October 6, 2013
Upside Bar - Bar à pole dance Paris
Help us fund the 1st pole dance bar in Paris : innovative project combining the concept of a classic bar with pole dancing (acrobatic dance)

End date
Out of €15,000
130 %
Upside Bar - Bar à pole dance Paris
I <strong>discovered pole dancing</strong> two and a half years ago and it became a <strong>passion</strong> very quickly. Since then I am addicted to evrything regarding this <strong>artistic sport</strong> which for sure changed my life. Pole dance is a discipline combining <strong>dance and acrobatics</strong>, a playful alternative to fitness.</p>
Unlike what you may think, pole dance is easily reachable to most people and thanks to it's level classes everyone can progress at their own pace. Due to it's fun, enthusiastic and motivating side, pole dance is a very much appreciated hobby which can quickly turn into an addiction.</p>
<img alt="Img_9290_sil" height="323" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/35918/img_9290_sil.jpg" width="230"></p>
During a journey in Florida I discovered a bar which concept involves (among other things) pole dance. Since thenI only have one thing in my mind, to open a pole dance bar in Paris. The idea has grown and evolved in my head for over a year.</p>
Today the project can be presented as follows :</p>
Opening of the first pole dance theme bar in Paris (also first in Europe) which <strong>unique and innovative concept</strong> is based on <strong>pole dance</strong> and it's practice. The project combines the services and activities of a bar with the practice of all levels and styles of pole dance in an entertaining and fun setting.</p>
These two activities are totally compatible and the purpose is to enable :</p>
- the <strong>"free" practice</strong> of pole dance for initiated enthusiasts (pole dancers)</p>
- the <strong>discovery of this discipline</strong> to a wider crowd through a range of initiation and beginner classes</p>
- to appreciate the <strong>welcoming and fun atmosphere</strong> over a drink with friends</p>
- to <strong>attend and participate to theme evenings and specific parties</strong> as for example performances accomplished by pole dance professionnals and stars</p>
The objective is to create "the" place where all pole dance enthusiasts can meet up (no matter what level, style or school they attend) but also to change the ancient and outdated view that people can still have of pole dance.</p>
<img alt="598485_10151144508041805_1321704154_n" height="371" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/35922/598485_10151144508041805_1321704154_n.jpg" width="540"></p>
From the start I had the <strong>great chance</strong> to be blessed with the <strong>help and unconditionnal support</strong> of my family and friends. I take this opportunity to <strong>thank them all</strong>. Thank you all so much !!!</p>
I also care very much about introducing my very own "Charlie's angels" to you. <strong>A team of friends sharing the same passion</strong> : pole dance, and united like the fingers of a hand : Amandine, Morgane, Julie, Aurélie, Eléonore and I (yes our hand has six fingers LOL :-) They are the most <strong>essential and important support </strong>to me and the project. I find it rather difficult to find the words to explain how much their help is important and irreplaceable. This project has become as much their baby as it is mine.</p>
<img alt="1014208_10151570896121805_1632061721_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/38950/1014208_10151570896121805_1632061721_n.jpg"></p>
So now that the introductions have been made I hope you <strong>would like to know more</strong> about this adventure and support it too?</p>
Yes, well easy... follow us and <strong>stay connected </strong>to get more informations along the way through our posts, photos and <strong>videos</strong>, have a look at our FAQ and don't hesitate to ask us all the questions that might tickle you.</p>
<strong><u>Thank you all soooo much for your support !!! :-)</u></strong></p>
Ps : You will find a full translation of the rewards in the FAQ's, thank you</p>
Allocation of funds
The <strong>main purpose</strong> is of course to <strong>collect money</strong> in order to <strong>increase the personal provision obligatory to get access to a bankloan</strong> which is essential for the project to turn into reality.</p>
Moreover, due to the innovationg concept, your support will help me <strong>prove the viability of the project</strong> and convince potential financial players (investors, associates and bank). It will help me show that there is an active community of pole dancers, people who like originality, difference and people who are open to a new concept unique in France and even all of Europe. In case you wish to be involved in the project on a deeper level, don't hesitate to contact me... It will be my great pleasure to study every potential commitment.</p>
<img alt="Img_9248" height="343" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/35919/img_9248.jpg" width="228"></p>
To conclude, I want to repeat that the <strong>support of each</strong> and every one of you is <strong>essential</strong> to help me make this dream come true and create a new place where every moment is going to be fun, entertaining and unique... a <strong>moment of discovery and a shared passion</strong>.</p>
I can promise that every one is going to have their share of <strong>unforgettable</strong> fun times.</p>
<strong>We count on you !!!</strong></p>
<img alt="1017117_10152969580930553_829121338_n" height="405" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/35938/1017117_10152969580930553_829121338_n.jpg" width="270"></p>
Ps : We had to set a goal to reach, but you need to know that there are <strong>no limits</strong> to all of your contributions. Every single and smallest contribution brings us closer to the final goal and we thank you so much in advance.</p>
In case you need and want to have more <strong>transparence and informations</strong>, don't hesitate to <strong>submit your questions to which I will reply withthe most sincerity</strong>. I decided to chose a somewhat general presentation to present here and avoid boring you with the technical details of a full presentation of 40 pages which of course exists as my Business plan...</p>
Pole kisses</p>
Karin & the Upside team</p>
<img alt="1229968_10151643291040197_1095316109_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/38951/1229968_10151643291040197_1095316109_n.jpg"></p>
- 11 contributions
Your name on the "thank you page" on the internet site of Upside: upside-bar.fr / upside-bar.com (under construction) and on the facebook page Upside bar
- 53 contributions
Pack FIREMAN = Your name on the "thank you page" on the internet site of Upside: upside-bar.fr / upside-bar.com (under construction) and on the facebook page Upside bar + your virtual membership card (giving you access to benefits like fidelity rewards, entry and VIP treatment, accès to the pole booths, access to the lockers and more...)
- 95 contributions
Pack CAROUSSEL = Pack Fireman + a drink of your choice at the Upside bar (this reward involves a certain time delay as it implies the official opening of the bar)
- 51 contributions
Pack ATTITUDE = Pack Caroussel + a special edition t-shirt
- 2 contributions
PACK MUSIC BOX : Pack Attitude + free pole dance class (initiation and beginners)
- 52 contributions
Pack BABY SNAKE = Pack Music Box + your name immortalized on the counter of the bar
- 3 contributions
PACK BUTTERFLY : Pack Baby Snake + memory book special edition KKBB (including autographed pole dance pictures of the Team and souvenirs of Upsides adventure on Kisskissbankbank)
- 2 contributions
Pack BRASS MONKEY = Pack Fireman + your name immortalized on the counter of the bar + invitation to the "development of the cocktail menu workshop", you will help us decide which cocktail gets which pole dance figure as a name, create and taste new cocktails,... (this workshop will take place in Paris within the next 6 month)
- 2 contributions
PACK ROCKSTAR : Pack Brass Monkey + a special edition T-shirt
- 5 contributions
PACK ELECTRIC SWITCH : Pack Baby Snake + VIP invitation to the launching event/soirée of the bar (this reward involves a certain time delay as it implies the official opening of the bar)
- 3 contributions
PACK SUPERMAN & FRIENDS : Discover Upside Bar and invite 4 of your friends (5 people in total). The event includes: a private VIP table, a bottle of your choice, a pole dance initiation class for 5, the Pack Fireman and the name immortalized on the counter of the bar for you and your guests
PACK BATMAN & FRIENDS : Pack Superman & Friends + a special edition t-shirt each
- 3 contributions
Pack RAINBOW MARCHENKO = Pack Butterfly + a pole dance pole named by you ( your name will be engraved on one of the poles in the bar)
PACK IRON X : Pack Butterfly for 2 people + dinner for 2 with the whole team. You will be able to access to a unique, more intimate and full vision of the project, get exclusive news, share a special evening with us.