May 12, 2022
The Butterfl'eye effect
It's all about Storytelling ! Join us on our new venture at Butterfl'eye Movies !

End date
Out of €10,000
40 %
The Butterfl'eye effect
To write is to shake the meaning of the world, to place an indirect question in it, to which the writer, by a final suspense, abstains from answering. The answer, it is each of us who gives it, bringing its history, its language, its freedom. Roland Barthes Act 1. There's always a beginning, isn't there? Everything starts with words, the words we write, the words we say to tell a story, stories we start by telling ourselves, stories we put down on paper, stories we dream or nightmare depending on the genre. Then we discover other stories through youth films but also in a melody or a painting. In short, I haven't stopped telling myself stories since my childhood. These stories become so haunting, ubiquitous that the only way to go from one to the other is to tell them orally (a tradition from my grandmothers) or for great loners like me, lay them on paper. My first story I wrote it at 12 years old, two years after my landing in Pondicherry, it speaks of a very inspiring story at the time, even a fantasy, that of a book in which you could enter and live full of adventures. Of course, this is the pitch of "A Neverending Story" by Wolfgang Petersen (1984). Would you believe me if I told you that I thought this book really existed and I looked for it in various libraries such as that of the Lycée Français passing through that of the Alliance Française and Romain Rolland. Indeed I was so frustrated that it pushed me to read more and more. Literary gluttony! And what a particularly French literature with a pronounced taste for the fantastic genre! My 1st love! And not only unfortunately...especially after having tasted the refined dishes of South India from the same grandmothers, but that's another story...gargantuan! Why this preamble around my childhood? Quite simply because I remained this child eager to tell what goes through his head. Of course, this literary stage will gradually turn into a visual quest. This expression alone leads me straight to the films of Méliés. This magician of images has imprisoned me for a long time in his prisms of special effects and illusions. Just add the long tradition of silent films by the Lumières brothers, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Laurel & Hardy preserved in the form of Super reels, a fascinating object. I then discovered around the VHS then the Laserdisc quantity of discovered films nourishing my filmographic tastes with a specific attraction for the phantasmagorical universes. Act II. No, no reboot please! 5 years ago (follow the ellipsis, the story picks up when I was 42), I decided to embark on this path professionally to tell my stories as a filmmaker. 2017 was the year I literally reset my previous life to start a brand new chapter. I planned things very carefully. Conventional break, writing & directing courses, competition films, production box, partnership, assistant director assignments and above all a panel of written screenplays (short and long). The results of these five years of relentlessness are largely positive since Butterfl'eye Movies (literally translating The Eye of the Butterfly in reference to a childhood sweetheart) has produced 13 films including the first feature film. Act III. A quest among how many already? We are now in 2022, my objectives were achieved a year late due to health reasons, which was quite complicated or even depressive when we had to cancel filming or even a 6-month foray into the world of Kollywood cinema in Chennai (India). Life is made up of the unexpected, the notorious difference with a work of fiction where you have to make believe that you are following characters in a universe in which they evolve. However, there is an essential element in making cinema, the sinews of war: The budget. There is no film without funding, it is unfortunately a myth that still has a bright future ahead of it. Well, I'm getting ready for what's next. A new stage.
1st objective: An orientation towards feature films with the possibility of seeking sources of funding in the regions, at the CNC or through co-productions. The short film will remain what is new to the novel, another way of telling stories allowing to test other narrative styles. 2nd objective: To make a first film in India and moreover produced by a recognized box is a way of proving that I can also transpose stories which impose a unifying look and which knows how to spend a budget appropriately 3rd objective: Be autonomous on the material part and equip yourself to gain autonomy and rental costs. 4th objective: Produce a pilot for a TV series in order to convince audiovisual production companies. 5th and last objective: Increase the capital of my production box to have more weight in the process of obtaining additional financing or even financing projects proposed by a third party. You will be able to have the details of my crowfunding 2.0 project since it is my 2nd campaign, the one carried out in 2018 was a success (8650 euros) and allowed me to make short films like Veilleurs de jour & Gowry, projects for which you voted. In addition, these donations made it possible to finance the purchase of costumes / accessories for my first feature film The End, a medium-length film for which you had also voted and which today is being transformed into a feature film. This campaign will last 60 days on a goal that seems unattainable from the outset, of course, and that's the challenge I'm setting myself. As I always say in post production, come what may, I understood that art always knows how to make its way to exist especially when it is done with honesty and conviction. The highlights of this edition: * Public screening of the anthology "From Pondy to Paris" on March 19 at the Entrepôt cinema, 7 rue pressensé, Paris 14th at 11 a.m. as part of the Short Film Festival. * Private screening of the 1st independent feature "The End" which will be presented at ACID as part of the Cannes festival. * Vote for the projects (feature film + tv series) that you want to see on screen. * Presentation of the collaborators who work passionately to bring our films to life * Sharing the pre-production stages of a new project (from writing to casting) See you soon online ! Stay tuned folks!
Allocation of funds
A campaign is a long commitment to fuel the project(s) and convince you of the merits of our company. So what is this money for? It is dedicated to the production of a feature film + a tv series pilot. You should know that the budget for my short films ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 euros. For the feature film, we are rather on a budget of 10,000 to 15,000 euros. You should know that I spent about 30,000 euros for the 13 works produced, of which 8,650 euros came from the 1st crowfunding in 2018. Let's be clear, I'm talking about the financing of an independent feature film + a tv series pilot of elsewhere the film(s) & series for which you will be able to vote fall within this budget. Obviously the idea is to give yourself the chance to go and see co-producers (FR or Europeans), regions, the CNC or other partner/organization to have a production in due form, namely actors and technicians hired & under contract. We need everyone's generosity to succeed and pass this crucial stage in order to develop projects that are both exciting, ambitious, committed and innovative, knowing that I have a script library made up of around forty projects. Naturally disciplined, persevering, passionate, benevolent and above all well surrounded, the niaque is there and this long-awaited help will only know how to delight you when you see all the seriousness of my company. I invite you to take a look at my refurbished website which contains all the information related to Butterfl'eye Movies but also the members of the team, a virtual theater room to see my films released before 2020 and the projects to be to come. Your suggestions, proposals and questions are welcome. So to be cleared, with 10000 euros, we can initiate a project of another feature movie With 15000 euros, we can also initiate a pilot of a tv serial too that's will also fantastic. I will keep you updated especially on the projects chosen for this year.

Featured reward
Premium show invitation
Premium show invitation
Estimated delivery: November 2022

Exclusive poster
Exclusive poster
Estimated delivery: September 2022

Name in generic
Name in generic

Shooting set invitation
Shooting set invitation

Photo shoot
Photo shoot
Estimated delivery: August 2022