May 14, 2019
YUYO natural surfboards
Support us! Order your exclusive 3D printed eco-designed surfboard, with 20% off !

End date
Out of €8,000
151 %
YUYO natural surfboards
<p>As a surfer, <strong>the ocean is our playground</strong>. If we want our children and future generations to keep on surfing,<strong> we have to preserve this natural habitat.</strong> However, surfboards are still too often polluting, non-recyclable and particularly toxic to the marine environment.</p>
<p>That's why we created <strong>Yuyo</strong>: we design and manufacture a new kind of <strong>eco-designed and 3D printed surfboards</strong>. We completely rethought how to build surfboards and made them <strong>as sustainable as possible</strong>. With natural (plant based or mineral) and recycled materials, our boards are manufactured locally and in such a way as to limit as much as possible their impact on the environment , particularly on marine ecosystems.<br />
Beyond the environmental aspect, <strong>additive manufacturing allows us to improve the performance of our boards through CAD and topological optimization.</strong></p>
<p><strong>But how is it made?</strong></p>
<p>First we 3D print the core of the board with PLA, a biopolymer made from <strong>corn starch</strong> and recycled PET, made from <strong>plastic waste</strong>. We then glass it with an ecological and resistant<strong> natural mineral fibre </strong>combined with a <strong>biosourced resin</strong> composed of vegetable oils.<br />
<div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src="" width="500"></iframe><br />
<p><strong>Why is it more sustainable?</strong></p>
<p>In order to reduce our impact on the environment as much as possible, we work on several levers:</p>
<p>. we use <strong>natural and recycled materials</strong></p>
<p>. we choose<strong> local suppliers</strong> who share our values</p>
<p>. we <strong>produce locally </strong>close to the places of practice</p>
<p>. we <strong>protect the health of our employees</strong> by limiting their exposure to toxic, carcinogenic and allergenic substances</p>
<p>. we produce almost <strong>no waste</strong>, thanks to 3D printing</p>
<p>. we recover boards at the end of their life in order to <strong>recycle materials</strong><br />
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<img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Does it work as well as a classic surfboard?</strong></p>
<p>In terms of performance, we collaborated with the laboratory of the <strong>École des Mines d'Alès</strong>, which enabled us to refine our manufacturing process in order to produce boards that are both <strong>resistant and efficient</strong>.</p>
<p>On the shape side, our <strong>team of riders</strong> continuously tests the different models and we adapt the design of the boards according to their feedback. All of them experience quite similar feelings to those felt when surfing a traditionally manufactured board: gliding, flexibility, radicality, reactivity.</p>
<p> <br />
<strong>What models are available?</strong></p>
<p>We offer 4 models of boards: <strong>Mérou (fish), Carangue (shortboard), Marlin (mini malibu) and Rascasse (kitesurf)</strong>. Each model is available in a <strong>wide range of sizes </strong>to best suit your needs and expectations. Feel free to consult <a href="" target="_blank">our online calculator</a> to choose the best board for you. For our launch and exclusively on this campaign page, we offer you <strong>20% discount on all our models</strong>!<br />
<p><em>The Mérou : </em></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /><br />
Its shape close to the fishs of the 70s will seduce those nostalgic for carve and speed. Its tight profile with little rocker and its volume oriented towards the nose make it very fast to paddle, take off and in the wave. It gathers the stability of a longboard with the handling of a skateboard. <br />
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<em>The Carangue: </em></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /><br />
Its sharp rails and thin lines guarantee radical manoeuvres and acceleration between each turn. Thanks to a V-shaped convex under the nose and a double concave under the tail, it is very easy to switch from one rail to the other without ever losing speed. The classic performance surfing, the preservation of the environment at the same time!<br />
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The Marlin : </p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p><br />
<p>Very stable and floating, it allows everyone to discover the sensations of surfing. Speed taking and take off are made easier in order to make surfing as accessible as possible. The convex, flat and concave alternation under the board, however, gives it a good hold on the wave. Ideal for beginners or for soft waves on summer days.<br />
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<em>The Rascasse</em><br />
<img alt="" src="" width="100%" /><br />
For kitesurfers, the ideal board for strapless surfing. Its large single concave all along the bottom allows it to hold long distances and react fast. Its reinforced glass specially designed for Kitesurfing prevents dents and guarantees a long life.<br />
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But we go further: we can design with you the board of your dreams, entirely tailor-made! To do so, we invite you to contact us <a href="" target="_blank">via this form</a>. <br />
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Finally, if you have a surfshop and you want to distribute our products, let's talk ! Please contact us <a href="" target="_blank">via this form</a> with "reseller" as object line. <br />
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<strong>They talk about us : </strong><br />
<img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p><strong>They rewarded us:</strong></p>
<p>. "Sportup Summit" 2018 <br />
. "3D Startup of the Year 2018" (3rd place)<br />
. "Osons les entrepreneurs engagés" 2019<br />
. "Inn'Ovations 2019 Contest" (nominated)<br />
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<strong>Who is Yuyo ?</strong></p>
<p>A team of 4 passionate friends with complementary skills<br />
<img alt="" src="" width="100%" /><br />
<p>A passionate surfer since childhood and an amateur shaper for about ten years, Romain P was very quickly confronted with the "<strong>surfer's paradox</strong>": the major contradiction between the environmentally friendly mindsets of most surfers and the toxicity of the equipment used.</p>
<p>At the beginning of 2018, he decided to leave his job and gather with 3 friends to try to solve this paradox by offering an <strong>ecological and sustainable alternative</strong> to surfers who want to buy a new board.</p>
<p>After <strong>two years of R&D</strong>, a collaboration with the <strong>École des Mines d'Alès</strong>, about ten prototypes and numerous test sessions:), the Yuyo recipe is finally ready! <strong>Today we are offering you the opportunity to purchase your first eco-designed and 3D printed surfboard at a preferential and exclusive price! </strong><br />
<p><strong>They support us</strong></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
Allocation of funds
<p>We created <strong>Yuyo to contribute to the well-being of surfing communities</strong> but also more broadly to society as a whole. Our mission is above all social and environmental, which is why it is important for us that <strong>the launch of our boards is done in a collaborative way</strong>.</p>
<p>If today we are launching our campaign on KissKissBankBankBank, it is to understand the enthusiasm of the surf community and Internet users for our products and allow us to <strong>produce our first series of eco-designed 3D printed surfboards</strong>.</p>
<p>With your support and your order at <strong>a preferential and exclusive price </strong>during this campaign, we will be able to develop in a sustainable way and show that it is possible to manufacture boards locally, with natural or recycled materials and in a sustainable way.</p>
<p>We are all concerned about the lives of future generations and choosing a more ecological material is a step towards a more responsible surfing practice.</p>
<p>Here are our development objectives for the coming months and years:</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /><br />
For more information, visit our website: <a href="" target="_blank"> </a>or our <a href="" target="_blank">facebook page</a></p>
- 6 contributions
A big thank you ! + your name on the "thank you" page of our website + you are among the first to get our news and updates

- 2 contributions
A big thank you ! + your name on the "thank you" page of our website + you are among the first to get our news and updates + a super sticker to put on your board, your car, your laptop...
Estimated delivery: June 2019

- 50 contributions
A big thank you ! + your name on the "thank you" page of our website + you are among the first to get our news and updates + a super YUYO t-shirt in organic cotton
Estimated delivery: June 2019

- 7 contributions
A big thank you ! + your name on the "thank you" page of our website + you are among the first to get our news and updates + a super YUYO t-shirt in organic cotton #InMontpellierWeSurf
Estimated delivery: July 2019

- 1 contribution
A big thank you ! + your name on the "thank you" page of our website + you are among the first to get our news and updates + a custom Yuyo surfboard, Carangue model - shortboard (size 5'6 to 6'2)
Estimated delivery: August 2019

- 8 contributions
A big thank you ! + your name on the "thank you" page of our website + you are among the first to get our news and updates + a custom Yuyo surfboard, Mérou model - Retro Fish (size 5'3 to 5'9)
Estimated delivery: August 2019

A big thank you ! + your name on the "thank you" page of our website + you are among the first to get our news and updates + a custom Yuyo surfboard, Rascasse model - Kitesurf (size 5'3)
Estimated delivery: August 2019

- 2 contributions
A big thank you ! + your name on the "thank you" page of our website + you are among the first to get our news and updates + a custom Yuyo surfboard, Marlin model - Evolutive (size 6'8 to 7'2)
Estimated delivery: August 2019