May 29, 2013
Schöffer 100-001 neticLab
Take part in the Mission: Schöffer 100-001 neticLab – Firing window: Schöffer's Centenary - Landing: Villa des Arts

End date
Out of €8,001
13 %
Schöffer 100-001 neticLab
<strong>The forthcoming landings have been replanned on to September, 1st and 2nd, 2013, at the Villa des Arts</strong></p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ongoing Terraformation at the Villa des arts</a></p>
<strong>Mission</strong><strong>: </strong><strong>Schöffer 100-001 neticLab</strong></p>
<strong>Firing window: Schöffer's Centenary </strong></p>
<strong>Approach point: latitude 48°53'15" North longitude 2°19'37" West</strong></p>
<strong>Localization: Villa des Arts Paris 18th France Europe Earth</strong></p>
<strong>This exceptional party mission will only happen again in 100 years</strong></p>
<strong>Mission goals</strong></p>
With a terrestrial exploration of 3 496 square feet (area of the courtyard of the Villa des Arts) and the lander Lorentz vx1, the mission <em>Schöffer 100-001 neticLab</em> will perform several artistic approaches that Schöffer, the pionneer of cybernetic art, initiated in the twentieth century. First of the kind, this mission aims at the centenary of Schöffer's birth. From the approach point P3-S100-001n latitude 48°53'15" North longitude 2°19'37" West, the mission <em>Schöffer 100-001 neticLab</em> will foster the foundation of the <em>neticLab</em> on the third planet of the solar system.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="" width="540"></iframe></p>
The lander Lorentz vx1 will make contact with the first autonomous cybernetic sculpture of the human history, CYSP1. An immaterial alternative of the art will be fixed and studied under <em>netikOmb</em>℗. The various research systems of Lorentz vx1 will allow an in sutu exploration of the degrees of interaction between art, humans, and environment. With the on-board system <em>netikEtte</em>℗ ultimate, the recorded data will be processed in unreal time and locally translated over two beautiful prospective evenings at the Villa des Arts, Paris 18th.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="" width="540"></iframe></p>
<strong>Mission operating means</strong></p>
The mobile power of the lander Lorentz vx1 relies on the principle of SCAM1. by Schöffer, the first self-propelling sculpture of the history.</p>
<img alt="Scam1_lorentz_vx1_75_blue" src=""></p>
<em>Schöffer 100-001 neticLab </em>will connect the passengers of the Villa des Arts</p>
<strong> The inner </strong><em><strong>netikEtte</strong></em><strong>℗</strong><strong> system</strong></p>
With its space-time chambers, equiped with the individual auditive authoring Ode7 of <em>netikEtte</em>℗, its vaccum-tight immersing system <em>PleinH4</em>, its two <em>attractors</em> type <em>Gyrécran2</em>, it fluid reflection plane <em>MarH2O</em>, the lander Lorentz vx1 will simultaneously and contineously operate with seven visiosurfers. Ones after the others, the passengers of the Villa des Arts will be able to slide their head in one of the space-time chambers of the lander. Spatio-temporary visiosurfers, they will be able to catch a glimpse, to see, to observe each others. Their arrival, their mass, the motion of their face and their eyes that get acrossed will perturbate their space-time as much inside as outside the lander, on the trees of the courtyard and the walls of the Villa.</p>
The projected light of Lorentz vx1 will not follow straight lines anymore but geodesic trajectories defined by volumes in motion.</p>
<img alt="Lorent_vx1_in_laurence_godard" src=""></p>
Lorentz vx1 – Inner cybernetics ©2012 Photograph Laurence Godard</p>
<strong> The outer </strong><em><strong>netikEtte</strong></em><strong>℗</strong><strong> system</strong></p>
With its adaptive off-road videoprojection setup VoiTou4 outer <em>netikEtte</em>℗, its telescopic vertical arm ClarkMast® 15 m and its RGB analysis system RGB Tada4.7, the lander Lorentz vx1 will perform a dynamic series of topographic and tomomorphic samplings. The passengers of the Villa des Arts will be integrated, with informed consent, in the VoiTou4 field of view to complete a set of living data from the surrounding space. The simultaneous translation in acoustic waves will be performed on line by the FonteneauVag4 suite associated to Tada4.7. These waves will be regenerated through the air locally found at the heart of the Villa by successive comprehensions. <em>Schöffer 100-001 neticLab</em> will scatter its photons and phonons in the close and relatively far universe at about 90 human feet.</p>
<strong>The foundations of the mission</strong></p>
<strong> From another galaxy</strong>, Nicolas Schöffer conceived in 1956 the <em>first autonomous cybernetic (interactive) sculpture of the history</em>: CYSP1. <em>It dances on the roof of the<em> Cité radieuse by Le Corbusier in Marseille with the Maurice Béjart's ballet. It is called the « Dancing-robot »</em></em>.</p>
<img alt="Bejartcitesautbig_r" src=""></p>
<strong> </strong><strong>Pionneer of cybernetic art</strong>, Schöffer creates numerous monumental cybernetic Tours. Liège (56 m 1961), Kalocsa, Hungary (24 m 1982), Lyon (30 m 1985), and soon, Belfort 40 m at its top.</p>
<img alt="Tour_cybernetique_schoeffer" src=""></p>
In 1963, Nicolas Schöffer presented the model of the Light Cybernetic Tour (TLC), 324 m high, symbol of the 21st century and of the 3rd millennium. It was intended to animate Paris-La-Défense, with its movements and its colored lights, at the changing rhythm of the data coming from the excitation or the slowdown of the city. This work of art, the most impressive of the century, exists only virtually as the president Pompidou's death and the two energy crises did not allow its construction.</p>
In 1973, Nicolas Schöffer launched in the streets of Milan and Paris SCAM1., the first self-propelling sculpture of the history, to "bring art to those who do not go to art…"</p>
<strong> </strong><strong>Nowadays</strong>, Nicolas Schöffer's work of art continues and new generations of researchers-creators perpetuate his search: Antoine Schmidt, Architextur, Lab_au, DiabolusArtSpace Tower Benvolio (106,126,993), Denis Connolly + Anne Cleary, Eduardo Kak, Niko de la Faye,+ Sensitif, Ping Torres, and v=x.</p>
<strong> For an artistic occupation of the public scientific domain</strong></p>
In January 1st, 2013, v=x founded the <em>neticLab</em>, a light laboratory in art-science-society, to occupy the public scientific domain at the heart of the Orsay Scientific Center.</p>
In a decommissioned power hall for the first particle accelerators, the <em>neticLab</em> creates, designs, develops, builds, and spreads cybernetic art-science installations in the unique goal of <em>fundamental research in art</em>.</p>
The neticLab aims at bringing together artists and scientists around projects:</p>
- at the artistic frontier of cybernetic art</p>
- at the advances of digital art</p>
- in the light of the scientific research currently performed in laboratories</p>
- at the forefront of technological developments carried by the laboratories</p>
<img alt="Scam_1" src=""></p>
<strong> For a scientific extension of the civil public domain </strong></p>
The <em>neticLab</em> is both a place implanted within the Orsay Scientific Center, a place of research and exchanges for artists and scientists open to everybody, and a mobile place of art and science within the city to meaningfully meeting in public.</p>
The <em>neticLab</em> aims at promoting projects outside the University:</p>
- where science is not expected</p>
- where art is not awaited</p>
in a train station, at the exit of a metro station, in stadium, in the middle of an airport, at the heart of a city, in Ile-de-France, in France, Europe, and abroad</p>
<strong> Team of the mission <em>Schöffer 100-001 neticLab</em></strong></p>
[Concept] v=x</p>
[Sound lands] Cyril Fonteneau</p>
[Scientific advisor] François Couchot</p>
[Data processing] Michèle Gouiffès </p>
[Data acquisition] Marion Tardieu, Alba Malaga Sabogal, and Aleksandr Setkov</p>
[Actors] Tiina Kaartama et François Couchot</p>
with the help of</p>
Jean-Louis Marlats and the Technical Department of Synchrotron SOLEIL</p>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
<strong>It is on these missions for meeting in public that your support is needed. </strong></p>
<img alt="Villa_des_arts_bandeau_an" src=""></p>
<strong>"You are kindly invited, when dusk falls, to cross the gate of the Villa des Arts, in the 18th Arrondissement of Paris, a place for artistic creations and developments for more than a century. You will then [re]discover Nicolas Schöffer in the context of a contemporary event that would have elated him."</strong></p>
<strong> Éléonore Schöffer</strong></p>
<img alt="Atelier_nicolas_schoeffer_s" src=""></p>
<strong> Nicolas Schöffer in his workshop in 1983</strong></p>
<a href="" target="_blank"> </a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
Bérénice Derville - communication</p>
Allocation of funds
<strong>To make Schöffer 100-001 neticLab happen:</strong></p>
<strong> </strong></p>
<strong>A celabration of the centenary of Nicolas Schöffer's birth</strong></p>
<strong>A cybernetic installation of the neticLab <em>Light does not stop there</em></strong></p>
<strong>A visit of Nicolas Schöffer's workshop at the Villa des Arts, Paris 18th</strong></p>
<strong>Publication of the neticLab manifesto</strong></p>
<strong>in the course of two beautiful prospective nights for sixty years of cybernetics in art:</strong></p>
<strong>Sunday 1st September 2013 – "Support" evening </strong><em><strong>Schöffer 100-001</strong></em> <em><strong>neticLab</strong></em></p>
Visit of Schöffer's workshop</p>
Publication and distribution of the neticLab manifesto</p>
<em>Light does not stop there</em></p>
Mission cocktail</p>
<strong>Monday 2nd September 2013 – "Socialization" evening </strong><em><strong>Schöffer 100-001</strong></em> <em><strong>neticLab</strong></em></p>
Visit of Schöffer's workshop</p>
Distribution of the neticLab manifesto</p>
<em>Light does not stop there</em></p>
<strong>Mission costs</strong></p>
Artistic and technical equipments of the lander Lorentz vx1</p>
Space journey of the lander Lorentz vx1</p>
Communication with the third planet of the solar system</p>
Interplanetary and local logistics</p>
On-board surveillance et security</p>
Every collected funds that will exceed the total cost of the mission <em>Schöffer 100-001</em> <em>neticLab</em> will be dedicated to restore and reanimate the first cybernetic sculpture of the human history, CYSP 1.</p>
<strong>Many netic thanks for your support!</strong></p>
<img alt="Bandeau_logos" src=""></p>
"Socialization" prospective evening 2 - A postcard Nicolas Schöffer 10×15
"Socialization" prospective evening 2 - A postcard Nicolas Schöffer 12×17
"Socialization" prospective evening 2 - A signature-stamped postcard Nicolas Schöffer 10×15
"Socialization" prospective evening 2 - A signature-stamped postcard Nicolas Schöffer 12×17
"Socialization" prospective evening 2 - Membership of Nicolas Schöffer association (ANSI), visit of Nicolas Schöffer's workshop at the Villa des Arts
"Support" prospective evening 1 - Member of ANSI and of neticLab year 1 - A collection of 6 postcards Nicolas Schöffer
"Support" prospective evening 1 - Member of ANSI and of neticLab year 1 - A collection of 12 postcards Nicolas Schöffer
"Support" prospective evening 1 - Member of ANSI and of neticLab year 1 - A catalog of the exhibition "Schöffer" at the Paris Museum of Modern Art, 1974
"Support" prospective evening 1 - Member of ANSI and of neticLab year 1 - 1 screenprint of the 1962's Griffon monography by Nicolas Schöffer
"Support" prospective evening 1 - Benefactor of ANSI and of neticLab year 1 - 1 screenprint on metal: Nicolas Schöffer's "S" - Dinner with Eléonore Schöffer and the neticLab