February 20, 2016
One Shot Show Ibiza 2016
Imagine if you could go baby again, even just for a moment to relive that characteristic joy and carefree, read a story and…

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Out of €7,000
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One Shot Show Ibiza 2016
The playing card known as "<strong>the Joker</strong>" was born in the United States in the XIX century.</p>
The <strong>choice</strong> of this character of court, clearly to correlate him to the other chivalrous figures, is probably tied to two factors: on one side, the Joker suggests the idea of an <strong>alternative</strong> in comparison to the standard rules of the game (<em>it was the only character that had the power to deride the king and in general to behave him in anomalous way in comparison to the rules of label</em>); from the other, he can historically bring back to the figure of the "<strong>crazy</strong>" or "<strong>insane</strong>" present in ancient different bunches of papers and still today present in the tarots.</p>
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Ops… <strong>I forgot</strong>… I’ve made this small detour cause <strong>I’M THE JOKER</strong> and how much I’ve just told you respect the origin of the playing card, fully mirrors my being and it’ll be enough for you to keep on reading for understanding it. My name is <strong>Giancarlo</strong> and I was born in the city, in that <strong>Rome</strong> of the seventies too busy to control the <strong>criminal mind</strong> that wanted to conquer her and <strong>terrorists</strong> that wanted to destroy her; too busy to mind herself… too busy to deal with a boy that grew among the buildings of an outskirts in full metropolitan development.</p>
I grow up, <strong>serene</strong>, like many boys of my age, but, unlike the others, my <strong>eyes</strong> became sad in lifting them and seeing the cement that salivates toward the sky… <strong>awareness</strong> that I want to <strong>widen</strong> my confinements, know new frontiers, not to stop me to the city that represented a point of arrival for so many: for me would have been a point of <strong>departure</strong>!</p>
That <strong>sky</strong> that I saw among the buildings becomes my road, while the <strong>sun</strong>, the <strong>tropical</strong> climate, new cultures and <strong>different ways to think</strong> filling my life. I work how much me enough to be independent and, as soon as I can, I <strong>restarts </strong>my search.</p>
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During these trips I <strong>explore</strong> and I think, up to make me <strong>aware</strong> that a dark suite and a beautiful pair of shoes aren’t for me. I’m a “<strong>globetrotter</strong>”, I’m in a continuous search that, a beautiful <strong>day</strong> of <strong>1996</strong>, to 26 just finished, makes me discover to love that something that are together <strong>joy</strong> and <strong>life</strong>. The sea lightens me and <strong>attracts</strong> me, I think about her as to a woman from the magnetic eyes that loads yourself of <strong>positive energies</strong> to the first look!</p>
I <strong>imagine</strong> how much beautiful is to live and to work with the sea, following the natural <strong>seasons</strong> of the <strong>earth</strong> and gone toward other worlds at the end of the <strong>summer</strong> season.</p>
So… beginning my search to understand how I could realize this <strong>desire</strong>: "a small hut could be a beautiful idea… even could use it as base to entertain all the people on the beach", I thought to tall voice, believing to talk to that <strong>Destiny</strong> in which had never <strong>believed</strong> and <strong>not knowing</strong> what, instead, me same reserving!</p>
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It was <strong>autumn</strong>, it seems me yesterday: I was <strong>walking</strong> in a <strong>desert beach</strong> boulevard in the south of Rome; desert, I mean, exception of a man in a <strong>red swim suite</strong>, of which have realized crossing a bridge. I go <strong>toward</strong> him, <strong>physically</strong> crossing not only that bridge but also <strong>mentally</strong>; through that bridge I leave all the conventions imposed by the society to approach me to a man that, to full October, it walked in swim suite, red, on the beach.</p>
"<strong>Hi, I am Felice</strong>", he told me handing me the hand.</p>
"<strong>I see that in your eyes</strong>", I would have wanted to answer him while I was lengthening the hand to him and started to begin <strong>my adventure</strong>.</p>
After various tied up mishaps to the <strong>conquest</strong> of a small piece of beach, I undertake me to the creation of a “<strong>little Island</strong>” on the sea. That beach very dreamt it begins to turn into reality; a place is born where the <strong>rules</strong> of the city are <strong>not applied</strong> because the <strong>liberty</strong> of each, with the <strong>respect</strong> of other people's liberty, it doesn't need rules for the <strong>cohabitation</strong>. I live a <strong>thrilling</strong> adventure that also deepens the knowledge of myself and I discover a new world made of so <strong>many microcosms</strong>, that has allowed me, metaphorically, to be able to <strong>face</strong> the <strong>sea</strong> in <strong>storm</strong> of the <strong>life</strong>.</p>
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<strong>A life as a dream that comes true</strong> and that I alive for so many years, up to when the dream becomes greater and I thinks to a new adventure.</p>
My mind is <strong>perpetually</strong> hocked to think to a “t<strong>ravelling show</strong>” on the beach, that involves the <strong>circus</strong> and the <strong>house music</strong>: I choose the name, "<strong>one shot</strong>", and beginning to put together <strong>the crew</strong>. Within a night in half summer a show is born <strong>realized</strong> only from <strong>impassioned</strong>, not from <strong>professionals.</strong></p>
And the June 10th, 2012, the “<strong>one shot show</strong>” officially starts.</p>
The <strong>universal energy</strong> transmitted by the sea, my <strong>friend</strong> and my <strong>lover</strong>, makes me realize the idea of the "<strong>one shot’s games</strong>", element of link among all the participants to the party.</p>
The "<strong>one shot’s games</strong>" are simply… Games!</p>
Games thought for exalting our <strong>childish side</strong>, amplify by the emotion of the <strong>win</strong>. I have not told you him? You <strong>always</strong> win in the games of the one shot, from the <strong>small gadget</strong> to the <strong>bottle of champagne</strong>, to pass from the <strong>cocktails</strong> to the <strong>one shot shirt</strong>!</p>
The <strong>whole</strong> company's passion, the passion and the leit motiv of the one shots, accelerate the <strong>success </strong>of the party, thin to reach <strong>end July</strong> to a public of <strong>thousand people</strong> that, entusiastes, actively participate in the party, sharing the <strong>emotion</strong> to find them, with the part child of each of us to play and to have a good time him. One day, then, I’ll tell you as has been "<strong>created</strong>" the show and on what philosophy is founded the one shot: it is a run that deserves some page that, besides, I have begun to write in my biography "<strong>one shot, the first hit.</strong>"</p>
However, increasing the success of the party, it increased in me the necessity of a further step for the international result of the one shot show: it had to necessarily transit <strong>out of Italy </strong>and… and…</p>
"<strong>Have you ever been in Ibiza?</strong>", a friend asked me, reading me the thought.</p>
No, I had never been to Ibiza, someone told me the most <strong>cosmopolitan soul</strong> of the island, someelse had explained me that the excesses didn't concern the whole island and, above all, that the people of Ibiza were <strong>not at all</strong> as was <strong>described</strong> in generic way, able only of transgressive parties and without rules.</p>
It’s again October, but of 2012, and I arrive for the first time in Ibiza; I immediately understand that the “one shot”, to have the <strong>international</strong> recognition, <strong>must pass</strong> from this island.</p>
However still the times were not mature to <strong>complete</strong> this important footstep, they served some important passages <strong>before</strong> the <strong>unloading</strong>.</p>
In these last <strong>three years</strong>, therefore, the whole company and I, are assembled there on these necessary passages, of which two of absolute importance.</p>
The <strong>first one</strong> is the realization of a "<strong>something</strong>" easy to transport that could <strong>entertain</strong> the <strong>space drink</strong> and the <strong>space to play</strong> the music of the one shot; the <strong>second</strong> is the <strong>ideation</strong> and realization of an <strong>application</strong> that the assignment of the <strong>pre-sales</strong> of the consummations could facilitate one shot and of the knowledge of the show in distant areas, where still the only support of the net all it took is for <strong>making</strong> to <strong>know</strong> the <strong>show</strong>.</p>
In an <strong>inspired night</strong>, so, I take paper and pencil, and, as mine usual, beginning to <strong>draw</strong> what could be the "o<strong>ne shot tower</strong>", a <strong>light </strong>structure, <strong>easy</strong> to transport and <strong>functional</strong> to the demands of the show: I realize an interesting project and, immediately curious to see how it could be realized, me sudden expert of modelling, giving birth to the miniature of the <strong>structure</strong> in <strong>wood</strong>.</p>
I was <strong>spellbound</strong> from the realization of the tower, it entertained <strong>4 bartender</strong> posting, a cash posting and <strong>two DJ’s seats</strong>, and above all it had the form of a <strong>star</strong>, the one that followed me for a long time and that I had<strong> immortalized</strong> in the slogan used for the beach ("<strong>you follow the star</strong>"), that meant as each of us has the own star to follow.</p>
The "<strong>Destiny</strong>" which have said before (him, really him) wanted I met on my road <strong>Marco</strong>, the architect of the company, that, as <strong>visionary</strong> as me, seen my project, it devotes him to the <strong>realization</strong> of the structure, only in its kind, done only with the pieces used in the <strong>building scaffoldings</strong>.</p>
Well, to two years from the initial idea, after a long job of planning, he starts to realize the dream, ready for the <strong>unloading</strong> to Ibiza.</p>
<img alt="Ibiza_coming_soon-1454498040" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/273733/IBIZA_COMING_SOON-1454498040.png"></p>
For the <strong>second </strong>necessary <strong>passage</strong>, also inspired by an <strong>universal energy</strong>, I started to define a <strong>digital system</strong> that foresees the pre-sale of the one shot show, with an <strong>application </strong>that can be used by <strong>everybody</strong>, particularly from the <strong>dreamers</strong> (a sort of PR for the one shot), in way to be been able to know in advance, the quantity of tickets sold for the show, so that to be able to arrive in a new city and to use the <strong>public relationships</strong> of the most known subjects in the zone and to recognize in <strong>exact</strong> and digital way the correct <strong>errands of sale</strong> to whom uses for the result of the event, inserting some steps of sale that induce the diffusion of the idea and that can give important commissions to the dreamers that sells this dream.</p>
This time helped me “<strong>old boy</strong>” <strong>Ivan</strong>, aka <strong>Puffoquattrocchi</strong> for the “one shot” - I haven’t told you that everybody, inside the company, has an <strong>own fantasy name</strong> - that, from experienced computer, listening with passion everything of my project; the idea it is exalted to be able to realize an application that could revolutionize the <strong>world</strong> of the <strong>public relationships</strong>.</p>
And it is now still February, of 2016, and while I am writing these pages they are in phase of <strong>realization both the projects</strong> that, completed, they will accompany the company one shot in the trip that brings to <strong>Ibiza</strong>.</p>
Ibiza… it’s there, in the <strong>middle of the sea</strong>, and to arrive serves <strong>only</strong> us a last thing: <strong>the crowdfunding project.</strong></p>
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Had I already felt to have been speaking for a couple of years of it, but to a lunch to the sea with the <strong>lawyer of the company</strong>, <strong>Stefano</strong>, "<strong>the man in hat</strong>" for the one shot - I haven’t told you that everybody, inside the company, has an own fantasy name - starts to take shape the idea of on to make line visible the <strong>project Ibiza</strong> and to try <strong>economic help</strong> and <strong>international support</strong> to our project to bring the one shot to Ibiza, the country of the parties and the styles of aggregation.</p>
Now, <strong>we’re here</strong>… <strong>asking the help of all you in promoting and sustaining the project one shot</strong>, that will allow the company one shot to inaugurate the <strong>summer season 2016</strong> on the island of Ibiza.</p>
The things to <strong>be done</strong> are a lot of but the appointment and <strong>the passion </strong>are our choice of life, our mission is to make to know <strong>all over the world </strong>the essence of the one shot: a world of “one shot’s emotions” will surely be best.</p>
<strong>Thanks everybody</strong>, folks, to have shared with us the enthusiasm and the passion one shot.</p>
Just a last word: <em><strong>emotions are going to come...</strong></em></p>
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Allocation of funds
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In the first <strong>3 years</strong> the show was self financed thanks to <strong>our friends</strong>. We're a <strong>no-professional</strong> company and every time we are succesfull in come true with the show it's like a <strong>little trick</strong>. Now it' the time for a <strong>qualitative leap</strong> and get by in <strong>Ibiza</strong>, <strong>swarming</strong> this city with the sound, the <strong>colours</strong> and the <strong>imagination</strong> of the <strong>One ShotShow</strong> crew! As usual we'd like to <strong>stage</strong> the show thanks to our friends, let living the show as we mean "<strong>having fun</strong>". we need almost <strong>7000 euro</strong> for <strong>raw materials</strong> shipping, creation of the <strong>games</strong> and <strong>audio-video</strong> service. <strong>Let's create the One Shot Show Ibizia 2016 together!</strong></p>

OneShot 5! Thank you. The world needs people like you. Joker thanks you of all social media, oneshot website and... (surprise)
Estimated delivery: July 2016

OneShot 10!
Thank you. The world needs people like you. Joker thanks you om all social media and oneshot website. You will receive a photo from the crew, on stage, expecially signed for you
Estimated delivery: July 2016

OneShot 15! Thank you. The world needs people like you. Joker thanks you on all social media and oneshot website. You will receive a deck of One Shot Show cards
Estimated delivery: July 2016

OneShot 25! Thank you! For you the One Shot Show T Shirt special edition
Estimated delivery: July 2016

OneShot 50! Thank you. For you gadgets tris One Shot Show (Maglietta, carte da gloco. ceneriera da spiaggia)
Estimated delivery: July 2016

One Shot 100. Per te tutti i gadget one shot show ed un esclusivo video racconto fatto dai personaggi del One Shot Show, direttamente nella tua email.
Estimated delivery: September 2016

One Shot 500! Per te tutti i gadget OneShotShow+Video dedicato e la possibilità di essere protagonista dello show per un giorno.
Estimated delivery: June 2016

Oneshot 1001. Mistery
Estimated delivery: June 2016