June 4, 2015
The social micro-credit adventure !
Join us to support the creation of 15 micro-enterprises in developing countries through social micro-finance !

End date
Out of €2,000
123 %
The social micro-credit adventure !
Pour voir la campagne en Français, cliquez <a href="http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/fr/projects/the-social-micro-credit-adventure" target="_blank">ici</a> ! </p>
<img alt="Screen_shot_2015-04-04_at_12.55.01-1428144919" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/182445/Screen_Shot_2015-04-04_at_12.55.01-1428144919.png"></p>
Currently studying Entrepreneurship in Amsterdam, we are a young couple passionate about <strong>social entrepreneurship</strong> and <strong>travel</strong>. After our studies, we always wanted to travel around the world, but we were looking for a meaning... the social micro-credit was the solution!</p>
Convinced by the <strong>power of this financial tool</strong>, we started the realisation of this project in September 2014 through the association <em>Micro-crédit Macro-action. </em>1 year later... so the <strong>13 of September 2015</strong>, we will leave for a <strong>11months trip </strong>to support social micro-credit in Asia and Africa. </p>
Our experience and knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, micro-finance and back-packing/hiking in Middle-East & Europe and your support will enable us to make it possible ! <img alt="Screen_shot_2015-04-04_at_12.35.29-1428144271" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/182437/Screen_Shot_2015-04-04_at_12.35.29-1428144271.png"></p>
Micro-credit is a <strong>small loan</strong> given to the <strong>poor</strong>, who are rejected from the classical banking system, so they can start <strong>small businesses</strong> and lift their family <strong>out of poverty</strong>.</p>
The benefits are numerous... <img alt="Screen_shot_2015-04-24_at_22.54.41-1429908904" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/190282/Screen_Shot_2015-04-24_at_22.54.41-1429908904.png"></p>
<img alt="Screen_shot_2015-04-04_at_12.35.12-1428144233" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/182436/Screen_Shot_2015-04-04_at_12.35.12-1428144233.png"></p>
Since September 2014, we are members of a French non-profit organization, <strong>Micro-crédit Macro-action (MCMA)</strong> which aims to support the creation of small enterprises in developing countries through social micro-finance.</p>
Created in 2013, the first adventure of MCMA was a great success ! The founders have created more then 300 micro-entreprises in Asia and Africa and visited the field partners (in Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Tanzania) during their 6 months bike journey.</p>
Today, we are six:</p>
- Arthur & Hugo: the founders, currently in France</p>
- Clara & Isaure: another 2015 MCMA team, completing their mission by bike across Asia</p>
- and us :) </p>
<img alt="Screen_shot_2015-04-28_at_13.51.33-1430221971" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/191444/Screen_Shot_2015-04-28_at_13.51.33-1430221971.png"></p>
<u><strong>Our missions:</strong></u></p>
- Raise and distribute funds to the micro-entrepreneurs in Myanmar, India and Tanzania.</p>
- Visit the Micro-Finance Institutions and the beneficiaries supported.</p>
- Report you how micro-finance works on the field and our adventure.</p>
<img alt="Screen_shot_2015-04-04_at_12.36.31-1428144320" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/182439/Screen_Shot_2015-04-04_at_12.36.31-1428144320.png"></p>
<u><strong>The process</strong></u></p>
<em>Step 1: </em>We <strong>raise funds</strong> from companies and individuals.</p>
<em>Step 2:</em> We <strong>distribute </strong>100% of the donations to our partners, the Micro-Finance Institutions.</p>
<em>Step 3:</em> Our partners <strong>deliver</strong> micro-credits (average: 120€) and trainings to the beneficiaries so they can start a successful business !</p>
<em>Step 4:</em> And they <strong>reimburse</strong> their credit to the Micro-Finance Institutions. Afterwards, a new micro-credit is given… it’s a real snow-ball effect !</p>
<img alt="Screen_shot_2015-04-24_at_22.52.35-1429908922" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/190283/Screen_Shot_2015-04-24_at_22.52.35-1429908922.png"></p>
<u><strong>So Oo Tehtwin (Myanmar - Yangon)</strong></u></p>
- created in 2013</p>
- 800 active beneficiaries</p>
- average loan = 142€</p>
- visit in November 2015</p>
Want to know more about them, click <a href="http://www.entrepreneursdumonde.org/en/nos-actions/nos-partenaires-locaux/soth/" target="_blank">here</a></p>
<u><strong>STEP (India – Kolkatta)</strong></u></p>
- created in 2007</p>
- 6 000 active beneficiaries</p>
- average loan = 105€</p>
- visit in January 2016</p>
Website is <a href="http://www.stepindia.in/" target="_blank">here</a> ! Follow them on Facebook, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/stepmicrofinanceindia" target="_blank">here</a> ;)</p>
<u><strong>IDYDC (Tanzania - Iringa)</strong></u></p>
- created in 1991</p>
- 3 800 active beneficiaries</p>
- average loan = 150€</p>
- visit in July 2016</p>
Still curious ? Click <a href="http://www.idydc.or.tz/" target="_blank">here</a></p>
<img alt="Screen_shot_2015-04-04_at_12.37.02-1428144383" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/182442/Screen_Shot_2015-04-04_at_12.37.02-1428144383.png"></p>
- September 2015 to March 2016: Cambodia, Thaïlande, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India and Nepal</p>
- March to May 2016: Oman, UAE, Iran</p>
- June to August 2016: Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania</p>
Allocation of funds
<img alt="Screen_shot_2015-04-28_at_21.08.00-1430248103" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/191716/Screen_Shot_2015-04-28_at_21.08.00-1430248103.png"></p>
The KissKissBankBank fund will be added to our overall fund raising (sponsorship with companies, etc) in order to create in total 40 micro-enterprises !</p>
<u><strong>Funds distribution</strong></u></p>
Amount in total: Around 5-6000€ (incl. 2k€ from KKBB)</p>
-> So Oo Tehtwin from Myanmar: 2000€ (incl. 1000€ from KKBB)</p>
-> STEP from India: 1500€ (incl. 500€ from KKBB)</p>
-> IDYDC from Tanzania: 1500€ (incl. 500€ from KKBB)</p>
Transfert Date: July 2015</p>
That's it ! Any question ?</p>

- 2 contributions
Welcome in the MCMA family ! We will thank you personally par email + you will be tagged on the "Super-Heroes" wall of our Facebook page and website !

- 8 contributions
Prepare your next week-ends in Amsterdam, Budapest and Lille with our unique guidebooks including the best local addresses. Already been there? Let us convince you that you haven't seen everything (we lived there) and offer you a drink if possible ! (previous reward included)
Estimated delivery: April 2015

- 9 contributions
Prepare your taste bud for a 6 month subscription of delicious Asian recipes... Hummm ! And check out your postal box, because you will you receive a postal card during our journey ! (previous rewards incl.)

- 14 contributions
Let yourself spoiled with the taste of delicious local food of Asia, Middle-East and Africa with a 12month subscription of recipes ! Little bonus: When we are back, we will summarise all recipes in a well-designed digital booklet ;) (previous rewards incl.)

- 4 contributions
Are you dreaming to see Agota eating insects or Quentin going on a thaï box ring ? Our mum not, but maybe you... Tell us the challenge of your choice ! We will do it and share the video online ! (previous rewards incl.)

- 1 contribution
More interested in Micro-Finance ? Ask one question from us, from an entrepreneur or from a MFI that we will include in our video reports ! (previous rewards incl.)

- 7 contributions
You created 1 micro-enterprise ! Congratulations ! You are like a mentor for them so you will have THREE rewards ! 1) One product created from the enterprise 2) A postal card personally signed by the entrepreneur 3) We will send you news about her/him before, during and after the micro-credit so you can follow her/his evolution ! (previous rewards incl.)