The flowers pot trap that kills mosquito larvae

Support this innovation that turns your green plants into a deadly trap that works without bait, without energy, and without chemicals !

Project visual The flowers pot trap that kills mosquito larvae
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Out of €10,000
33 %

The flowers pot trap that kills mosquito larvae

"After 2000 years of bites, we have finally found the weak spot!" CONTEXT Dengue, Zika, chikungunya, yellow fever, malaria... While not reaching such dramatic proportions in our countries, the situation is worrying: the mosquito "Aedes albopictus", commonly known as the "tiger mosquito", is now well established in our territory. We must learn to cohabit with this new invader, and the problem lies in the remarkable adaptability of this pest to modern chemical agents, the effective concentrations of which are not entirely without risk to humans. Studies have revealed that the main source of these mosquitoes in urban areas comes from stagnant watering water in potted plants. In line with practices in already infested countries, the first "preventive" strategy is to eliminate stagnant water points that serve as breeding grounds for larvae, but this action only displaces the problem, as mosquitoes can lay eggs up to 150 meters away and return to bite us once they become adults. Why not instead exploit their natural egg-laying site preferences to set a deadly trap for them, right at their birthplace, under our flower pots ? PRODUCT "Turn your flower pots into a deadly labyrinth that suffocates and drowns mosquito larvae..." Based on our homemade trap, this revolutionary product, containing the patented device, turns each pot into a weapon of mass destruction targeted at domestic mosquitoes, while allowing wild mosquito populations to continue playing their role in the biodiversity food chain. Under these circumstances, adopting a potted plant equipped with a mosquito larva-destroying trap becomes a civic gesture to be collectively encouraged. PRINCIPLE "Eradicating a larva today means removing a flying mosquito that's hard to kill tomorrow..." Derived from statistical studies on the behavior and observation of larval swimming, our flowers pot logical trap kills larvae within a few hours, systematically and naturally by drowning. From the moment they hatch, the tiny larvae survive only until they attempt to feed at the bottom, where they drown in the labyrinth of micro-traps that make up the product. The organic matter from the pot's soil turns the water into an ideal nourishing environment in the eyes of the female mosquito for her larvae, thus eliminating the need for any bait. In response to a request from the Regional Health Agency expressed in 2013, incubation in the collaborative research and innovation space of the Fablab in Guadeloupe required 10 years of experimentation until its official validation in 2023. This low-tech innovation was also awarded at the prestigious international Lépine competition in Paris in 2023, and has won several distinctions, including the Innovative Project Trophy of 2022 in Guadeloupe. Against mosquitoes, including the infamous "Aedes" tiger mosquito, this innovation likely represents the simplest, most discreet, clean, and natural solution to control the proliferation of this pest, without bait, energy sources, or any kind of chemicals. IMPLEMENTATION "Placed under a well-positioned and watered plant, the trap's effectiveness is optimal for entire years." Your favorite plants transform into a larva trap without requiring any particular maintenance, becoming your allies against this scourge every day, all year round in the tropics, and from spring to fall in Europe. Unaffected by outdoor rain, the trap only requires a simple periodic check of the water level in case of strong heat, synonymous with significant evaporation. The cycle is "virtuous": the decomposition of the larvae enriches the nutritional quality of the water, while the natural residues from the pot serve as bait. YES, BUT... "Both indoor and outdoor, your ornamental plants are now actively fighting against the proliferation of mosquitoes." "It's too good to be true...", "If it were that simple, it would already exist...", "I don't believe in magic...", "If your thing works...", "Nature is well made, so it's impossible..."... Given the number of gadgets, new products, electronic devices, and other phone apps that are supposed to save us from mosquitoes, it's normal to be skeptical about ours, which is based on a principle as simple as it is incredible. Thus, nothing beats a full demonstration and an official test result : *Full test video... (a bit long, but nice...) *ARS Guadeloupe test results... Moreover, we are generally faced with this type of reflection by industrialists: "How could a mere 3D shape, no matter how complex, of a trap filled with water, kill an insect that has survived for millions of years, and which we have been trying to eliminate for centuries ?" So, to explain our principle, think of its similarity to the fish traps used by fishermen. No advanced technology is necessary for the operation of a trap, and fish do not develop a tolerance to the active principle of the trap; the system has been working for 2000 years as well as on the first day ! *A trap from Guadeloupe with a typical shape, the origin of our logo... THE TEAM "Because mosquitoes know no borders !" Mostly loyal members of the core group from the "Fablab de Guadeloupe" (don't change a winning team !), here is the cream of what makes up our army at war against the mosquito scourge. ... without forgetting, of course, all the other members of the Fablab, our families, friends, or other creatures who have given their ideas, their time, and their patience (and sometimes their blood?) to enable the development of this process. However, we have no compassion for the thousands of mosquitoes that have already died during our trap trials, and the billions of others that will suffer the same fate in the years to come... Finally, know that we love messages and questions from people who nitpick... surely because we are somewhat similar? ( Spending years of one’s life studying how larvae swim in a basin, just imagine the level ! ) PRODUCTION "We didn't know it was impossible, so we started doing it." Now validated, and with the commercialization of our pre-series handmade traps underway, we now need to launch our innovation at an industrial level. Even when intended just to kill larvae of harmful insects, this step involves huge expenses in research, development, experimentation, and approval, before even starting production and thus sales... On the positive side, the resulting product, which operates without electricity and without the use of chemicals, escapes traditional approval processes because it does not require the costly certifications demanded for other "technological" products on the market. SO, WHY KISSKISS? "no refill, no business! *" Are you familiar with the commercial practice of selling a printer at a low margin to make up for it by selling expensive ink cartridges later at a high price? This method is classic, and the calls for projects by major chemical industry companies clearly express it in their documents. ( "We are not looking for solutions that are devices with no consumable component." Clearly, no partnership is possible in our case: "*No refill, no deal !" Yet, the absence of a "chemical" active principle or "technological" modernity then becomes a definite advantage for our product, both in its manufacturing and its marketing, in the face of the environmental and societal problems that threaten us all. And that's why we decided to launch the industrial manufacturing of our flower pot saucer that destroys larvae ourselves, which will be produced, independently, thanks to your pre-orders and donations. Thus, we hope to avoid the fate too often reserved for projects not lucrative enough to be mass-produced. Now, thanks to you, we can hope to maintain control of our ideas and achieve our goal of ending the mosquito's supremacy over humans, without playing into the hands of multinational corporations in the field... Dare ? Thank you, friends, Thank you, humans! Capt 'n Kurt

Allocation of funds

The product prototyping phase was completed this year at the "FabLab de Guadeloupe", thanks to the association's 3D printers (a big thank you to them!). The 3D plastic injection plans have already been drawn up with the help of a professional plasturgist who is part of our team. (And yes, being a plasturgist is a profession in its own right!) 100% GOAL : We are launching our crowdfunding campaign on the KissKissBankBank platform to complete the budget needed to finance the first industrial steel injection molds, which are to be installed on a huge injection press. According to our subcontractor, this step should take a minimum of 3 months and cost about 25,000 euros. (Ouch!) Once these molds are made, the next steps will depend on the amount of your donations and purchases. The subcontractor will take care of injecting your rewards in a few hours, and we will handle the shipping. Once this is done, we will then be at the mercy of the sharks of the business world and finance for the continuation of our adventure... (or not...) 200% GOAL : Reaching this new goal would help us finance our international patent extension, to try to limit the copiers who are probably already at work. This will also allow us to start a new production of traps still in subcontracting, to start a real commercialization on a national scale, and even European and beyond ! 300% GOAL : Achieving this goal would allow us to fully dedicate ourselves to finalizing our ongoing research on the manufacturing of larva traps suited for countries less industrialized than ours, notably using terracotta or moldable concrete. Your donations would thus help bring this innovation to regions where the mosquito is not just a nuisance, but a major cause of death, in countries where fighting this scourge is a national priority. 400% GOAL and beyond : Let's be crazy! If the counters exploded, we could even consider investing in our own industrial plastic injection press, and thus become totally independent from potential "industrial or chemico opportunists" of all kinds... Indeed, at a time when the first genetically modified mosquitoes are being released into nature (, and the race for vaccines against mosquito-borne diseases takes on the appearance of a computer startup "business plan" (, our low-tech, clean, and biological technology risks losing, due to lack of means, its independence from the "Big Pharmachemicalinsecticide" complexes, and dying suffocated, like a mosquito larva in a trap like ours. We are fortunate to have invented and designed a product as simple as it is effective, which defies both established norms and the high-tech solutions of the market that are being imposed on us. Now, it's up to you, to us, to make it an industrial success everywhere where people are bitten by mosquitoes... sometimes even to death. -=oOo=-


The Grouchy Smurf


"I don't like pots... but I dislike mosquitoes even more!" No reward, just for the gesture... You don't have any potted plants at home, but you still want to contribute to the development of this new product.

The Logical Doubting Thomas


"I want to test it to believe it!" 1 Trap in return (Current price 34.90 €) You might not have any green plants at home, but you're ready to add one to test the product's effectiveness. We love that because it fits well; the method of observation and successive trials is the very foundation of our research.

Estimated delivery: August 2024

Featured reward

The Jean Pierre Petit


"I've sometimes seen 'aliens' in my saucers..." 3 Traps in return (Current price 98,70 €) Your few green plants are pitiful, due to lack of time, as regular watering requires a motivation you still haven't found. With this opportunity to finally make them useful in your home, you're ready, armed with this new extermination perspective !

Estimated delivery: August 2024

The garden gnome


"I have green plants on every floor!" 10 Traps in return (Current price 299 €) It's a true love story between you and the plants, one that has lasted for a very long time! Now get ready for them to actively participate in protecting your health.

Estimated delivery: August 2024

The guy from the South of France


"Mosquitoes? Oh, dear! 25 Traps in return (Current price 747,50 €) But no, we're just kidding... A profession? A passion? It doesn't matter, you think big in everything, and you're right because to be fully effective, nothing beats a systematic treatment of the problem. Better than a dead mosquito, a good mosquito is one that has never flown..."

Estimated delivery: September 2024

The Landscaper Rahan


"I own an island, off the coast of Costa Rica..." 50 Traps in return (Current price 1495 €) As a green-thumbed gardener, you're fully aware of the larvae hiding in your plants' water trays. You want to take a smart offensive by tackling the problem at its root. Bravo ! These insects that have been biting since prehistoric times are going to find out what you're made of...

Estimated delivery: September 2024

The Neighborhood "Mosquito Buster"


"Who's the boss here?" 100 Traps in return (Current price 2990 €) With such a quantity, you're almost an official distributor. Regardless, we can only encourage the widespread use of this effective, clean, and biological method to combat the mosquito invasion. Every equipped pot is a step closer to fewer mosquitoes ready to devour us !

Estimated delivery: September 2024

Mr. Mayor


"In this country..." 500 Traps in return (Current price 14 950 €) A cemetery to equip ? A mosquito awareness campaign in schools ? An experimental distribution in a high-risk housing development ? Contact us to discuss it with our specialists. Left or right, it doesn't matter, the mosquito is everyone's enemy and represents a real public health issue...

Estimated delivery: September 2024

Mosquito Without Borders


"I have a dream!" 1.000 Traps in return Delivery to your doorstep by the inventor of the product in person! (Current price 29 900 €) NGOs, departments, regions, public institutions, look no further, this offer is made for you ! Shall we talk about it ?

Estimated delivery: September 2024

Mr. Bill Gates


"It might be a detail for you..." 5.000 Traps in return Delivery to your home by the inventor of the product in person ! (Current price 149 500 €) Just in case the genetically modified mosquito project, or the development of vaccines against mosquito-transmitted diseases, gets delayed... Shall we call?

Estimated delivery: September 2024

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