Charity analog photography fanzines - AGE BEFORE BEAUTY
Dear all,</p>
We have a two years old photography blog for over two years, which is followed by 4000 people on Tumblr : <a href="" target="_blank"></a> You can also find us on facebook now : <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</p>
After a long thought, we decided to start a publishing project : a serie of fanzines, publishing photos of different artists on a particular topic.</p>
The first fanzine has for subject : "AGE BEFORE BEAUTY" and depicts great age in general. We have now a folder full of beautiful photos taken by photographers from all around the world.</p>
<strong>Our project aims to promote young and talented photographers, but also to help non-profitmaking organizations, depending on the topic of the book. For this one, we will give a part of the benefits to an organization that helps fighting loneliness that affects too often old people ( "Les Petits Frères des Pauvres"</strong></p>
<img alt="Misensit" src=""></p>
<img alt="Misensit2" src=""></p>
As we just graduated and don't have full time jobs yet, we need your help !</p>
The collect will allow us to start printing the fanzines ! </p>
Also, it will help us developping our collection principle, on other subjects and for other non-profitmaking organizations !</p>
The idea is to publish (new) talents, and help others as much as we can !</p>
Cheers !</p>