January 29, 2014
The hitchhiker's guide to social change
Interested in building your social enterprise ? Don't panic, the hitchhiker's guide to social change helps you in the first critical steps !

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Out of €2,500
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The hitchhiker's guide to social change
<strong>The hitchhiker's guide to social change </strong>started with <strong><a href="http://juuhuu.co/fr/sakums" target="_blank">JūHū</a></strong><a href="http://juuhuu.co/fr/sakums" target="_blank">,</a> a social enterprise with the aim of fighting stigmatization of people with disabilities by presenting them as the craftsmen of high quality design objects. A project created in collaboration with Elina Busmane.</p>
Throughout the process of designing JuHu, we realized there were many tools to develop projects when they are well defined, however we had to face a <strong>lack of tools</strong> and methodology <strong>fot the first critical steps </strong>of creating a social initiative.</p>
During my master work in social design at the Design Academy Eindhoven in parallel to the creation of the <strong><a href="http://juuhuu.co/fr/sakums" target="_blank">JūHū</a></strong> project, I have been working on a <strong>creative methodology accessible by all </strong>to inspire and accompany projects leaders in developing their ideas.</p>
Utilizing tools I have been using while giving workshop on diverse intercultural issues in Europe, originating from diverse methodologies such as "Design Thinking", "Human Centered Design" and personal tools I have developed in collaboration with diverse consultants active in the social innovation field during the project creation phase. This has brought me to deconstruct the process in <strong>a series of small and creative steps</strong> with as a result of a <strong>strong social initiative</strong>.</p>
Following this method we have build <strong><a href="http://juuhuu.co/fr/sakums" target="_blank">JūHū</a></strong>, as of today <strong><a href="http://juuhuu.co/fr/sakums" target="_blank">JūHū</a></strong> is impacting the lives of 40 persons living on the edge of the society (suffering from schizophrenia, addictions or after a stay in a psychiatric ward) in two different social structures working in close collaboration with 5 occupational therapists. We are producing two different products designed by talented designers, amongst them the <a href="http://juuhuu.co/en/products/therese_en" target="_blank">Thérèse</a> cup. In the next months we will open 3 new workshops and produce a total of 5 different objects.</p>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/juuuuhuuuu" target="_blank">You can follow JūHū on facebook here</a></p>
<img alt="Why01" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/60553/why01.jpg"></p>
Are you a<strong> changemaker</strong> ? would you like to be one ? With this guide, it offers <strong>a simple way to build up your own social project</strong>.</p>
<img alt="Forwho" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/65838/forwho.jpg"></p>
For <strong>changemakers</strong></p>
For creative entrepreneurs</p>
For social entrepreneurs</p>
For the ones who have a dream</p>
For people who want to start a project in their neighborhood</p>
For the person who want to impact the society on a small or large scale</p>
<img alt="Wheretostart" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/61137/wheretostart.jpg"></p>
<img alt="4-5enkk" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/71681/4-5enkk.jpg"></p>
<strong>The first steps into a project are the most important ones</strong>, thinking of <strong>what, how</strong> and most importantly <strong>why</strong> are absolutely critical. We have seen many projects fail because of wrong assumptions or because they missed some key or basic elements within their project. This guide facilitates the creative process and helps you avoid traps or miss important components of your project.</p>
<img alt="10-11" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/61252/10-11.jpg"></p>
The hitchhikers guide, along with your personal motivation, will take you through a series of specifically designed, fun and creative exercises. These include everything from “sending yourself a postcard” , “mapping the resources you need” to “Pretending you’re a visitor from another planet and writing a report”. This guide helps you <strong>create your own strong an coherent social project step by step</strong> while avoiding the traps on the way. It is giving you the keys that will support you in having<strong> a positive social impact.</strong></p>
<img alt="36-37enkk" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/71677/36-37enkk.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Secretmission" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/61154/secretmission.jpg"></p>
This guide compiles what I have gained, experienced and observed during the last four years in the social innovation field. It has come from my experiences in mentoring various local social initiatives, to starting my own social enterprise, to the knowledge gathered over numerous discussions with other social designers/innovators/entrepreneurs strangers met in the streets or at the detour of a coffee terrace.</p>
<img alt="Sparklingglass" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/61157/sparklingglass.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Mygoalfor" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/61142/mygoalfor.jpg"></p>
To get this tool in the hands of people who want to make a change, and have it widely distributed.</p>
This book contains<strong> 140 pages </strong>130x210mm, and will be printed keeping it environmentally friendly</p>
<img alt="Recommended" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/67309/recommended.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Supportedbybig05" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/74004/supportedbybig05.jpg"></p>
<strong>Latvia</strong> Ieva Morica || <em>Program director at <a href="http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/offices-foundations/soros-foundation-latvia" target="_blank">SOROS FUNDATION Latvia</a> </em></p>
<strong>Latvia</strong> <em><a href="http://urbaninstitute.lv/" target="_blank">URBAN INSTITUTE Riga</a></em></p>
<strong>Sweden</strong><a href="http://www.lusic.se/" target="_blank"> LUSIC</a>, Lund University Social Innovation Center</p>
<strong>Canada</strong><a href="http://fandco.ca/" target="_blank"> f.&co</a> is a creativity and collaboration consulting firm</p>
<strong>France</strong><a href="http://www.soonsoonsoon.com/" target="_blank"> SoonSoonSoon</a>, spotting new innovations</p>
<strong>Latvia</strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/kanieris" target="_blank"> Kaņieris</a>, youth center (the guide is used in one of their programs)</p>
<strong>France </strong><a href="http://www.illusion-macadam.coop/" target="_blank">illusion & macadam</a>, support to cultural projects & social innovation</p>
<img alt="Author" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/61143/author.jpg"> The hitchhiker's guide is written and compiled by Charles Bourrier, and couldn't have reached this stage without the help of numerous people including Elina Busmane (co-founder of JuHu), Sandra Jeckabsone (project guru), our JuHu project partnners and numerous partners in the field of social innovation.</p>
<strong>French</strong> born, raised in <strong>Switzerland</strong>, graduated from high school in <strong>Japan</strong>, followed a social design master in the <strong>Netherlands</strong>, currently living in <strong>Latvia</strong> where I founded a social enterprise working with <strong>Russian</strong> schizophrenic patient to help them be better integrated within the Latvian society.</p>
After a Bachelor's degree in product and industrial design at <a href="http://www.ecal.ch" target="_blank">écal</a>, I attended the <a href="http://www.designacademy.nl/Study/Master/General/SocialDesign.aspx" target="_blank">Design Academy Eindhoven</a> for a master's degree in social design. During my studies I participated in different programs such as <a href="http://venturelab.ch/" target="_blank">Venturelab</a> (business) and SummerSchool, it has broadened my perspectives and provided me with a lot of tools to tackle a project with.</p>
<strong>Intercultural trainer</strong> for <a href="http://www.efil.afs.org/" target="_blank">EFIL</a> and <a href="http://intercultur.de/" target="_blank">intercultur</a>, I gave trainings related to intercultural and social topics in various European countries.</p>
<strong>Creative consultant</strong>, I worked with companies in various fields from banks to energy companies where I helped setup reflection groups to work on diverse issues.</p>
<strong>Social Entrepreneur</strong>, I started my own social enterprise called <a href="http://www.juuhuu.co" target="_blank">JuHu</a> in Latvia thanks to winning a contest there.</p>
<strong>Social designer</strong>, after working on diverse projects in the Netherlands and in Belgium I now work with municipalities in Latvia and I am a consultant for non - profit and profit projects. I also worked with groups at risk (kids, disabled people, ... ) in different sociocultural contexts all around Europe.</p>
<em>Every monday between 8-9pm (GMT+2) you have the possibility to chat with me on skype about the hitchhiker's guide. (I might be as well connected at other moments of the week with this account)</em></p>
my skype id : juhu.charles</p>
<em>Me online</em></p>
<a href="http://www.charlesproduct.com" target="_blank">www.charlesproduct.com</a></p>
<a href="http://www.juuhuu.co" target="_blank">www.juuhuu.co</a></p>
Allocation of funds
The money raised through this campaign will serve for:</p>
Proofreading of the book</p>
Finalization of the printing design</p>
Printing of the book</p>
IBAN registration and number</p>
Shipping costs (Europe)</p>
<strong>Sending one free copy of the book to diverse social incubators and support structures. </strong>Every 6th book will be sent to a institution for free.</p>
<strong>GOAL REACHED </strong>: Extended goal +500€<strong> = 3000</strong>€ : The possibility to get a Latvian version of <em>"The hitchhiker's guide to social change", </em>you can choose in which language you want to receive your copy of the book<em>.</em> <strong>The Latvian version has been funded</strong> aside from kisskissbankbank, arrangments have been made with different players in the social field in Latvia to make it happen. For administrative and tax reasons it is not possible to transfer the money for the kkbb campaign paperwork is heavy in Latvia.</p>
<strong>Extended goal </strong>+1500€<strong> = 4000</strong>€ : We can print twice as many books as we imagined, allowing us to reach out to more changemakers around the world.</p>
<strong>Extended goal </strong>+5500€<strong> = 8000</strong>€ : An adaptation of the guide as well as an interactive application for mobile devices.</p>
- 3 contributions
A personalized thank you card from me.
Estimated delivery: June 2014
- 5 contributions
A special 1st edition copy of "The hitchhiker's guide to social change", to be picked up in Riga city center.
Estimated delivery: July 2014
- 11 contributions
A special 1st edition copy of "The hitchhiker's guide to social change" including a surprise to bring everywhere with you. (non EU shipping + 8€)
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 6 contributions
A limited edition JūHū Thérèse cup signed by the craftsmen and the designer + a signed copy of "The hitchhiker's guide to social change" including a surprise (non EU shipping + 8€)
Estimated delivery: July 2014
- 1 contribution
A signed copy of "The hitchhiker's guide to social change" including a surprise + A copy filled with my project called JuHu (non EU shipping + 10€)
Estimated delivery: July 2014
- 2 contributions
10 copies of "The hitchhiker's guide to social change" including one signed copy (non EU shipping + 20€)
Estimated delivery: July 2014
- 2 contributions
Your name (or a friend's / a relative's / a school's / a company's / ... ) in the book thanks page +
10 signed copies of the book (non EU shipping + 0€ because you have a special place in my heart)
Estimated delivery: July 2014
I come to give a speech (at my own expenses) or/and a mentoring session on social projects + your name ((or a friend's / a relative's / a school's / a company's / ... ) in the book thanks page + 10 signed copies of the book (non EU contact me)
Estimated delivery: May 2014