understand documentary.</p>
<img alt="Mazzali" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/78314/Mazzali.jpg"></p>
<strong>A documentary ?</strong></p>
Not only. Happy People are Happy is a <strong>cinematographic work</strong>. A <strong>hybrid</strong> creation. The three of us are truly passionate about cinema, photography, scenario and post-production, all of these parts that makes a documentary and even more takes are a key point in our work. With all our heart and techniques we will focus on the <strong>finest details </strong>to deliver to you a master piece. From lightings to composition, you’ll truly see the difference with a handheld style documentary. <strong>Our engagement</strong> is to deliver a truly accessible and unique story in its finest details.</p>
<strong>Building the story</strong></p>
Every episode will be accompanied by a different musical style. From opera to electronic, we will build episode like <strong>music videos</strong>. Three different axis will be treated :</p>
- <strong>Meetings with people. </strong>Their environments and the details of their daily life.</p>
- <strong>The movies they will shoot.</strong> Thanks to a video camera that we will lend them for 24 hours. Their mission will be to film the moments when they feel happy.</p>
- <strong>Exhibits or performances</strong>. They will be made once we head back to France and they will represent the sum of the Happy Ambassadors feelings as well as ours.</p>
<strong>Follow us !</strong></p>
Every week, we will make small clips that will show you how the project is going on.. You will also find some extra <strong>photos</strong> and <strong>stories</strong> that we want to share. During this whole adventure you will have the ability to <strong>interact </strong>with us, some of the backers will even have the opportunity to access an early version of the documentary ! Finally we will give you some cinematographic <strong>tips and techniques</strong> along with the making of clips.</p>
<img alt="Happy-journal" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/78338/happy-journal.jpg"></p>
<strong>SOS in Bel Air is a 3 persons team : </strong></p>
<i>Filmmaker and D.O.P : </i>Gandalf de Maupeou d’Ableiges de Monbail</p>
<i>Engineer :</i> Yacine Remini</p>
<i>Art director and Motion Designer : </i>Lucile Vidaud</p>
<img alt="Logosos" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/78312/LogoSOS.jpg"></p>
On the side of this project, we work all together in<strong> SOS in Bel Air</strong>, a <strong>Design Filmmaking</strong> Company that we own. Therefore we have a strong experiences on building this kind of project moreover we’re all backpackers. We’re also all together in <strong>EMLYON Business School</strong> and <strong>Centrale Lyon</strong> <strong>Engineer School</strong>. Happy People Are happy is a guideline for SOS in Bel Air but not only. It follows a <strong>lifelong project</strong> we already illustrated in personal works, exhibits, videos, photography and art installations.</p>
<img alt="Logoidea" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/78313/Logoidea.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
Firstly, <strong>AN AMAZINGLY BIG THANK YOU</strong> for the help you will give us, the amount doesn’t matter since the most important is to know that our work is supported.</p>
the overall budget is around 40 000€, which is really not much for a 4 month long and 3 persons team movie. It included the minimum we need to travel, live and the gear.</p>
Our bet is to be <strong>broadcasted on television</strong>. This is the essence of the project, we really want to <strong>share</strong> a clear message with a wide audience !</p>
This means <strong>high quality</strong> and lots of constraints on set and on post production.</p>
A <strong>personal investment</strong> of 25 000€ gave us the hardware to deliver a real cine-style documentary :</p>
-FS700 + Accessories: 10 000€</p>
-FS100 + Accessories: 3 000€</p>
-Brushless Gimbal: 3 000€</p>
-Led panels: 1 000€</p>
Total: 17 000€</p>
And some of the journey expenses : -Visas: 150€ -Food: 300€/month = 120€ -Inner country travels: 150€ -Hosting: 1000€ Total : 2500 X 3 = 7500€ -Car rental: 500€ </p>
This campaign is here to boost a <strong>2 year long</strong> project. Most of the of this campaign will go to plane tickets and work with various music artists.</p>
-Plane Ticket: 3 X 2100€ = 6300€</p>
-Mastering: 1000€</p>
-Making of the rewards : 1200€</p>
-Kisskiss fare: 720 €</p>
We want to be on set for <strong>4 month</strong> in order to capture all the <strong>details</strong> and create a <strong>t</strong><strong>rue connection</strong> with the people we meet.</p>
If with your help we get <strong>20 000 €</strong> we will have the opportunity to reach the Amazon, meet different <strong>tribes </strong>and achieve the highest expectations we have for this documentary, that we hope, <strong>will change the way we think</strong> !</p>
<img alt="Titre-fin" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/78315/Titre-fin.jpg"></p>
© photography : Veronika Istomina, Doha Sam, Eblazer, Massali</p>
- 9 contributions
Happiness and a big thank you ! Give is one of the easiest way to feel happy.
- 14 contributions
A wonderful potato + A digital version of the documentary !
Cook it as you like or show it ! 4€ included for the shipping fees. If you're not living in France, please add 15€ more (44€).
Estimated delivery: November 2014
- 12 contributions
A Happy People Are Happy shirt + Digital version of the documentary. 4€ included for the shipping fees. If you're not living in France, please add 15€ more (64€).
Estimated delivery: September 2014
- 2 contributions
A Happy People Are Happy shirt + Signed picture of the making of + Your name on the credits + Digital version of the documentary
4€ included for the shipping fees. If you're not living in France, please add 15€ more (84€).
Estimated delivery: November 2014
- 1 contribution
A happy present for wherever you want on our journey and your name on the credits + Digital version of the documentary + Your name on the credits. 14€ included for the shipping fees.
Estimated delivery: July 2014
- 7 contributions
A potato + a shirt + a signed picture of the making of + Your name on the credits + a travelogue crafted in our school's Fablab with happy messages from each Happy Ambassadors and the crew members !
Estimated delivery: December 2014
Easter Egg: Wedding proposal, Captain America, your dog picture or whatever you want + Your name on the credits + Digital version of the documentary in preview
Estimated delivery: December 2014
- 1 contribution
Come with us on location ! So you can see what's behind the camera for real + Your name on the credits + Digital version of the documentary in preview
Estimated delivery: December 2014
Rights for a public and free broadcast in your festival, cinema...
Your name or the one of your company on the credits + Digital version of the documentary in preview
Estimated delivery: December 2014
- 1 contribution
A video clip or music video for your organization, band...
2 days of shooting and 1 of video editing + Your name or the one of your company on the credits + Digital version of the documentary in preview
Estimated delivery: December 2014
- 2 contributions
You become an official partner, fullscreen logo of your company on the opening and ending credits + Early acces to the montage + Digital version of the documentary in preview
Estimated delivery: July 2014
Become our prestige partner ! Only 1 available. We will come to you and broadcast, for the first time ever, the documentary. This means no one will have seen it before you ! + Your logo on every campaign materials + Fullscreen logo of your company on the opening and ending credits + Early acces to the montage + Digital version of the documentary in preview