Chartres Stained-Glass: the stories they tell

Do you love cathedrals and stained glass? Take part in the world's largest project to discover the stories behind stained glass.

Project visual Chartres Stained-Glass: the stories they tell
End date
Out of €10,000
44 %

Your donation is eligible for a tax reduction if you are a French tax resident.

Chartres Stained-Glass: the stories they tell

Hello everyone and welcome! Stained-glass windows amaze us, fascinate us, tell us stories... In Chartres, the builders of the cathedrals used them to tell illustrated stories in giant screen format. Stories of the Bible, of the perceptions of the world in the Middle Ages and of a society with all its members. For many many years, you've looked up and tried to read them. And today, we've come up with a way for you to get closer to them and understand them. Discover and participate in making possible the Project from Stained-Glass to Screen, a project that will enchant you. The aim is to create a tool that will give you access to all the stories told by stained glass windows. 61,000 euros have already been raised via crowdfunding. Today we want to go even further! A tool with three services 1 - An OPEN SOURCE database for all those interested in stained glass (visitors, museums, schools, universities, researchers, professionals, etc.). 2 - A free application to understand the stained-glass windows in the cathedral. Available in three languages (French, English, German), it will be the first APP in the world to use artificial intelligence to facilitate the discovery of stained-glass windows. We want you to be able to get explanations of every detail of the stained glass just by pointing your phone at a window. Why? Because you're already using your phones to take pictures of them and zoom in on the image when you visit the cathedral. Because nobody takes pictures of stained-glass windows from the same spot and angle. Because the light changes constantly. Because the details are far away and you need to be able to recognize them from afar. A simple goal, but a technically complex one. Now AI makes it possible! 3 - A digital encyclopedia dedicated to stained-glass windows in the Museum of Stained-Glass in Chartres: Provide complete information on each stained-glass window in the cathedral; Present restoration work carried out over the centuries; Show the techniques used by master stained-glass artists, to encourage younger visitors to discover this craft. Gifts to thank you for your support with every donation. You'll discover them throughout the campaign! As part of the campaign, and to honor the spirit of the Middle Ages, we're launching the "Rose" challenge. The world's leading stained-glass specialists explain them to you. How can we go even further and capture the attention of all those who visit Chartres Cathedral every day, and inspire them to find out more about the stained-glass windows? In recent years, the development of new technologies and the approach of neuroscience have opened up a whole new world of possibilities. In the same way that stained-glass masters in the Middle Ages were pioneers of new techniques in glass, chemistry and architecture, the C.I.V. is keen to capitalize on technological and cognitive advances to expand its offer, particularly for young visitors and families. The aim is to raise awareness among the very young. When will you have the tools? In about 6 months. Our aim is to have the application ready for you to discover the stained glass windows next summer. Here's the timetable:

Allocation of funds

Individual donations can be made through the website: Specify that your donation is for the Project "From Stained-Glass Window to Screen". If you would like to make a bank transfer, please contact us by email at If you prefer to make a donation by check, please send it to our address: American Friends of Chartres P.O.Box 5921, 4005 Wisconsin Avenue N.W., Washington DC 20007 specifying on the check "Project: from Stained-Glass Window to Screen". As your donation is tax-deductible, a receipt will be sent to you for your tax returns in accordance with your country's fiscal legislation. I'm a company, how can I support the project? Companies wishing to support the project can contact the American Friends of Chartres directly: We'll be happy to provide a personalized response, including details of the recognition benefits available. American Friends of Chartres Non-profit association established in 2005 as a 501(c)3, to contribute to the conservation of Notre-Dame de Chartres cathedral. Presently headquartered in Washington D.C., AFC has financed several restoration projects (stained-glass windows, sculptures and a painting), as well as cultural events. International Stained-Glass Center A unique facility in France with an international reputation. Opened in 1980, the Centre International du Vitrail is a museum, research center, school and professional training center. The C.I.V. is one of the world's leading authorities on all aspects of stained glass.


Featured reward

Tote bag


INCLUS EN CADEAU : 👉 un tote bag "j'aime les vitraux" ET AUSSI : Tout le contenu du pack "J'aime les métiers d'art" soit : 👉 une invitation à notre soirée d'inauguration pour le lancement des outils



INCLUS EN CADEAU : 👉 Une gourde avec l'image de la cathédrale 👉 une invitation à notre soirée d'inauguration pour le lancement 👉 un tote bag "j'aime les vitraux" 👉 votre nom sur le mur des donateurs DES INFOS EXCLUSIVES Vous recevez des informations en avant-première concernant l'avancée du projet, et même après l'ouverture vous aurez certaines infos importantes avant tout le monde.

I love stained-glass restorers


INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "I love stained-glass artists" pack and also : A CERAMIC MUG With the logo of the International Stained-Glass Center INAUGURATION Invitation to our inaugural evening for the launch of the tools (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. The international center will send you the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities)

Calendrier 2024 + Tote Bag


INCLUS EN CADEAU : Tout le contenu du pack "J'aime les métiers d'art" soit : 👉 un magnet ; 👉 un mug en céramique ; 👉 une invitation à notre soirée d'inauguration pour le lancement des outils ET AUSSI : 👉 un calendrier 2024 avec des images plus belles les unes que les autres où chaque mois un vitrail vous sera raconté. 👉 un tote bag "j'aime les vitraux" (Soit 18.7 euros après déduction fiscale de 66 % pour un particulier) (Autres pays : les dons sont régis par le régime fiscal de votre pays. Le centre international vous enverra le justificatif de don à fournir à votre administration fiscale.) Livraison estimée : janvier 2024

Estimated delivery: January 2024

I love stained glass


INCLUDED AS A GIFT : A DIGITAL CERTIFICATE You'll receive a digital certificate proving your participation in the "From Stained-Glass Window to Screen" project. EXCLUSIVE NEWS You'll receive advance information on the progress of the project, and even after the opening you'll have some important news before anyone else. THANK YOU Your name on the wall of generous donors (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).

I love stained-glass artists


INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "I love stained glass" pack and also : A MAGNET Distributed only during the fundraising campaign. (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).

I love cultural heritage


INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "I love stained-glass restorers" pack and also : TICKET Free admission to the Stained Glass Museum in Chartres (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).

Stained-glass window


INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "I love cultural heritage" pack and also : A T-SHIRT The event's beautifully designed T-shirt. (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).



INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "Stained-glass" pack and also : A NOTEBOOK Personalized for stained-glass enthusiasts (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).

stained-glass panels


INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "Lancet" pack and also : GUIDED TOUR A place on a guided tour of the museum and a demonstration of the stained glass technique. (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).



INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "Stained-glass panels" pack and also : BOOK Renaissance stained-glass windows in Chartres by Guy-Michel Leproux and Françoise Gatouillat (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).



INCLUDED : PATRONS' STAINED-GLASS WINDOW Your signature will be incorporated into a stained-glass window created especially for the event by our master stained-glass artists. This stained-glass window will be displayed at the entrance to the Stained-Glass Museum. GUIDED TOUR Two tickets for a guided tour of the museum and cathedral, with a demonstration of the stained glass technique. All the contents of the "I love stained-glass artists" pack. (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).

Green in light


INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "Rose" pack and also : A PAINTED GLASS STELE Created by Kim En Joong, a South Korean Dominican priest, painter, stained-glass artist and renowned artist. (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).

Red in light


INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "Green en light" pack and also : PRIVATE EVENING Invitation for two to a private evening dedicated to the art of stained glass and the history of Chartres in the 13th century. MUSEUM PASS A one-year invitation to all the events of the International Stained-Glass Center (Donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. You will be sent the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).

2024 calendar


INCLUDED AS A GIFT : All the contents of the "J'aime les métiers d'art" pack, i.e.: 👉 a magnet ; 👉 a ceramic mug ; 👉 an invitation to our tool launch party and also : 👉 a 2024 calendar with images each more beautiful than the next, where each month a stained-glass window will be told to you. (11.90 euros after 66% tax deduction for individuals) (Other countries: donations are governed by your country's tax regulations. The international center will send you the donation receipt to provide to your tax authorities).

Estimated delivery: January 2024

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