Brigitte Lahaie, le disque de culte by Goraguer
Support this incredible LP with never released before tracks composed by Alain Goraguer for Brigitte Lahaie's movies form the Golden Age of porn.

End date
Out of €4.500
596 %
30 oktober 2016
Brigitte Lahaie, le disque de culte by Goraguer
<strong>Unreleased soundtracks composed and conducted by Alain Goraguer for french masterpieces of X-rated movies starring cult actress Brigitte Lahaie. Never edited before and collected on an ultra collector vinyl record, as spectacular as our beloved french porn Star !</strong></p>
In 2015, while working on our book project about <strong>Brigitte Lahaie</strong> filmography, we found a lost treasure that was sealed in a forgotten safe : magnetic tapes containing original scores from director <strong>Burd Tranbaree</strong>‘s X-rated movies. Huge excitement of discovery ! With sensual rhythmes and round bass guitar that give sexual feelings, the excavation of thoses original tapes should give real chills to the rare-groove diggers and vintage porn-erotism amateurs, that we surely all are.</p>
After we found them in an old bank safe, we couldn’t wait to meet their mythical composer <strong>Alain Goraguer,</strong> music director and arranger for not less than five Serge Gainsbourg albums, and also composer for cult movie soundtracks like René Laloux’s <strong><em>La Planète Sauvage</em></strong> (1973’s Fantastic Planet). With his agreement and complicity, we started this crazy project: the first ever vinyl record with the funkiest and sexiest tracks from the maestro's porn movies.</p>
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At autumn 2015, our crowdfunding campaign for the book collected 500 funders and almost a hundred who chose simultaneously Book + vinyl record ! That’s what convinced us to step further in this vintage adventure with this <em>“cult album”</em>.</p>
Today, after a successful first crowdfunding and motivated by enthusiastic amateurs and collectors we met, we want to share all this with the creation of a spectacular and unique record. Its vinyl medium makes it a one and only object of desire, as spactacular as Brigitte Lahaie’s fantastic body.</p>
Originaly, the record consisted in tracks from two movies : <strong><em>La Rabatteuse</em></strong> and <strong><em>Autostoppeuses en chaleur</em></strong>. Today, everything changed and we present you 11 tracks from six different movies like <em><strong>Perversion d'une jeune mariée</strong></em>, <strong><em>Nuits brûlantes</em></strong>, <em><strong>Esclaves sexuels sur catalogue</strong></em> and <em><strong>Parties de chasse en Sologne</strong></em>. Six X-rated french masterpieces, all directed by Burd Tranbaree starring Brigitte Lahaie, scored by Alain Goraguer. All the talents and magic of that golden age in one unique beautiful object !</p>
<img alt="Perversiondunejeunemariee-1466468719" src=""></p>
Heartful experts from Color Sound Studio restaured and remastered every track with particular and detailed work for some damaged tapes, and that’s why, due to their damaged condition that this is the first and last chance to lead them to your ears in so good conditions.</p>
Brigitte’s fans (as we all are !), rare sound nugget collectors and<em> diggers</em> from all around the World, let’s unit our strengths to achieve this project that may be a dream come true, beyond your most erotic dreams !</p>
<strong>Important Warning</strong>: this exceptional vinyl record will have one and only one pressing and will never be sold out of this crowdfunding. So you’d better warn every human soul that could be interested around each of you : this is a “very happy few” released.</p>
This campaign will last a month and will close October the 15th 2016. When stretch goals will be achieved, records will be made then delivered worldwide during November 2016.</p>
As you can see, we love every little record shop so we are proud to propose special offers packs for record shop owners. They can buy 10 ou 20 records packs with invoice VAT declaration.</p>
<strong>The more you’ll come to help us funding this project, the more the “disque de culte” will be a magnificent piece of art. As much as the fund raising will grow, we will add a printed sleeve, a poster with never before seen pictures, and better, an upgrade for a luxurious double sleeve with an outstanding inside panorama of naked Brigitte Lahaie !</strong></p>
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Allocation of funds
To finance digitization and remasterisation of every extra trackthat will be add on the record.</p>
To pay graphic creations for cover (inside and outside).</p>
To finance the realization of every booked record, by the greatest french press operator to achieve the best quality ever for the release of every record manufactured.</p>
Our minimum stretch goal is <strong>4.500€</strong>, to produce every 500 copies.</p>
If we go higher, here is what will happen :</p>
<strong>From</strong><strong> 6.000€,</strong> we’ll add <strong>a printed sleeve double-sided</strong> with deux beautiful pictures of Brigitte Lahaie from two different movies. <strong><em>STRETCH GOAL COMPLETED !</em></strong></p>
<img alt="Le_disque_de_culte_souspochette_hd-1466468108" src=""></p>
<strong>From 7500€,</strong> we’ll slide <strong>a 23x11 inches double-sided poster with never before seen set pictures</strong> inside the sleeve for every crowdfunders. <strong><em>STRETCH GOAL COMPLETED !</em></strong></p>
<img alt="Livret_vinyl_recto-1466468262" src=""></p>
<strong>From 10.000€,</strong> we’ll aband the simple sleeve for a luxurious <strong>double sleeve with inside cover printed with a spectacular cinemascope visual of Brigitte Lahaie</strong>. <strong><em>STRETCH GOAL COMPLETED !</em></strong></p>
<img alt="Img_2131-1473975950" src=""></p>
<strong>From 12500€,</strong> the Cult album will come with the fac simile of a contact sheet from<strong> Parties de Chasses en Sologne</strong> byBurd Tranbaree with Brigitte Lahaie<strong>. <strong><em>STRETCH GOAL COMPLETED !</em></strong></strong></p>
<img alt="Parties-de-chasse-en-sologne-1474085889" src=""></p>
<strong>From 15000€</strong>, each subscriber will get picture from the set of <strong>Gefangene Frauen</strong> by Erwin C. Dietrich. <strong><em>STRETCH GOAL COMPLETED !</em></strong></p>
<img alt="Tirage_15000-1474305468" src=""></p>
<strong>From 25000€</strong>, each subscriber will get an artwork by our friend Géraldine Meo for Jess Franco's "Je brûle de partout" starring Brigitte Lahaie.</p>
<img alt="Brigite_finale_v1_rouge_1_resize-1475522526" src=""></p>

- 5 contributions
The facsimile of a contact sheet from the shooting of a movie starring Brigitte Lahaie, A4 format. Postal charges included.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 2 contributions
The exclusive Brigitte Lahaie tote bag designed by Milo Manara. Postal charges included, add 5€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 29 contributions
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album + the exclusive Brigitte Lahaie tote bag designed by Milo Manara. Postal charges included, add 5€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 18 contributions
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult movies, a journey into exploitation cinema from the 70's and the 80's trough Brigitte's actress career.
The Collector's edition of the book is for you ! A bonus DVD + the exclusive collector's DVD filled with bonus + the unpublished DVD of the movie Dark Mission of Jess Franco + the facsimiles of a contact sheet from the shooting of a movie starring Brigitte Lahaie, A4 format. Postal charges included. Postal charges included, add 5€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 2 contributions
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album + the exclusive Brigitte Lahaie black tote bag + the exclusive Brigitte Lahaie by Milo Manara tote bag. Postal charges included, add 5€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 36 contributions
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album + Brigitte Lahaie, the cult movies, collectors edition with 3 DVD and a contact sheet included. Postal charges included, add 10€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 22 contributions
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album + the exclusive skate board signed with your name by Brigitte Lahaie. Postal charges included, add 10€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 4 contributions
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album + the exclusive skate board signed with your name by Brigitte Lahaie + the exclusive Brigitte Lahaie black tote bag + the exclusive Brigitte Lahaie by Milo Manara tote bag. Postal charges included, add 10€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 4 contributions
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album + the exclusive album limited to 10 copies only of the original soundtrack from Autostoppeuses en chaleur (Hitchhikers in heat), never released before, signed with your name by Brigitte Lahaie and by Alain Goraguer + the DVD of the movie. Postal charges included, add 10€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016
- 1 contribution
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album + OST from Autostoppeuses en chaleur + OST from La Rabatteuse + the book Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies collector's édition with 3 DVD included + an original contact sheet + the original matrix used to press the record, signed with you name by Brigitte Lahaie and by Alain Goraguer + DVD of all Burd Tranbaree's movies included in the Cult Album (La Rabatteuse, Nuits brûlantes, Autostoppeuses en chaleur, La Perversion d'une jeune mariée, Parties de chasse en Sologne, Esclaves sexuels sur catalogue) + + the exclusive skate board signed with your name by Brigitte Lahaie. Postal charges included.
Estimated delivery: November 2016
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Sold out
- 200 contributions
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album. An exclusive sélection of 11 tracks composed by Alain Goraguer for Burd Tranbaree's movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, in a highly collector cover, Postal charges included, add 5€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

Sold out
- 10 contributions
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album + the exclusive album limited to 10 copies only of the original soundtrack from La Rabatteuse, never released before, signed with your name by Brigitte Lahaie and by Alain Goraguer + the DVD of the movie. Postal charges included, add 10€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

Sold out
- 10 contributions
A bundle of 10 copies of Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album. Your bundle will be delivered in hands to your store or shipped with insurance. We will provide a invoice with taxes. Price per copy : 18€ HT.
Add 20€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

Sold out
- 10 contributions
A bundle of 20 copies of Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album. Your bundle will be delivered in hands to your store or shipped with insurance. We will provide a invoice with taxes. Price per copy : 18€ HT.
Add 20€ for shipping outside France.
Estimated delivery: November 2016
Sold out
- 1 contribution
Brigitte Lahaie, the cult album + OST from Autostoppeuses en chaleur + OST from La Rabatteuse + the book Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies collector's édition with 3 DVD included + an original contact sheet + the original matrix used to press the record, signed with you name by Brigitte Lahaie and by Alain Gorger. Postal charges included.
Estimated delivery: November 2016