November 8, 2017
"To The Land" Vinyle premier album
"To the Land" is our first album, and it's ready! But we need your support for our new vinyl!
![Project visual "To The Land" Vinyle premier album](
End date
Out of €2,000
135 %
"To The Land" Vinyle premier album
<p>We started this project in January 2015, quite by chance, during a jam session that lasted all night, where we were the only two musicians to improvise in osmosis with dancers of the contemporary dance school "P.A.R.T.S. ".</p><p>Following this experience, we rehearsed regulary, and after more than one year of sessions of jams, sound experiments, discoveries and compositions, we developed an artistic direction. Our way of performing and creating songs is based only on sounds from our instruments and effects loops.</p><p>We developped our repertory until we arrive to construct our own style, that we wanted narrative and original. So this is the right time for us to produce our first album.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><iframe src="//" width="540" height="304" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>We had the chance to do a great recording session with Bastien Gilson sound engineer in Brussels. Our album was ready to be sent to CD production, but after some considerations, we looked at the idea of producing a vinyl.</p><p>The idea of collaborating with artists for graphics appeared to us. Vinyl then became the most suitable choice. Indeed, this media offers the possibility to work on visual aspects that the cd can not offer, and of course the 33t is a very beautiful object.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><iframe src="//" width="540" height="304" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><img alt="19023714_1723300607684590_4509715357577830579_o-1506968225" src=""></p><p><u><em><strong>Guitar: Diego Higueras</strong></em></u></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><img alt="332782_10150334216281587_1526803785_o-1506968139" src=""></p><p><u><em><strong>Violin: Nicolas Draps</strong></em></u></p><p> </p><p><img alt="Sans_titre-1507065287" src=""><img alt="Def-1507065358" src=""> <img alt="11872111_1711802082386703_8827689727372915069_o-1507065373" src=""></p>
Allocation of funds
<p>Currently the budget of our production:</p><p>* Pressing Vinyl (300) _________ 1600 €</p><p>* Copyright fees ______________ 500 €</p><p>* Graphics & artwork___________1200 €</p><p>* Promotion fees ______________300 €</p><p>Total of 3600 €</p><p>The rule set by Kisskissbankbank is simple, <strong>it's all or nothing</strong>! If we don't reach the total amount, we get nothing. That's why we decided to set our crowdfunding at € 2000, to start funding a part of our adventure.</p><p>Included in this sum in case of success: 5% for KissKissBankBank , and 3% bank charges, so 8% in total.</p><p>Support us to reach our goal and why not, go beyond it! Indeed, in the case of a success in the collection of funds, we can finally finalize our album and offer you a quality production. And if we go beyond our goal, we will be able to realize a greater production.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><iframe src="//" width="540" height="304" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p>
- 2 contributions
Notre premier album en version digitale à télécharger, ainsi que tous nos remerciements sur notre page Facebook
Estimated delivery: November 2017
- 17 contributions
Notre premier album en vinyle + sa version digitale, ainsi que tout nos remerciements sur notre page facebook.
Estimated delivery: December 2017
- 7 contributions
Notre premier album dédicacé en vinyle + sa version digitale + une invitation à notre concert de présentation de l'album, ainsi que tout nos remerciements sur notre page facebook.
Estimated delivery: December 2017
- 2 contributions
Notre premier album en vinyle dédicacé + sa version digitale + une invitation à notre concert de présentation de l'album + un tirage argentique de notre "Landscape" (image de la contrepartie) numérotée et dédicacée par nos 2 laborantins, ainsi que tout nos remerciements sur notre page facebook.
Estimated delivery: December 2017
- 1 contribution
Notre vinyle numéroté + sa version digitale + une invitation à notre concert de présentation de l'album + un tirage argentique de notre "Landscape" (image de la contrepartie) dédicacée par nos 2 laborantins, Livraison personnelle et dédicace de l'album chez vous (uniquement en Belgique), ainsi que tout nos remerciements sur notre page facebook.
Estimated delivery: December 2017
- 4 contributions
Toutes les contreparties précédentes + un morceau en acoustique à la livraison, chez vous (uniquement en Belgique), ainsi que tout nos remerciements sur notre page facebook.
Estimated delivery: December 2017
1h de masterclass d'effet pour un groupe de 5 personnes, construction sonore et techniques de jeu spécifiques à notre répertoire + vinyle dédicacé, ainsi que tout nos remerciements sur notre page facebook.
Estimated delivery: December 2017
Diego & Nico créerons, rien que pour vous, un morceau lors d'une séance de travail dans nos locaux auquel vous pourrez assister, ainsi que tout nos remerciements sur notre page facebook.
Estimated delivery: December 2017
- 2 contributions
Un concert privé chez vous (offre uniquement valable en Belgique, pour l'étranger, nous contacter), ainsi que tout nos remerciements sur notre page facebook.
Estimated delivery: December 2017
Un concert privé chez vous + dégustation de plats & cocktails péruvien (offre uniquement valable en Belgique pour environ 10 personnes), ainsi que tout nos remerciements sur notre page facebook.
Estimated delivery: December 2017