Voilier du Futur

Take part in the development of a new generation of 100% eco-innovative sailboats – the ambassadors of maritime sustainable development!

Project visual Voilier du Futur
End date
Out of €80,000
17 %

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La Banque Postale

Voilier du Futur

<p> <strong>ECO-SAILBOAT</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>A LABORATORY-BOAT FOR ECO-INNOVATIONS … IN A NUTSHELL</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> The <strong>innovations</strong> allowing recreational crafts to be<strong> energy self-sufficient, made out of recyclable materials and to treat wastewater on board, to explore the sea and the coastline, to take part in the knowledge of the oceans</strong>…are well under way to becoming a reality. Promising projects already exist. <strong>The Eco-Sailboat demonstrator will</strong> <strong>boost</strong> and bring to light the solutions which cannot emerge due to lack of funding.</p> <p>  </p> <p> As a <strong>laboratory</strong> bringing together fifteen businesses and five research centres along the French Atlantic coast, <strong>Eco-Sailboat also carries a message</strong>: the solutions which will allow us to <strong>live in harmony with the planet </strong>are also <strong>generators of employment</strong> and the key to ecological transition.</p> <p> <img alt="Chenez_1" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98472/Chenez_1.jpg"></p> <p> <strong>A LITTLE HISTORY</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> In 2010, a team bringing together researchers, industrialists, an architect and a navigator, developed <strong>the first craft made out of fully-biosourced composite materials</strong>. The NavEcoMat project resulting from the work of Université de Bretagne Sud gave birth to a <strong>canoe made of flax fibre and corn resin or potato resin.</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> The objective was to explore composite materials which <strong>could eventually replace the composite fibreglass – polyester resin</strong>, a composite used to make 80% of recreational crafts and for which no satisfactory end-of-life solutions exist.</p> <p> <img alt="Chenez_2" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98473/Chenez_2.jpg"></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>ECO-SAILBOAT, AN INNOVATIVE COLLABORATIVE PROJECT</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> When they imagined the project Eco-Sailboat, <strong>Catherine Chabaud</strong> (involved in the NavEcoMat project, in the Oceans Initiative/Grenelle de la Mer, and today a member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council) and <strong>Julian Stone</strong> ( co-founder of the EcoNav network, expert in nautical sustainable development), they <strong>combined a dream and an industrial approach</strong>.</p> <p>  </p> <p> The <strong>dream</strong> is to create this <strong>eco-designed, eco-navigating, eco-exploring laboratory-boat</strong>, and to one day see it sail on the sea, proud to <strong>boost the dynamics of the nautical sector</strong> in developing eco-innovations.</p> <p>  </p> <p> The <strong>industrial approach</strong> is an <strong>innovative, collaborative project</strong> bringing together about <strong>twenty businesses and research centres</strong>, labelled by two <strong>Competitiveness Clusters</strong>, winner of the <strong>Investments for the Future</strong>.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Equipe_vdf" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98474/Equipe_VDF.jpeg"></p> <p> <em>The Dream Team of Eco-Sailboat! – For a full list of the consortium members, please see at the bottom of the page.</em></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>OUR DEVELOPED INNOVATIONS</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> For six years, Eco-Sailboat will bring together a consortium of <strong>17 SMEs and 5 research centres</strong>, working to develop innovations <strong>belonging to seven groups of eco-technologies</strong>:</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>1<u>. An eco-designed sailboat</u></strong></p> <p> - end-of-life is planned from the inception,</p> <p> - end-of-life analysis of each innovation, but also of the boat as a whole</p> <p> - developing an eco-design tool for recreational crafts</p> <p> - intuitive and ergonomic design to facilitate and make sailing and walking around the boat safer, especially for persons with reduced mobility.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong><u>2. Renewable energies</u></strong></p> <p> - a hydrogenerator integrated to the hull to increase the production of energy under sail,</p> <p> - intelligent system of management and control of onboard energy to maximize consumption depending on the real needs, and to encourage responsible choices,</p> <p> - cruise- specific battery system to increase storage capacity,</p> <p> - routing software to maximize sail performance and the energy dedicated to propulsion,</p> <p> - low-consumption autopilot.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong><u>3. Sailboat propulsion</u></strong></p> <p> - high-efficiency electric propulsion system,</p> <p> - innovative wing sail derived from the wings in the America’s Cup, to increase sail efficiency,</p> <p> - a traction kite adapted to recreational crafts to increase sail performance.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong><u>4. Materials</u></strong></p> <p> - materials are selected depending on their recyclability (biocomposites, aluminium),</p> <p> - development of high-performance biocomposites adapted to a sea environment for the deck and interior design, and bio-compostable at end-of-life,</p> <p> - biocomposite fittings (furlers, pulleys),</p> <p> - biosourced riggings, recyclable at end-of-life</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong><u>5. Waste and effluents</u></strong></p> <p> - 100% biodegradable antifouling paint,</p> <p> - onboard package compactor,</p> <p> - onboard wastewater treatment system.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong><u>6. Onboard safety</u></strong></p> <p> - man over board detection and geolocation system,</p> <p> - life jacket of the future, maximising user survival</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong><u>7. Oceanographic sensor</u></strong></p> <p> - autonomous oceanographic data sensor, which allows the collection of quality data without constraints, directly transferred to and exploited by Ifremer (French Institute for Research and Exploitation of the Sea).</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Voilier_1" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98476/Voilier_1.jpg"></p> <p> Copyright : Marc Van Peteghem </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>AN AMBASSADOR FOR MARITIME SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> Along with the development of these eco-innovations, <strong>Eco-Sailboat will be an ambassador for the sustainable development of maritime activities</strong>, especially through three missions:</p> <p>  </p> <p> 1. <strong>Raising awareness of eco-navigation and participative science</strong>: in order to promote more respectful navigation and environmental practices, awareness campaigns will be carried out by Eco-Sailboat; oceanographic data collection operations, essential to science, will be undertaken thanks to an autonomous data sensor fixed on the hull. These operations will also promote participative science, applied to the marine environment and will encourage eco-volunteering in this field.</p> <p>  </p> <p> 2<strong>. Acting to promote eco-innovations</strong>: at first during the development of eco-innovations, then thanks to a tour of international trade shows and nautical events to promote the eco-technologies and show both their economic and environmental interests.</p> <p>  </p> <p> 3. <strong>Sailing trips and scientific missions</strong>: in order to promote the sustainable development of maritime activities, Eco-Sailboat will carry out sailing trips around the world (tour of the Protected Marine Areas and tour of the French islands to promote overseas maritime activities development).</p> <p>  </p>

Allocation of funds

<p> <strong>What is the purpose of this fundraising?</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> With <strong>committed economic, academic and institutional partners</strong>, Eco-Sailboat has already secured over half of its construction and operation budget for its 100% eco-innovative sailboat.</p> <p>  </p> <p> In order to raise the rest of the budget, Eco-Sailboat wishes to gather <strong>sponsors and patrons</strong> who share our conviction that eco-innovation is the solution to the economic and ecologic challenges of maritime activities development.</p> <p>  </p> <p> But private citizens – sea users or those simply sensitive to the maritime environmental challenges - can also help us raise this money and contribute to the launch of this ambitious project. Whatever your means, <strong>we need you! Join the crew of Eco-Sailboat!</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>1 EURO COLLECTED = 2 EUROS INVESTED IN THE PROJECT (RELEASE OF PUBLIC FINANCING)</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> We give you the opportunity of financing the heart of the project “Eco-Sailboat” without which this sailboat will never come into being: the <strong>collaborative platform</strong>.</p> <p>  </p> <p> How indeed can we build a sailboat in four years when eco-technology research will still take many years? How do we make about twenty committed businesses and research centres work together on the construction of this sailboat? <strong>It truly is an industrial challenge!</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> To accomplish this, we must set up a collaborative platform which will allow each of the designers to keep pace with the other partners. Like an orchestra, each instrument plays a different score, but thanks to the composer and the conductor, it becomes a masterpiece. <strong>We want Eco-Sailboat to be a masterpiece!</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> And so, we need <strong>a team of experts specialized in the construction of sailboats and in complex industrial operations</strong> to pilot this project. We also need to set <strong>up tools allowing our partners to communicate efficiently with one another and with external partners</strong> about the status of the development and construction of their own part of the boat.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Your donation will allow us to free eco-technologies, to bring them to light and to unite them to build Eco-Sailboat: eco-built, clean and energy self-sufficient.</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>€160,000  means €40,000 a year for 4 years, allowing the collaborative platform to work and the sailboat to be built.</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>We thank you for your participation and for spreading the word about Eco-Sailboat around you!</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>For this campaign, we are happy to have the association Echo-Mer on board, they are providing the objects made of recycled sails.</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> Echo-Mer’s vocation is to give a second life to boat sails and advertising banners, to transform them into various products for individuals and companies. Each piece is unique and hand-made by sewers in job integration programs.</p> <p>  </p> <p> Thanks to Echo-Mer, the waste no longer goes to incinerators or landfills. <strong>To discover their range of products, visit their website on </strong><a href="http://boutique.echo-mer.com" target="_blank">“boutique.echo-mer.com”</a><strong>.  </strong></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>CONSORTIUM MEMBERS</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Alumarine - Beyond The Sea - Cousin Trestec - Crain Technologies - DCNS - Ephèse - Evea - Hydrocéan - Karver - Ifremer - IPB Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux - Multiplast - Nautix - NKE - Oleo Systems - Plastimo - UBS Université de Bretagne Sud - VPLP - Watt &amp; Sea </strong></p>



A big Thank You for your support! - You join THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE fan club (your name on the website) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement


- A big Thank You for your support! - You join THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE fan club (your name on the website) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement. - You receive a postcard drawing of THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE designed by architect Marc Van Peteghem


- A big Thank You for your support! - You join THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE fan club (your name on the website) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement - You receive a postcard drawing of THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE designed by architect Marc Van Peteghem - You receive a wallet out of recycled sail from ECHO-MER


- You join THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE fan club (your name on the website) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement. - You receive a postcard with a drawing of THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE designed by architect Marc Van Peteghem - You will receive a custom to launch the sailboat Future (planned for 2018, excluding travel expenses ) invitation - You receive a briefcase sailing recycled Echo-Mer


- A big Thank You for your support! - You join THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE fan club (your name on the website) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement - You receive a postcard drawing of sailboat Future designed by architect Marc Van Peteghem - You will receive a personalised invitation to the launch of THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE (planned in 2018, excluding travel expenses ) - You receive a bag out of recycled sails from Echo-Mer - You participate in a meeting with Catherine Chabaud at an event on the Grand Pavois at La Rochelle or the Salon Nautic in Paris .


- A big Thank you for your support! - You join THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE fan club (your name on the website) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement - You will receive customized to launch the sailboat Future (planned for 2018, excluding travel expenses ) invitation - You receive a travel bag recycled sail Echo-Mer - You participate in a meeting with Catherine Chabaud on the Grand bulwark La Rochelle or the Nautic de Paris


    - A big Thank you for your support! - You join THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE fan club (your name on the website) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement - You receive a postcard drawing of sailboat Future by architect Marc Van Peteghem - You will receive a custom to launch the sailboat Future (planned for 2018, excluding travel expenses ) invitation - You benefit from a day trip with sailor Catherine Chabaud on his sailboat ( excluding travel expenses ) - You receive a traveling bag recycled sail Echo -Mer


      - A big Thank you for your support! - You join THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE fan club (your name on the website) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement - You receive a postcard drawing of sailboat Future by architect Marc Van Peteghem - You will receive a personalised invitation to the launch of THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE (planned in 2018, excluding travel expenses) - You benefit from a trip on THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE for 2 people (excluding travel expenses)


        - A big Thank You for your support! - You join the Partners Club (your name on the website and the boat) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement - You receive a postcard drawing of sailboat Future by architect Marc Van Peteghem - You will receive a personalised invitation to the launch of THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE (planned in 2018, excluding travel expenses) - You benefit from a trip on THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE for 2 people (excluding travel expenses) for 3 days (or equivalent 1 or 2 days - excluding travel expenses) - You are invited by Catherine Chabaud for your own personalized conference with twenty guest of your choice.


          - A big Thank You for your support! - You join the Partners Club (your name on the website and the boat) - Regular information will be provided on the projects’ advancement - You receive a postcard drawing of sailboat Future by architect Marc Van Peteghem - You will receive a personalised invitation to the launch of THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE (planned in 2018, excluding travel expenses) - You benefit from a trip on THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE for 2 people (excluding travel expenses) during 3 days (or equivalent 1 or 2 days - excluding travel expenses) - You are invited by Catherine Chabaud for your own personalized conference and twenty guest of your choice - You get two seats on THE SAILING BOAT OF THE FUTURE, to participate in a sailing campaign for either 5 days on board (or equivalent 1 or 2 days - excluding travel expenses) for you or the person of your choice - You are invited by Catherine Chabaud to a private personalized conference with twenty guest of your choice.

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