Migrant•Bus, Touring Talents

On our way to challenge prejudices against refugees

Project visual Migrant•Bus, Touring Talents
End date
Out of €11,000
103 %

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makesense supports the project Migrant•Bus, Touring Talents

Migrant•Bus, Touring Talents

<p><strong>Migrant&bull;Bus</strong>, is a mobile project that aims to create social bond&nbsp;between french and refugee populations.</p> <p><strong>We launch Migrant&bull;Bus</strong>&nbsp;to help change the perception of refugee people by french people</p> <p>- by getting together french and refugee people that would have never met</p> <p>- by highlighting professional skills of our team of refugees</p> <p>Migrant&bull;Bus is Ludovic and Emma, two young french freshly back from Lesvos where we worked as volunteers at One Happy Family community center.</p> <p>When we went&nbsp;back to France we understood that the end of their journey didn&#39;t mean that it was the end of their troubles. Nothing was really done to integrate refugees in France, nor preparing french people to welcome new populations.</p> <p>Besides volunteering with Utopia 56 and joining France Must Act to keep being useful to help refugees in France and in Europe, we decided to quit our jobs and&nbsp;focus on the desconstruction of prejudices towards refugee population, in a country where the media spread a large homogeneous miserable, or worse, dangerous image of&nbsp;these populations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/732544/75c2ea33-2cb6-495f-86f6-8c794215c02b.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Since then Haider, a young Afghan sociologist, joined us to recruit our team of helpers (refugees volunteers for Migrant&bull;bus). He will also come with&nbsp;us on the&nbsp;first Migrant&bull;Bus trip.</p> <p>Migrant&bull;Bus will start this summer throughout France with its tiny house and a team of 6 helpers. We will&nbsp;successively go from town to town for about&nbsp;1 week in every step.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/731713/be4dce57-2faf-4bed-96b1-6d33ad551fdb.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p>To make sure social connexions are made, we ask the villagers to provide our team with an accomodation.</p> <p>During our stay we will organize lots of animations, workshops related to the professional skills of our teammates.&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/731714/20b8d36d-acf4-4cf2-a80e-73845bf3e8d0.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p>Our tiny house will of course include a kitchen and all materials for our activities, and be the place where the meetings happen. We will also have more informal theme parties to make sure our team can get along with local people, have fun and get to know each other.</p> <p>By doing so, our project intends to serve as much our teammates by allowing them to use their skills again and discover french culture and improve they language skills, and the local people that will be able to travel throughout different cultures in their own village.</p> <p>To do that, <strong>we need you</strong> !!</p> <p>Our crowdfunding campaign will help us to launch our activity by the summer.&nbsp;</p>

Allocation of funds

<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/731715/51806dd0-d61e-4c47-b30f-7a29ebe238b0.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/731716/31e62f22-71e9-49b0-870c-a9b4ff397afc.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/731717/786f115d-d4d5-44e9-b7a0-676d21a20496.jpg" width="100%" /></p>


Chaque geste compte


  • 67 contributions
Merci pour votre contribution qui sera essentielle à la concrétisation de notre projet !

Un grand MERCI


  • 63 contributions
Un immense merci pour votre contribution qui sera essentielle à la concrétisation de notre projet! Pour vous remercier nous vous enverrons par mail un journal de bord de nos rencontres et activités lors de notre première excursion !

Carte postale de remerciement


  • 79 contributions
Vous recevrez dans votre boite aux lettres une carte postale signée par notre équipe et envoyée directement depuis l'un de nos villages hôtes

Estimated delivery: August 2021

Un tirage photo d'un de nos talentueux photographes


  • 11 contributions
Parmi une selection de photo de nos talentueux photographes Afghans Abdul et Ahmad vous pourrez choisir celle qui vous plait le plus et à l'échéance de notre campagne elle vous sera envoyé en format A5

Estimated delivery: September 2021

Un atelier d'apiculture avec notre partenaire Espero


  • 7 contributions

Estimated delivery: September 2021

Make a donation

Give what I want

Sold out

Sold out

Carte postale de remerciement + Pot de miel


  • 20 contributions
Afin de vous remercier pour votre aide, nous vous offrons un pot de miel fabriqué par notre partenaire Espero, une association formant les personnes éloignées de l'emploi - dont les personnes exilées - à l'apiculture, l'agriculture et la couture en région parisienne. Les pots de miel vous seront remis en main propre sur Paris Ce n'est pas tout! Dès notre départ vous recevrez dans votre boite aux lettres une carte postale signée par notre équipe et envoyée directement depuis l'un de nos village hôtes

Estimated delivery: September 2021