Living Legends, Mémoire en mouvement

Preserve tales and legends of Marseille, by supporting young filmmakers who will transform them into animated short films!

Project visual Living Legends, Mémoire en mouvement
End date
Out of €5,000
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Living Legends, Mémoire en mouvement

<h2>In 2019, Living Legends arrives in France!</h2> <blockquote> <p>Tell me a story that someone told you and that you would tell your grandchildren.</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>Living Legends</strong> is a project where oral culture interacts with digital culture. It focuses on collecting and illustrating the oral history of communities, focusing on the knowledge, myths and traditions preserved by grandparents. These collected data are upgraded by the young people of the territory, thanks to animation techniques.</p> <div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src=";dntp=1&amp;;;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=vimeo" width="500"></iframe></div> <h2>Origin of Living Legends:</h2> <p>The first edition took place in 2017. An international team of directors and educators from Latin America and Europe travelled together to visit communities in <strong>Ecuador, Colombia, Germany and Estonia</strong>, hosting more than <strong>12 workshops</strong> in which <strong>300 young people were trained </strong>and <strong>40 qualitative animated short films were produced</strong>. A platform has been designed to host these short films and to share the methodology with anyone who wants to be part of the <strong>Living Legends</strong> family.</p> <p><strong>Today</strong> the association La Cinta corta (Ecuador) extends the project to other countries with new partners and collaborators.</p> <p>This year, Le Tamis association will host the project <strong>in France, at&nbsp;Marseille.</strong></p> <h2>Why?</h2> <p><strong>The oral tradition is threatened.</strong> In some places it is almost non-existent and in others it tends to be lost quickly. If oral tradition is lost, the cultural identity and ancestral wisdom of communities will be lost for future generations. <strong>Living Legend</strong>s, memories in motion, wants to develop <strong>empathy</strong> by allowing you to discover other cultures through oral tradition. In our workshops we teach young people <strong>the importance of culture, memory, diversity and identity</strong>, while encouraging <strong>responsible and creative use of new technologies.</strong></p> <div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src=";dntp=1&amp;;;key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=vimeo" width="500"></iframe></div> <h2>How?</h2> <p>Young people will participate in a workshop where elders from their community are invited to share <strong>oral histories, ancestral knowledge, myths and legends</strong>. With this material, the young participants create animated short films which are then showed free of charge to the audience during screenings in the communities themselves and then to the world via an interactive web platform.</p> <p>Today, a large proportion of young people use smartphones on a daily basis. Without knowing it, they have in their hand a precious tool to make small films. Through this project, <strong>we hope to encourage the appropriation of these tools for the benefit of their own creativity.</strong></p> <p>By discovering traditional animation techniques (creation of sets, and characters, voices, sound effects, etc.) and by initiating to the Motion Stop technics, participants will bring the stories told by elders to life in a direct and concrete way. <strong>Through their imagination and hands, they will preserve the legends of the past.</strong></p> <hr /> <h2><strong>For the first time, in 2019, Living Legends come to France at Marseille!</strong></h2> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>For more than 2,600 years, Marseille has been the focus of attention. Over the centuries, its history has been built, leaving in the soil, in the stone, in the texts and in the memories traces of its past. In the heart of this city, <strong>we will meet those who know its secrets, its stories, its legends.</strong></p> <p>During this first French edition, we will invite ourselves in two neighborhoods and their community: <strong>Belsunce and l&#39;Estaque</strong> (1st and 13th arrondissements).</p> <p>Between marine tradition, Middle Eastern legends, memories of the great hours of Music Hall, and family tales of Provence, we will be surprised by the human wealth of these neighborhoods, to be able<strong> to preserve a living intangible heritage.</strong></p> <h2>By the way, who are we?</h2> <p><strong>Living Legends</strong> brings together a team of professionals and volunteers filmmakers, anthropologists, cultural producers, pedagogs and socio-cultural workshop leaders from different countries who believe in art, audiovisual and oral traditions <strong>as vectors of links and social transformation.</strong></p> <h2>3 steps to create a transmission:</h2> <h3>STEP 1: Preparation</h3> <p><strong>3 foreign tutors</strong>&nbsp;(Ecuadorian and Argentinian) who have already participated in the <strong>Living Legends</strong> workshops, guarantor of the animation and transmission of the methodology will&nbsp;arrive in France and be&nbsp;welcomed by the French team.</p> <p>They will train a <strong>doze local professionals</strong> (anthropologists, animators, or educators) in the Living Legends process to enable them in turn to facilitate the workshops and participate in the development of <strong>Living Legends</strong>.</p> <h3>STEP 2: Animation</h3> <p><strong>Two one-week workshops </strong>will be held in the neighbourhoods of Belsunce and the Estaque in Marseille.</p> <p>An international team of professionals will supervise some <strong>40 young people.</strong></p> <p>Each workshop takes place in the following way: <strong>awareness</strong> of the oral tradition, <strong>training</strong> in audiovisual and stop motion techniques, <strong>filmed</strong> interviews of the elderly, <strong>realization</strong> of the film based on the story told.</p> <h3>STEP 3: Celebrative restitution</h3> <p>Short films will be shown in each neighbourhood first with the participants and finally more widely for everyone.</p> <p>The short films will then be broadcast on the website to add to all the existing films.</p> <h2>Expected Results:</h2> <ul> <li><strong>6 to 8 stories of Marseille neighbourhoods will be saved</strong>, through 6 to 8 short films in Stop Motion</li> <li><strong>Sensitizing communities</strong> to the richness and fragility of their oral memory and the need to preserve it</li> <li><strong>Training of 40 young people</strong> in animation cinema and audiovisual techniques</li> <li><strong>Training of 10 local new&nbsp;tutors</strong> who will in turn be able to train other people to facilitate the Living Legends workshops</li> <li><strong>Creation of a podcast audio series</strong>, a photo retrospective, plastic sets and a video Making off to tell the French experience</li> <li><strong>A free educational manual</strong> to share with all the partner associations so that they in turn realize the project and collect other stories.</li> <li><strong>Two festive events</strong> to present the movies to the communities and to encourage the participants to share their experience.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>Organizing an international project like this one asks to seek funding, we obtained an initial support from the <strong>SNCF Foundation</strong> and another from the <strong>Ecuadorian Ministry of Culture</strong> for the mobilization of foreign stakeholders. However, we are short <strong>5,000 euro to make the action concrete and the workshops accessible to all young people who want to participate.</strong></p> <h2>Your support will make possible:</h2> <ul> <li>Logistics, local transport and food for foreign stakeholders</li> <li>Rental of professional and amateur audiovisual equipment for training</li> <li>Materials to create the sets of short films in Stop Motion</li> <li>The organization of a festive event of restitution and dissemination of the courts in the two participating neighborhoods</li> <li>Taking charge of project teams</li> </ul> <hr /> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>This 2019 edition in France is carried out by two associations:</h2> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Le Tamis</a></strong> is a research and action association that carries out activities at the crossroads of the humanities and social sciences, arts and techniques and popular education.</p> <p>The activities of Le Tamis range from surveys, studies, workshops, publications, events, creations, debates, exhibitions. They mobilize the critical spirit and imagination of the participants, promote individual and collective development and aim to produce cooperative anthropological works.</p> <p><strong>Le Tamis is officially bringing the project to Marseille in France and hosting the Cinta corta team.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>La Cinta corta</strong></a> is a non-profit cultural production agency in Ecuador. The association works mainly on projects of cultural exchange, dissemination and training in the field of audiovisual and the accompaniment of audiences. It also produces independent artistic projects: such as a Latin American travelling festival for 5 years.</p> <p><strong>It is one of the founding organizations of Living Legends which continues to promote the project in different countries of the world.</strong></p> <h2>Our field partners (thanks to them) are:</h2> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Urban Prod</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Cin&eacute;ma L&#39;Alhambra</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Th&eacute;&acirc;tre de l&rsquo;Oeuvre,</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Coco Velten</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">La Maison pour Tous du Panier</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Yesswecannes,</a> <a href="" target="_blank">les Belsunciades</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Festival Occup&eacute;</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Centre Social des Musardises</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">SIGMA Formation</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">EPIDE</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Le Gyptis</a>...</p>


Featured reward

Tale emancipator


  • 13 contributions
Collection of 5 digital postcards each including a tale of Living Legends -Edition France with thanks that you can share on your social networks + 5 audio tales Photo of the whole team thanking you. Limited-edition poster inspired by one of the short films. Mention of your name on facebook *Shipping costs outside Metropolitan France are not covered

Defender of anecdote


  • 10 contributions
Living Legends digital postcard with thanks that you can share on your social networks.

Activist for the Memory


  • 21 contributions
1 digital postcard including a tale of Living Legends -Edition France with thanks that you can share on your social networks + 1 audio tale

Guard of Narrative


  • 31 contributions
3 digital postcards each including a Living Legends -Edition France tale with thanks that you can share on your social networks + 3 audio tales Mention of your name on facebook

Apologist of the myths


Collection of the 6 digital postcards including each a tale of Living Legends -Edition France with thanks that you can share on your social networks + 6 audio tales 1 printed Living Legends collector postcard Photo of the whole team thanking you. Limited-edition poster inspired by one of the short films. Mention of your name on facebook *Shipping costs outside Metropolitan France are not covered

Rampart against the shadow of memory


  • 6 contributions
Collection of the 6 digital postcards including each a tale of Living Legends -Edition France with thanks that you can share on your social networks + 6 audio tales 3 printed Living Legends collector postcards Photo of the whole team thanking you. Limited-edition poster inspired by one of the short films. A DVD of Todos los Cortos Franceses + Making off Mention of your name on facebook *Shipping costs outside Metropolitan France are not covered

Keeper of the (fairy) tales


Collection of 6 digital and printed postcards including a tale of Living Legends -Edition France with thanks that you can share on your social networks + 6 audio tales 3 printed Living Legends collector postcards Photo of the whole team thanking you. (digital) Limited-edition poster inspired by one of the short films. A DVD of a selection of shorts from all countries who participated in Living Legends since the beginning + Making off Mention of your name on facebook + thank you on the website Special invitation to premiere (1 drink) *Shipping costs outside Metropolitan France are not covered

Protector of histories


  • 1 contribution
Congrats, you are officialy godfather of a participant ! It means that one participant can enjoy the workshop free of charge thanks to you. Collection of the 6 digital postcards including each a tale of Living Legends -Edition France with thanks that you can share on your social networks + 6 audio tales Limited-edition poster inspired by one of the short films. Video acknowledgement on the social networks of the participants and the team. A DVD of a selection of shorts from all countries who participated in Living Legends since the beginning + Making off Limited-edition poster inspired by one of the short films. Mention on the web page and facebook with your photo and a mini bio. Special invitation to the premiere in Marseille *Shipping costs outside Metropolitan France are not covered

Hero of Memory


Congrats, you are officialy godfather of 2 participants ! It means that deux participants can enjoy the workshop free of charge thanks to you. Thank you with name, first name and city in the credits of all the film productions of Living Legends - Edition France. (subject to your agreement) Video acknowledgement on the social networks of the participants and the team. A DVD of a selection of shorts from all countries who participated in Living Legends since the beginning + Making off Collection of the 6 digital postcards including each a tale of Living Legends -Edition France with thanks that you can share on your social networks + 6 audio tales 3 printed Living Legends collector postcards Limited-edition poster inspired by one of the short films. Mention on the web page and facebook with your photo and a mini organic or logo of your company. Special invitation to the premiere in Marseille + evening with the whole team on the last day of the tour. *Shipping costs outside Metropolitan France are not covered

Living Legends


We make a film from the story told of your grandmother, your grandfather or your aunt, basically me make YOUR story in Stop Motion! Special invitation to the premiere in Marseille + evening with the whole team on the last day of the tour.

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