February 14, 2022
[DOCUMENTAIRE] Voyage into the heart of breath
Support the creation of a documentary on Transformational Breath®
English subtitles are available for all videos on Vimeo's links.
![Project visual [DOCUMENTAIRE] Voyage into the heart of breath](https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/resized/380x0/quality:90/https%253A%252F%252Fdjxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net%252Fuploads%252Fproject%252Favatar%252F244420%252Fcropped_a790772f-cfe1-4d81-9717-9a5acc32d90b.jpg)
End date
Out of €6,000
106 %
[DOCUMENTAIRE] Voyage into the heart of breath
"Voyage into the heart of breath" will be an independent documentary film of approximately 30 minutes. It will document, through the journey of several participants, the powerful experience that represents today a seminar of Transformational Breath® as it is given in 54 countries of the world, and in particular in France. Much more than a simple promotional film for a method, this film will bring a general thinking on the desire that a human being can have to reach his full living potential and to be closer to his soul. A deep and poetic narration, as well as an attention to characterize the characters of the story, will make it a real filmic object, and this is what we propose to contribute to! We hope that this film can bring a useful breath to the period of crisis of civilization, of spiritual crisis, that we are all going through. A big thank you in advance, for your donations, big or small, or even for just relaying this project through your digital social network if you want to do so. Synopsis : October 2021, Laure, Magalie and Pierre-Yves decide to experience active, transformational breath during a 6-day seminar. Through their breath and with the support of a caring and warm group, they will take a journey to meet themselves in their wounds, their fragility but also in their unsuspected potential, and will explore what the breath can do for them in terms of personal transformation. In a world which ceaselessly puts to the test the body and the spirit and generates many traumas, this particular breathing is a way to come back to oneself, to become again actor and co-creator in life and to find the joy and the power that is our natural heritage. In today's anxiety-provoking world, it is also a way to remain free and active beings! It is a movie that we, Florent and Michaël, wanted to see exist following the fact of having ourselves lived this profound and magnificent seminar experience in the spring of 2021. We proposed its creation to Catharina von Bargen and Paul Barrett, senior trainers of Transformational Breath® in France, who were immediately excited by the idea and allowed us to be immersed for 6 days in the intimacy and the vulnerability of internal work often involving participants. In particular three of them, Laure, Magalie and Pierre-Yves, but also a few others, will testify to the benefits of this experience. Filming, editing and post-production The filming took place in October 2021 during seminar, in the "Hameau de l'Etoile", well known residential venue in the Montpellier region. They offered our technical team full board and accommodation! Which was incredibly generous! So we hope you will notice in the film how well they took care of us. Editing is now scheduled for January and February. And it is in order to finance all this post-production work that we are calling on your support. Everything is fully self-financed: For the shooting: by Catharina and Paul, by the "Hameau de l'étoile" and by ourselves; And by you for post-production: image editing, color grading, sound editing, mixing and subtitling. We are counting on you to help us finance the necessary working time so that this creation can be designed under good conditions. Counterparts (French-speaking public only): Catharina von Bargen and Paul Barrett generously offer several rewards depending on the amount of your donation: Two audio guided sessions of 15 and 25 minutes entitled respectively "Dans la profondeur de mon souffle" & "Dans la fluidité du souffle"; 50% reduction on an introductory Transformational Breath® online workshop (the workshop at €25 instead of €49); € 50 reduction on a Presence of Breath (Transformational Breath® & “Presence Process”) or Breathing Into Now (Transformational Breath® & Eckhart Tolle) weekend; € 100 reduction on the 5 individual modules online, or on a weekend or a 6-day seminar; € 250 reduction on a weekend or a 6-day seminar. Note that all of the weekends or seminar are given in french but with a possible english translation. Find more information on all these proposals on Catharina's website: https://www.catharinavonbargen.com/respiration-transformatrice Thanks to them!
In these turbulent times when we are all challenged in our own way, Transformational Breath® is a powerful tool that can help us better overcome our challenges and transform ourselves, on a personal or collective level. As Gandhi said: "Be the change you want to see in the world!" Happy new year 2022, take care of yourself and keep breathing! Thank you very much for your attention, Florent & Michaël
Biographies: Florent Bianchi, 40, and Michaël Le Sauce, 37, met at their professional audiovisual production training, in Rennes, in 2004. They produced a first documentary film in 2012 entitled "Dance and Resonances", in which the themes of wellness and spirituality were already present. Years after this adventure, and after many different life experiences, they found themselves in the south of France and in 2021 they embarked on this new project on Transformational Breath®. Although different in their approaches, these two friends have one essential point in common : that of being more and more interested in what is really at the heart of human existence : health, consciousness and soul.
Florent Bianchi Video director of documentaries, clips and short films and screenwriter, cameraman editor, as well as video speaker for young audiences. My video projects are visible on the site www.eveye.fr. I am currently dividing my time between this exciting documentary project and an ongoing music video project called “Rebirth”. As if the projects were dialoguing and perhaps echoing each other…?
Michaël Le Sauce
Sound engineer, videographer, dancer and fasciatherapy practitioner. My past video projects are visible on my vimeo page. Apart from this new creative project and my activities as a therapist, I am currently in charge of communication for the association Les Neuf Souffles which offers training courses and accompaniments in dance therapy and dialogue with the body. Their approach to activating the body through dance is also somewhat similar to the movement approach in Transformational Breath®, an essential movement to raise and circulate energy and allow blockages to be released.
Allocation of funds
Here is in detail how the funding obtained will be used: video editing: €2800 color grading: €900 sound editing and mixing: €1300 miscellaneous costs (travel, equipment rental, kisskiss campaign costs, others): €1000 Total: €6000 Then if we reach this first objective, we want to reach a second level of € 7000 which will be spent for: English translation and subtitling or dubbing: €1000 The shooting has already been financed by Catharina von Bargen and Paul Barrett for 3000 euros, and by the Hameau de l'Etoile for 1100 euros. (So for now 41% of the global budget). The rest of the 59% is funded publicly through this crowdfunding campaign because we've wanted to keep some freedom concerning the main choices we do in the construction of the film.
The Symbolic
- 11 contributions
There is no small contribution, your donation may be the final touch that will make the campaign a success! Thank you for your support!
The Modest
- 18 contributions
It is with small streams that we make great rivers. Receive for this donation a 15-minute guided session "Dans la profondeur de mon souffle" (french) as well as our gratitude.
The Classical
- 30 contributions
Receive: Two guided sessions (15 & 25 minutes) "Dans la profondeur de mon souffle" & "Dans la fluidité du souffle" (in french); The movie in HD download; As always our gratitude!
The Complete
- 12 contributions
You will receive : Two guided sessions (15 & 25 minutes) "Dans la profondeur de mon souffle" & "Dans la fluidité du souffle" (in french); The movie in HD download; The full interviews of Paul and Catharina; 50% reduction on an introductory Transformational Breath® workshop online in February (with Catharina, English possible) (€ 25 instead of € 49); Our (infinite) gratitude
The Contributive
- 13 contributions
So bravo! You are right to invest in the breath. There is nothing more precious! In addition to the previous rewards, you will receive: € 50 reduction on a Presence of Breath (Transformational Breath® & “Le Processus de la Présence”) or Breathing Into Now (Transformational Breath® & Eckhart Tolle) weekend. With Paul and Catharina (French, translation possible); An invitation to give your opinion on the first version of the editing before the final modifications.
The Patron
- 4 contributions
It's obvious, it is your calling to support your brothers and sisters on this planet. You have reached a sufficient stage of fulfillment and abundance in this life to feel a duty to place yourself at the service of other souls. Well done! You will receive, in addition to the rewards of the Complete: € 100 reduction on the 5 individual online modules (with Catharina, English possible), or on a Presence of Breath or Breathing into Now weekend or on a 6-day seminar. (with Paul and Catharina, English translation possible); An invitation to give your opinion on the first version of the editing before the final modifications.
The Divine
- 1 contribution
We are speechless! Your support is so generous that it imposes a noble silence on us. You will receive, in addition to the rewards of the Complete: € 250 reduction on a Presence of Breath or Breathing into Now weekend or on a 6-day seminar. With Paul and Catharina (French, translation possible); An invitation to give your opinion on the first version of the cut before the final modifications; You will earn serious brownie points from God the Father and might even not have to reincarnate so much. Who knows! Just thank you!
The Phoenix
- 1 contribution
There, in addition to the previous rewards, we politely sit down at a table with you to imagine the birth of a sequel to this film, a second part to be produced later, and in which you would be co-author! How about a portrait of you attending a future seminar? Or something else!