"Let's Get To Know Armenia Together"

Support us against Azerbaijani anti-Armenian disinformation and the distortion and slaughter of centuries-old Armenian history.

Project visual "Let's Get To Know Armenia Together"
End date
Out of €28,000
1 %

"Let's Get To Know Armenia Together"

GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE PROJECT: Project name: "Let's get to know Armenia together" A series of multilingual videos (the duration of a video is 18 to 23 seconds, translated into 7 languages - Total 77 movies) Brief description : The Cultural Association "Union Franco-Armenienne" (UnionFrArm) is a non-profit association based in France, which initiated the implementation of the project "Let's learn to know Armenia together". The project is a series of 11 animated shorts, promoting Armenia's cultural heritage and helping to discover its gems. All animated films emphasize the uniqueness and antiquity of the cultural heritage presented. One of the key points of each animated film is to show and mention how many years each historical monument is older than Azerbaijan. Armenian historical and cultural Christian monuments will be presented in the films in the form of fine watercolors from the brushes of artist Amali Galstyan. ©Amalie Galstyan "Dadivank Monastery" - 9th and 13th centuries The "Franco-Armenian Union" had the idea for the project "Let's get to know Armenia together" during the 44-day war in 2020, when in addition to the real war that was taking place on the battlefield , an equally aggressive parallel war was also taking place in the media and social networks. platforms. It was at this exact moment that the project team realized the importance of showing the world the truth and sharing the real facts about what Armenia and its cultural heritage is. The project "Let's get to know Armenia together" is also extremely important today, when the world urgently needs to learn the facts and see the truth, which is constantly distorted by the Azerbaijani propaganda actively promoted in the social media. Considering the urgency and great importance of spreading the real facts and sharing the information with a wider international audience, the project team has already created the first animated film dedicated to the Gandzasar Monastery in Artsakh. This 17-second animated film shows and highlights when the monastery was established and how far the Armenian nation and its culture was ahead of others. During this first phase of the project, it is planned to create 11 animated films, which will be widely and actively disseminated in social media, as well as among international media sources. Each of the films will be translated into seven languages to be accessible to the general public. The mission: One of the biggest global problems today is the receipt and dissemination of false information from unknown sources. It influences people's thinking, determines specific attitudes towards people or events. Usually, people immediately believe the information presented without further fact-checking. Due to the intensive and widely disseminated propaganda broadcast by the Azerbaijani media, the ancient Armenian heritage is presented as Albanian or Azeri, which creates a false image for the international public. It takes intensive work, a lot of effort and several proofs to show the opposite and make people believe and see the truth. The entire social community of Armenia and the Diaspora works tirelessly to eliminate false information. There is a strong need for professionally developed audio and video content that can be shared and broadcast with confidence internationally. The Cultural Association "Union Franco-Armenienne" is one of the non-profit organizations based in Europe that works hard to enlighten the public and show what the real Armenia is. Solution: The UnionFrArm is very active in the cultural and social life of the Armenian diaspora in France and other European diasporas. UnionFrArm initiates various cultural events to showcase the rich Armenian culture. There is still a huge need for high quality creative output to fill the huge gap, especially in social media - as the main source of information. Unexpected new projects like this are crucial as a complement to the existing limited sources showing real facts about Armenian cultural heritage and highlighting their importance for all humanity. "Let's get to know Armenia together" is a series of animated short films (15-20 sec), very engaging, dynamic, informative, which interest viewers. The films provide specific facts about selected Armenian monuments. The translation of the 11 films into 7 languages will target a wider audience. UnionFrArm coopère avec des structures médiatiques et culturelles, prêtes à diffuser ces films d'animation, à les présenter à la télévision. Organiser des conférences consacrées à la préservation des monuments historiques et culturels chrétiens arméniens. Nous les diffuserons sur diverses plateformes sociales, festivals internationaux, nous les diffuserons dans leurs réseaux et pays. Nous organiserons des expositions des peintures d'Amalie Galstyan, qui seront présentées dans nos films. Tous les films de la série seront présentés dans le cadre des expositions, et comme la série sera multilingue, nous organiserons des expositions dans de nombreuses grandes villes du monde. Aim: The project "Let's get to know Armenia together" provides access to high quality video material that can compete with what is already created by Azeries. Since there is no such video content on the web, the UnionFrArm decided to fill this gap. More people - Armenians and non-Armenians - will discover our country, its history, its ancient monuments. The videos will go viral, drawing attention to Armenia and Artsakh, and serving as a primary source of information and reference when needed. Measurable result: The animations of the project "Let's get to know Armenia together" are expected to be widely distributed, the videos will be instantly recognizable, the next ones are expected and requested by international audiences, and even serve as a reference for popular bloggers and social media influencers. The UnionFrArm expects the animations to be in high demand and used for educational purposes, as a trusted source of information for the public. Beneficiaries: In the long term, the project "Let's get to know Armenia together" is beneficial for all Armenians, regardless of where they live. It is a great opportunity to increase the visibility of the country and is intended to promote Armenia, its culture and its heritage. Showing real facts in just 15-20 seconds is more impressive than writing long texts or explaining anything verbally. The large Armenian Diaspora around the world will have access to high quality video resources in different languages. Risks: The Azeries have worked to spread many false information about the cultural heritage of Armenia, presenting it as Albanian or Azeri. Since the project "Let's get to know Armenia together" presents the real real facts about historical monuments, there is a high risk of creating a ground for another social media war and fighting between them. This can on the one hand negatively affect the project, on the other hand it will arouse more interest towards the project and the animated films. Other: Based on the initial research conducted by UnionFrArm, it can be said that the project "Let's get to know Armenia together" will be the one and only project focused on presenting Armenian cultural heritage in the form of animated films. There are no such resources in any language - not even Armenian - and translating animated films into seven languages will add tremendous value and importance to them. A pilot animation dedicated to Gandzasar proved its great importance and its necessity. 👉🏻 Our team: Spiritual Counsel - La Congrégation Mekhitariste (Italie, Venise) - Armenian Apostolic Church (France) Author of the screenplay and director of the film - Artur Arzoyan (France) Artist -Amalie Galstyan (France) Animations - Motion graphics - Marieta Harutyunyan (Arménie) Music editor - Aghavni Vardanyan/France/ Musical arrangement - "Lav Eli" folk rock band (Arménie) Digital Communication. Coordinator- Meline Asatryan (France) Coordinator in Armenia - Hripsimé (Simé) Amirkhanyan (Arménie) Web Manager - Khoren Niyazyan (France) Consultant - Armen Aroutiounian (France) 👉🏻 https://www.unionfrarm.com/qui-sommes-nous/ Contact us: [email protected] https://www.unionfrarm.com

Allocation of funds

JOB DESCRIPTION STEP 1: Preparation List of cultural heritage for highlighting, work closely with the project team to discuss specifics, details, timeline. STEP 2: Production Intensive creation of animations, collecting essential information about each of the historical monuments, paying particular attention to their uniqueness. STEP 3: Presentation Video production immediately translated into different languages and widely distributed. STEP 4: Post-production Presentations on TV, international festivals, public debates, conferences. BUDGET: "Let's Get To Know Armenia Together" (film series) Creation of animation movies (including painting, graphic design, sound, editing): 11 movies x 1100 € = 12100 euro Translion and sound recording of animation movies: 11 movies x 7 lang. x 160€ = 12320 euro Post production costs including promotion and adverticements: 3580 euro -Total: 28.000 euro-


Eternal recognition


Because we need all of you to build this project! Every euro and share counts! so do not hesitate to talk about it around you, and in return, you will have our eternal gratitude.. We promise *(The association is registered in France and has the right to issue a receipt for your tax deduction. If required, we can provide the issued tax receipt. Please check with the tax department of your country the right and the importance of the tax rebate granted by FRENCH associations in other countries outside France.)

Eternal Gratitude - A Piece of History #1


You will receive the map of Armenian Christian historical and cultural monuments of Armenia and Artsakh illustrated by Amalie Galstyan in PDF file version in A3 format and printing rights. (On the map all Armenian historical and cultural monuments from our film series will be specially mentioned).

Estimated delivery: June 2023

Eternal Gratitude - A Piece of History #2


    You will receive a map of monuments of Armenian Christian history and culture of Armenia and Artsakh, illustrated by Amali Galstyan, and you will receive one of Amali Galstyan's images of Armenian churches used in our film in PDF format at A3 format with printing rights. (On the map all Armenian historical and cultural monuments from our film series will be specially mentioned).

    Estimated delivery: July 2023

    Eternal Gratitude - A Piece of History #3


      In case of interviews on media platforms, your name will also be specially mentioned. You will get Amalie Galstyan, who appeared in our movie one of the pictures painted by on high quality printed canvas / 29.7 x 42 cm/ You will receive the Map of Armenian Christian Historical and Cultural Monuments of Armenia (including Artsakh) illustrated by Amalie Galstyan in A3 format PDF file version and printing rights. (On the map all Armenian historical and cultural monuments from our film series will be specially mentioned).

      Estimated delivery: July 2023

      Eternal Gratitude - A Piece of History #4


        During the interviews in media platforms, your name will also be specially recognized. You will also receive a painting by Amalie Galstyan, which was shown in our movies. The pictures are printed on high quality canvas / 29.7 x 42 cm/. Your name / or logo / will be highlighted next to our logo as our partner on the map of Armenia and Artsakh. You will receive the map of Armenian Christian historical and cultural monuments of Armenia and Artsakh illustrated by Amalie Galstyan in PDF file version in A3 format with the printing rights. (On the map all Armenian historical and cultural monuments from our film series will be specially mentioned).

        Estimated delivery: July 2023

        Eternal Gratitude - SPECIAL OFFER


          We will award you the rights to 40% of the project in a special contract.

          Estimated delivery: June 2023

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