May 21, 2022
L'Effet Papillon prend son envol
What if the little flapping of wings you are about to make could trigger a tornado of magic in Avignon this summer ...

End date
Out of €4,000
130 %
L'Effet Papillon prend son envol
After having conquered the hearts of the Parisian mentalism fans, I want to try to conquer the hearts of the entire French population! For this, participating in the Festival Off d'Avignon is a crucial step. Who is Taha Mansour? Engineer by training at Centrale Paris, Taha has always had an artistic soul. In parallel to his studies, he has performed on stage in musicals, concerts and improvisation shows. He now performs as a mentalist. This artistic and scientific plurality pushes him to want to link mentalism, science and theater in his shows. His production The Butterfly Effect is one of the best rated shows in Parisian reviews. It was the first show in the magic-mentalism category to be eligible for the Cyranos award, formerly called the Petits Molières. Taha also offers soft skill tranings to companies and schools, notably in influential communication and public speaking. What is the Butterfly Effect? Discovered in 1961, the butterfly effect reveals that the smallest events carried out on a small scale can generate much larger phenomena, appearing unpredictable and uncontrollable. This is how Edward Lorenz, the researcher who discovered this effect, formulated the idea according to which "The flapping of a butterfly's wings in Brazil can generate a tornado in Mexico". What if our choices and the actions that result from them were in turn the source of a butterfly effect? It is around this essential reflection that the show was built. The Butterfly Effect invites you to be guided throughout a mental and poetic journey in the form of an immersive experience in which you become the main actors.
Allocation of funds
As you will surely have already understood, all the funds collected will be used to finance the performance of the show on stage in Avignon. Thus, the money collected will allow : As you will surely have already understood, all the funds collected will be used to finance the performance of the show on stage in Avignon. Thus, the money collected will allow : - to finance the rent of the room which will welcome the public, which amount is 5000€. - to pay the different professionals who will work around the communication of the show: we count 1000€ for the press agent who will be in charge of the relations with the journalists, 1000€ for the presenter who will put us in contact with professionals who will allow us to organize future tours in different theaters of France as well as 1000€ to finance the different flyers and posters which will be used to allow us to stand out among the 2000 shows which will be presented in parallel! - to prepare Taha's flight by financing the train trip to Avignon for 200€, the accommodation expenses which amount to 500€ as well as the food expenses for 300€! We currently have 4000€ in our treasury, however the majority of the expenses must be paid before June 15th. The 4000€ collected through this campaign will allow us to finance a part of the expenses already requested in addition to the totality of the treasury we have at our disposal as well as to finance the rest of the remaining expenses later on.

Featured reward
A hypnotherapy session to start your new life
- 12 contributions
To thank you for your contribution, we offer you a hypnosis session. Hypnotherapy allows the patient to quickly unload various physical and psychological ailments. During this session, Taha will offer you to :
- Get rid of one of your biggest phobias,
- help you gain confidence in yourself,
- or implant good habits in your subconscious.
In just one hour, you will put deep anchors in your subconscious that will be the source of a phenomenal transformation in your daily life!
A warm personnalised thank you on your screen
- 11 contributions
To thank you for your kind participation in the accomplishment of our project, you will receive an autographed video of Taha accompanied by a small surprise... (so what, you didn't think we were going to reveal all our secrets so easily?)

Do you want to get initiated in mentalism or hypnosis ?
- 17 contributions
Taha offers you the possibility to learn how to perform a trick. You will have the choice between a mentalism trick or a hypnosis trick. A video will then be put at your disposal through which you will be able to watch the trick performed as well as the whole method of it detailed step by step. A great opportunity if you are interested in this field!
Why choose when you can learn mentalism AND hypnosis ?
- 24 contributions
... because it is not one, but two tricks that Taha will teach you! No need to choose anymore, you will learn a mentalism trick AND a hypnosis trick, enough to impress your friends and family and be the star at your future events!

Follow me to Avignon
- 15 contributions
You are now embarked on a great adventure with Taha! You will have the opportunity to come and see the original performance of The Butterfly Effect live at the infamous Avignon Off Festival.

An exclusive discount for a prestigious performance
- 12 contributions
To thank you for your contribution we offer you a promotional ticket to attend the show The Butterfly Effect in one of the mythical theaters of the capital. You will have the choice to attend one of the last performances of the show at the Théâtre du Gymnase in June or later in 2022. (you can look everywhere, you won't find a cheaper place to come and see Taha, so take advantage of it!)

The complete pack of The Butterfly Effect
- 9 contributions
In addition to getting a ticket to attend the performance of your choice of the Butterfly Effect, Taha will give you in person at the end of his show a signed poster. What a way to keep a beautiful memory of this exceptional experience from which you will leave completely shook! Be warned, this offer is in limited edition though, so get it while it still lasts!

A first step in the world of mentalism
- 7 contributions
To introduce you to mentalism, Taha invites you to attend and take part in his show, The Butterfly Effect. Following this experience, you will receive two videos that will allow you to learn two different mentalism tricks based on what you will have observed during the performance.
Live the experience with a person of your choosing
- 4 contributions
The season of love is well over... but Mother's Day and Father's Day are fast approaching! What more original gift could there be than an immersive mentalism experience that will leave you and the companion of your choice with a wonderful memory?

A coaching session just for you
- 2 contributions
You are looking out for a job and the job interview is stressing you out? You are thinking of preparing the competitive exams for engineering or business schools, and you want to prepare for the personal interview you'll have more th the admissions jury? Taha offers you a 45-minute coaching to prepare you for your interview so that you can give the best image you can!
A magic / mentalism consulting session
- 1 contribution
You are a magician/mentalist, and you are working on a specific effect or an original show? Taha offers you a consulting session on the subject so that you can improve your presence and deepen your technicality, all this in a personalized way according to your character and your artistic signature. His approach and creativity have been recognized by influential figures in the field of mentalism such as Peter Turner, Phedon Bilek and many more. A great investment that you won't regret!

An exclusive backstage access
- 1 contribution
Spend a full afternoon with Taha Mansour. Over a complimentary lunch, he will explain his conception of mentalism and the artistic approach he developed to build his show, the Butterfly Effect, and will give you an intimate mentalism experience. You will then have the opportunity to attend the performance of his show with a privileged backstage access! The perfect gift for any fan of Taha Mansour's universe, of mentalism or of theater in general!

A mentalism initiation afternoon with some friends
- 4 contributions
Taha offers you to gather your best friends for a full afternoon mentalism initiation sessionduring. On the program: learning many elementary tricks to make you discover this fantastic universe! Learn the psychology and methods behind mentalism so that you too can use them in your life!

Invite the mystery to your own house
To thank you for your support, Taha offers you the possibility to organize a private show. An exceptional opportunity that will allow you to live an immersive experience of mentalism from your own living room!

A personalized show for your professional event
You're organizing an event in your company and you want to mark your collaborators with a strong and unforgettable moment? Taha offers to create a mentalism show completely personalized for your event. This will allow you to anchor key messages in the minds of your associates during a fun and mind-blowing moment, a way to close this event in beauty!

The world of mentalism will no longer hold secrets from you
To thank you for your generosity, Taha is ready to reveal all his secrets. He will make you enter his fabulous universe. You will discover his methods and mentalism techniques in the smallest details during a day that will be entirely dedicated to you. You will also get to play the part of a mentalist and practice the tricks that will be taught to you. You will then have the opportunity to access the backstage of his show, the Butterfly Effect, and the performance that follows. You will even be able to debrief with him and give him your feedback at dinner time! An ideal gift to offer (or to offer yourself) to those who want to learn more about the world of mentalism and entertainment in general.