Hybrid Stereo Parabolic Microphone (HSPM)

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Project visual Hybrid Stereo Parabolic Microphone (HSPM)
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Hybrid Stereo Parabolic Microphone (HSPM)

<p><strong>Project</strong><br /> <br /> The idea of creating a large parabola dish is born from&nbsp;my&nbsp;obsession&nbsp;of perfecting&nbsp;bird sound detection.&nbsp;A few decibels can sometimes be decisive in the identification&nbsp;of migrating birds.<br /> <br /> Because large&nbsp;parabola dishes&nbsp;cannot be&nbsp;found&nbsp;on the market, I set myself on a path of designing&nbsp;30&nbsp;polycarbonate&nbsp;custom-made dishes&nbsp;(the minimum number to order for the making of a specific mold).<br /> <br /> After many tests&nbsp;including different&nbsp;3D modelisations of the various parts and microphones&nbsp;positioning, a functional, market-ready&nbsp;prototype was born.<br /> <br /> The target&nbsp;of this presale&nbsp;is 28&nbsp;dishes.&nbsp;First come, first served basis.&nbsp;</p> <p>If more dishes are needed, a second presale will be organized.<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/677958/Illus_kiss_kiss_2-1596960474.jpeg" width="100%" /><br /> <br /> <strong>Conception</strong><br /> <br /> The main interest of a parabola dish is to&nbsp;concentrate&nbsp;sound waves on a point, its focus.&nbsp;It amplifies sounds in a way correlated to the&nbsp;dish size. The&nbsp;larger&nbsp;the dish, the greater the&nbsp;amplification.<br /> <br /> However, sound detection through parabola dishes is very directional. This&nbsp;could be limitating&nbsp;for&nbsp;specific use, like migration counts: birds rarely fly and call in straight in the dish beam.<br /> <br /> From this assessment came several&nbsp;ideas&nbsp;:<br /> - get the biggest parabola dish as possible to allow maximum amplification;&nbsp;the only&nbsp;limitation&nbsp;was to be able to transport it in a car<br /> - get a hybrid system, combining the advantage of a parabola dish&nbsp;with&nbsp;those of a stereo ambiant system,&nbsp;for a better amplification&nbsp;(especially&nbsp;important&nbsp;for&nbsp;migration counts).<br /> <br /> <strong>Specifity</strong><br /> <br /> The main specificity of this prototype, beyond its size, is its hybrid microphones&nbsp;positioning:<br /> <br /> - 2 stereo microphones in the focus, facing the inside&nbsp;and offering&nbsp;a strong amplification and directivity<br /> <br /> - 2 microphones outside of the parabola dish, facing the exterior and offering a large stereo ambiant<br /> <br /> This&nbsp;positioning&nbsp;gives the parabola dish&nbsp;the advantage&nbsp;of both a parabola and a stereo ambiant system. It&nbsp;is particularly adapted to migration counts, nocturnal or diurnal, but&nbsp;is also perfect&nbsp;for specific&nbsp;recording thanks to its directivity.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/677959/IMG_20200530_085457-1596960536.jpeg" width="100%" /><br /> <br /> <strong>Features</strong><br /> <br /> Parabola dish&nbsp;<strong>:</strong><br /> <strong>-&nbsp;</strong>thermoformed polycarbonate, a very strong plastic (temperature, UV, impacts, keep its shape)<br /> - thickness 2mm<br /> - diameter&nbsp;1100mm<br /> - depth&nbsp;305 mm<br /> <br /> Microphones&nbsp;:<br /> - Primo EM272, successor of the EM172,&nbsp;well-know for their high sensibility and reliability<br /> - assembled in stereo 2x2<br /> - 1m cable, jack 3,5mm plug-in-power or 2x XLR Neutrik (please tell in the order what you need)<br /> <br /> Microphone support&nbsp;:<br /> - 3D ABS print (strong plastic resisting to impacts, temperatures and UV)<br /> - can be taken apart with a screwdriver for the replacement of a capsule<br /> <br /> Handle&nbsp;:&nbsp;<br /> - 3D ABS print (strong plastic resisting to impacts, temperatures and UV)<br /> - support part for the recorder with a &frac14; screw (supplied in the kit)<br /> - the handle is disposed at the gravity center to facilitate the transportation<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/677961/IMG_20200530_090137-1596960614.jpeg" width="100%" /><br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/677964/IMG_20200530_090027-1596960966.jpeg" width="100%" /><br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/677965/IMG_20200530_085552-1596960985.jpeg" width="100%" /><br /> <br /> Fixation pole&nbsp;:<br /> - aluminium 15x15x2mm<br /> - very rigid and resistant (humidity, impacts, temperatures, UV)<br /> - maintain the right position of the microphones in the focus<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/677962/IMG_20200530_085703-1596960637.jpeg" width="100%" /><br /> <br /> Tripod support&nbsp;:<br /> - 3D ABS print (strong plastic resisting to impacts, temperatures and UV)<br /> - quick tripod release plate (supplied in the kit) attached to the support and can be taken apart<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/677967/IMG_20200809_101356-1596961106.jpeg" width="100%" /><br /> <br /> Windshield&nbsp;:<br /> - Rycote long hair<br /> -&nbsp;custom-made<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/677963/IMG_20200530_085403_1-1596960891.jpeg" width="100%" /><br /> <br /> Assembly&nbsp;:<br /> - assembled from SMX polymeres<br /> - very resistant and durable<br /> - stainless steel screws and bolts<br /> - every parabola is assembled carefully by myself&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Weight&nbsp;:<br /> - 3350 grams<br /> <br /> Size&nbsp;:<br /> - 120 x 43,5 centimeters<br /> <br /> <strong>Tests&nbsp;</strong><br /> <br /> These recordings have been done with this parabola and a Mixpre 3&nbsp;&nbsp;:</p> <p>Marsh Warbler (Maroille, France) https://soundcloud.com/quentin-dupriez/rousserolle-verderolle-chant-aa-bots-mixpre3-maroilles-202005310730<br /> <br /> Bluethroat (Maroilles, France) https://soundcloud.com/quentin-dupriez/gorgebleue-a-miroir-chant-aa-bots-mixpre3-maroilles-202005310800<br /> <br /> Common Grasshopper Warbler (Maroilles, France) https://soundcloud.com/quentin-dupriez/locustelle-tachetee-chant-aa-bots-mixpre3-maroilles-202005310745<br /> <br /> <strong>Warning&nbsp;</strong><br /> <br /> The parabola shape highly focuses sun rays.&nbsp;As a consequence,&nbsp;temperatures&nbsp;can rise&nbsp;at focus&nbsp;and light the windshield or melt the microphone support easily!<br /> Please&nbsp;<strong>DO NOT</strong>&nbsp;leave the parabola dish&nbsp;faced in the sun&nbsp;during the day!<br /> <br /> <strong>Construction and delivery time</strong><br /> <br /> 1 month from the end of the presale&nbsp;for the first 28 pieces, and 2 to 3 months beyond the 28 pieces.<br /> <br /> <strong>Price&nbsp;</strong><br /> <br /> - Full kit, ready to use ;<br /> <br /> <strong>550&euro;</strong>&nbsp;(all taxes included)<br /> <br /> <strong>Shipping cost</strong></p> <p>France :&nbsp;free !</p> <p>Germany :&nbsp;39 &euro;</p> <p>Belgium : 22 &euro;</p> <p>Spain : 80 &euro;</p> <p>Italy : 78 &euro;</p> <p>Luxembourg : 22 &euro;</p> <p>Netherlands : 29 &euro;</p> <p>United-Kingdom : 71 &euro;<br /> <br /> Other destinations or any question, feel&nbsp;free to contact me : [email protected]<br /> <br /> You can also pick it up at&nbsp;my&nbsp;house, at Preux-au-Bois (59288, France)&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/677966/IMG_20200530_085349-1596961031.jpeg" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> &nbsp;<br /> <br /> &nbsp;</p>

Allocation of funds




    Hybrid Stereo Parabolic Microphone (HSPM)

    Estimated delivery: December 2020

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