June 1, 2015
Le 1er tour du monde à la voile en faveur d'un accès universel à l'eau potable
3 cousins + 1 sailing boat + 1 000 water filters = A great humanitarian adventure in favour of universal access to clean drinking water!

End date
Out of €12,800
137 %
Le 1er tour du monde à la voile en faveur d'un accès universel à l'eau potable
We are three young and passionate cousins, bounded by the same spirit of adventure and driven by the desire to change the world.</p>
With Sail for Water, a <strong>General Interest NGO</strong> we created in April 2014, we are developing a unique and innovative project:</p>
Connect the defense of a fundamental human right with an extraordinary sport challenge:</p>
<strong>Promote universal access to clean drinking water during a round-the-world tour on a sailing boat. </strong></p>
We will set sails in October 2015!</p>
<img alt="Texte_kiss_-_eng_the_mission-1430760229" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193992/Texte_Kiss_-_ENG_The_Mission-1430760229.jpg"></p>
<a href="http://www.sailforwater.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/cartes-finale-anglais-e1423565282175.png" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://www.sailforwater.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/cartes-finale-anglais-e1423565282175.png"></a></p>
Water, spring of life, is also the<strong> leading cause of death in the world</strong>, and <strong>children are the worst affected!</strong></p>
Even if, in 2010, UN has (finally) recognized access to drinkable, healthy and clean water as a <strong>fundamental right</strong>, in 2015, <strong>50% of the worldwide population</strong> will drink <strong>polluted water</strong> every day.</p>
<strong>It is against this plague that he have decided to act !</strong></p>
<img alt="Textekisskiss-_eng_filter_distribution-1430760318" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193993/TExteKISSKISS-_ENG_Filter_distribution-1430760318.jpg"></p>
In partnership with the <strong>NGO Waves for Water</strong>, engaged in actions against unclean water for more than 5 years and which has already distributed more than 100,000 filters, Sail for Water’s mission statement is to <strong>go on with the distribution of filters and push it forward</strong> in areas that, according to WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF, are the<strong> worst severely affected</strong> by unclean water.</p>
At each port of call, we will meet <strong>local NGOs, well aware of the local situation,</strong> in order to distribute filters to the most vulnerable and in need communities. </p>
Moreover, hand in hand with local NGOs, <strong>hygiene education workshops</strong> will also be proposed to communities during each field action in order to reduce even more contamination risks.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2Fo5awxp8_C3M%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Do5awxp8_C3M&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fo5awxp8_C3M%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
In collaboration with <strong>Corentin de Chatelperron and all the team of Nomade des Mers, </strong>expert in Low Tech Technologies (in contrast with High Tech), we are developing a <strong>Low Tech Water Filter</strong>, in order to allow communities all around the world to <strong>build their own water filtration system</strong>, with materials they can find locally (Bio-sand filters, ceramic filters, micro algae ...)</p>
The crew will broadcast a <strong>fortnightly web series </strong>all along the adventure. </p>
From the distribution of the filters to the life onboard, as well as reports on the encountered people and their surroundings, <strong>many different subjects will be covered</strong>. </p>
<u>When we come back, </u>we aim to :</p>
- Create a large <strong>awareness campaign</strong> on the reality of the access to clean drinking water in the world,</p>
- Make a <strong>documentary film</strong> on the Sail for Water adventure.</p>
- Publish a <strong>travel diary</strong>, illustrated with picture taken during the journey.</p>
- Work on the <strong>futur of our NGO</strong>, and go on with the <strong>water filter distributions</strong> in the world.</p>
<img alt="Textekisskiss-_eng_pointone-1430760385" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193994/TExteKISSKISS-_ENG_POINTONE-1430760385.jpg"></p>
With the PointOneTM filter, communities in need are able to construct and adapt their filter to any plastic containers and <strong>start to use it in less than 5 minutes</strong>. <strong>Gravity does the rest.</strong> The kit includes <strong>everything you need to attach, use and maintain the filter:</strong> a bucket, a filter, a tube, few seals, a tool to adapt the bucket to the filter and a plastic syringe to clean and maintain the filter. </p>
<img alt="Filtre-1429978904" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/190459/Filtre-1429978904.jpg"></p>
The technology used inside the PointOneTM filters is water treatment using <strong>Hollow Fiber Membranes.</strong> Those membranes allow water to attain a high level of filtration quickly via <strong>pores of 0.1 micron meaning it is impossible for larger elements to go through the filter.</strong></p>
The PointOne Filter <strong>removes 99,99999 % of bacteria and protozoa involved in waterborne diseases:</strong></p>
(Cholera, Dysentery, Typhoid, Botulism, <em>E-Coli, </em>Coliform, Streptococcus, Salmonella,<em> </em>Giardia<em>, </em>Cyclospora, Cryptosporidium...).</p>
<u>Long Lasting:</u></p>
<strong>1 filter = 3 500 000 Liters of clean water = Daily use of 100 persons during 5 years</strong></p>
Water for drinking, but also for cleaning, bathing, cooking!</p>
<strong>Maintenance of this filter is very simple</strong>. When the filter starts to slow down or clog, <strong>simply back wash it</strong> with clean water using the syringe provided in the kit.</p>
Since the filters can continuously be back-washed and re-used, they have an extremely long life expectancy!</p>
Here is a video demonstration!</p>
<img alt="Textekisskiss-_eng_the_ship-1430760424" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193995/TExteKISSKISS-_ENG_The_Ship-1430760424.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Img_0659-kisskiss-1430730415" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193703/IMG_0659-kisskiss-1430730415.jpg"></p>
<strong>Williwaw</strong> is a solid English sloop-rigged boat built in 1977.</p>
As a great and proud ship, she has already travelled more than 40 000 nautical miles.</p>
Its <strong>extreme resistance</strong> and <strong>great navigation qualities</strong> were enough for the crew to adopt this old sea warrior.</p>
<img alt="Diapositive1-1430739887" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193767/Diapositive1-1430739887.png"></p>
With a large wardroom, an American fitted kitchen, three double-bed cabins and two shower rooms, all temporarily guests that want to join the crew on a field mission will be warmly welcomed.</p>
<img alt="Textekisskiss-_eng_the_crew-1430760478" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193996/TExteKISSKISS-_ENG_The_Crew-1430760478.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Dsc_2112-1430730486" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193704/DSC_2112-1430730486.jpg"></p>
<strong>Thomas Degermann (in red) - 25 years old - <em>Captain of the ship and technical manager </em></strong></p>
As a true lover of the sea and of watersports, Thomas has always lived on the coastline. He worships values such as pushing oneself to the limits, sharing and discovering. His passion for sailing aroused his skills, which makes him the most experimented of the crew. Therefore, he has been chosen as Captain. Engineer by training, he is in charge for the preparation, the upkeep and the repairs on the Williwaw during the trip.</p>
<strong>Romain Stefani-Sainte-Claire Deville (in grey) - 28 years old</strong></p>
<strong><em>First mate and President of Sail for Water</em></strong></p>
Although he held since 4 years a managing job, Romain has chosen to move beyond this comfortable stable position to fulfill his desire of helping out people in need. Senior of the crew, his experience of past travel makes him the ideal candidate of the job of President of our NGO. Enthusiastic sailor since he was a child, he will assist the master of the ship as first mate. His passion for photography also makes him the head of the multimedia division of Sail for Water.</p>
<strong>Nicolas Sainte-Claire Deville (in black) – 24 years old</strong></p>
<em><strong>Crewman, Head of missions and partnerships</strong></em></p>
Born sailor, sail lover; Nicolas is the youngest of the crew. Modern explorer, his goal is quite simple: the discovery, the sharing and the involvement. Recently graduated from a Business school, he is in charge of the partnerships of Sail for Water. Additionally, crewman and master of the tender, he will be in charge of the well being of the crew. On the field, during Sail for Water’s missions, Nicolas will lead the missions to ensure the filters’ distribution and provide basic hygiene trainings.</p>
Visit <strong><a href="http://www.sailforwater.org/en/" target="_blank">our website</a></strong> to find more details on the project !</p>
And follow us on our <strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/sailforwater" target="_blank">Facebook page</a></strong> !</p>
<img alt="Textekisskiss-_eng_partners-1430760534" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193997/TExteKISSKISS-_ENG_Partners-1430760534.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Banni_re_logo_partenaires_compress_e-1430344929" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/192162/Banni_re_logo_partenaires_compress_e-1430344929.jpg"><strong> </strong></p>
Allocation of funds
<img alt="Titre_kisskiss_we_need_you-1430909784" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/194602/Titre_KISSKISS_we_need_you-1430909784.jpg"></p>
We appeal to you today, through this crowdfunding campaign for two reasons.</p>
To help us, of course, close our budget and launch this great journey.</p>
In addition to our personal contribution (€ 60,000), the support of our private partners allows us to finance the 1 000 filters and a big part of the adventure. We now need your help to set sails safely and to film our actions and our everyday life.</p>
But we also need you to create a community, as large as possible. A community aware of the silent plague that is unclean water. A community convinced that it is possible to act!</p>
As has said our mentor Patrice Franceschi : "Everyone, at his level, wherever he is, whatever his position in the society, whatever his financial means, carry in him the possibility to act".</p>
Join us!</p>
Acting all together, we can change things !</p>
<img alt="Textekisskiss-_eng_12800-1430760584" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/193998/TExteKISSKISS-_ENG_12800-1430760584.jpg"></p>
- <u>Video / Photo Equipment :</u> To film the adventure from all angles and share it with you: Waterproof Camera, Mounting accessories, 1 Reflex Camera lens, memory cards: €1.600</p>
- <u>A new life raft</u>, to replace ours that is 15 years old: €1.400</p>
- <u>Medicine Chest + Medical material:</u> €600</p>
- <u>Vaccines:</u> €900 </p>
- <u>Health and repatriation insurance for 3 years:</u> €4.500</p>
- <u>Satellite Phone + 3 years subscription</u>: To reassure our Moms, ensure our safety on board and to send you news from anywhere in the world, even in the middle of the ocean : €3.800</p>
<img alt="Textekisskiss-_eng_16000-1430760633" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/194000/TExteKISSKISS-_ENG_16000-1430760633.jpg"></p>
- <u>Wind turbine</u>, to reload batteries on board and keep our fridge running: €2.800</p>
- <u>Necessary materials to install our news solar panels:</u> €400</p>
<img alt="Textekisskiss-_eng_19100-1430760782" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/194001/TExteKISSKISS-_ENG_19100-1430760782.jpg"></p>
-<u> Geolocation Tag + 3 years subscription:</u> €1.600</p>
- <u>1 Drone + replacement parts for unique footage</u>: €1.500</p>
<strong>Every extra cent will be used to buy extra filters, in order to bring clean drinking water to more people!</strong></p>
<img alt="Textekisskiss-_eng_reward-1430760888" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/194002/TExteKISSKISS-_ENG_Reward-1430760888.jpg"></p>
We would like to THANK YOU all for your help and your commitment. The reward we offer are not cornflakes presents but items that are personal to us, that inspire us and that we use on day to day basis.</p>
- <u>Planted tree</u>: You can choose to plant a tree either in Indonesia (Mangrove that protect the coast line and the natural biodiversity) , or in Madagascar (Eucalyptus, that grows fast and produces firewood; Tapia, endemic tree to Madagascar, which produces, among others the fruit of Tapias), or in Malia (different gas for the production of fruit, fodder and firewood).</p>
- <u>Your picture on the hull of the Williwaw</u>: After receiving all your pictures, we will make a trombinoscope that we will install on the hull of the ship. Like that you’ll be with us everywhere around the world.</p>
- <u>Target your commitment and sponsor a filter</u>: Choose the country of distribution of one filter. We’ll keep you updated when the filter will be given and send you a picture.</p>
- <u>The DVD of Sail for Water</u>: A documentary movie tracing the journey, our actions and the reality of the access to clean drinking water in the world. Many bonus of our life onboard.</p>
- <u>A pair of Alpargatas</u>: In collaboration with our partner MoM’S, the Marine collection was made especially for Sail for Water. These ‘Alparagatas’, sandals coming from the Argentinian culture, are handmade. They are using reenforced canvas and gum sole Eva. Give us your shoe size! (Available in White&Blue, or White&Red)</p>
- <u>‘’L’aventure, pourquoi faire?’’</u>: Sylvain Tesson, Olivier Archambeau, Patrice Franceschi, does that ring a bell to you? They are the greatest living french adventurers of our times! They have inspired us a lot by their writing for the building of our project. Good reading!</p>
- <u>Numbered and autographed pictures</u>: Romain, who is responsible for the multimedia part will propose you a selection of the best pictures taken during the adventure. You will be able to choose a picture and its format.</p>
- <u>The log book</u>: Throughout the adventure we will hold a log book. It will be the basis for a book that we will publish on our return, illustrated with a lot of pictures of the journey.</p>
- <u>Survival kit</u>: Essential for the expedition! Nicolas and Thomas will give you throughout a video all the keys to use every tools in this kit.</p>
- <u>Two days onboard the Williwaw</u>: Join the crew in September 2015 for a sailing weekend in the south of France, between the Hyères’ Islands and the Marseille’s creeks. Program: sailing course, barbecue, fishing, photo shooting…</p>
- <u>One week onboard the Williwaw</u>: Join the crew for one week onboard in a place you choose (see the route). You will join us as well for a field action! (Travel costs not included).</p>
- <u>Surprise reward:</u> It's a surprise ! Please contact us before making your donation.</p>
- 18 contributions
Reward 1 :
A BIG Thank you
+ your name listed as official support on our website and our Facebook page
+ 1 invitation to the departure in October 2015 (for 2 people)
Estimated delivery: July 2015

- 23 contributions
Reward 2 :
3 trees planted on your behalf in Madagascar, Indonesia or in Mali (you choose)
+ Reward 1
Estimated delivery: July 2015

- 13 contributions
Reward 3 :
Your picture taped on the hull of Williwaw
+ Target your commitment and sponsor a filter by choosing its country of distribution
+ Rewards 1 + 2
Estimated delivery: July 2015
- 43 contributions
The SEA Pack
(Rewards 1 + 2 + 3
+ The DVD of the adventure
+ 1 invitation to the party of our return)
Estimated delivery: September 2018

- 11 contributions
The SEA Pack
+ 1 pair of sandals from the Marine Collection, specially design for Sail for Water by our partner MoM'S
Estimated delivery: July 2015

- 12 contributions
The SEA Pack
+ Book "L'aventure, pourquoi faire ?" co-drafted by the greatest french adventurers of our times, including Patrice Franceschi, official mentor of Sail for Water. Your book will be signed by every members of the crew
Estimated delivery: July 2015

- 4 contributions
The SEA Pack
+ 1 photography numbered and signed by the crew, taken by Romain during the journey, printed on 45x30 art paper
Estimated delivery: September 2018
- 10 contributions
The OCEAN Pack
(SEA Pack
+ The Sail for Water Book, numbered and signed by the crew, written as an illustrated log book)
Estimated delivery: September 2018
- 2 contributions
The OCEAN Pack
+ The survival kit used by the crew with a video demonstration from Nicolas and Thomas to show you how to use it
Estimated delivery: July 2015

- 1 contribution
The OCEAN Pack
+ 1 big photography numbered and signed by the crew, taken by Romain during the journey, printed on 90x60 art paper
Estimated delivery: September 2018
- 2 contributions
The OCEAN Pack
+ 2 days aboard Williwaw with the crew, to sail on the South of France (for 2 people)
Estimated delivery: September 2015
- 2 contributions
The OCEAN Pack
+ Join the crew for 1 week wherever in the world you want (Transportation fees not included)
Estimated delivery: September 2015

"Surprise" Reward! Call us before...
Estimated delivery: September 2015