MINA AGOSSI "I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE" NEW CD coming up fev 2017 ! help finance it
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me and slamer / actor Abd Al Malik in Marciac august 4rth for Ahmad Jamal show</p>
Dear KissBankers, friends, and fans, </p>
HELP ME OUT for THE RECORDING of "I don't want to be Alone !" MY NEW CD !!!</p>
The wonderful exchanges I've had with Benin (west Africa), made me decide to this tribute to this beautiful country, you will hear the inter-continental and urban spirits using traditionnal rhythms from Benin as well as my own way of singing these brend new songs I wrote during 2016.</p>
It is a different approach of my work from now on, with much more french lyrics then usual, as well as "Ouémé" texts sang by Jean Adagbénon from time to time.</p>
This album will have 11 songs, 2 co-written _one by Eric Jacot, and I and the other bye Jean Adagbénon _and it symbolises the fusion between 2 continents and the disire to play traditionnal rhytms such as "mass go" or "go.go" or "téké" in different ways, keeping the healing side of it of course.</p>
After "Fresh" that came out nearly 3 years ago and with your help on kiss kiss bank bank at the time, I wish you will help me out to create this CD in oder to give you a vison of my Benenese heritage.</p>
So I am very glad to tell you there's also a bunch of great artists, such as Laurent Succab on "Ka" perc from Gaudeloupe, or Mister Tee Bo on the keyboard as well as my Guest Star Paco Séry who is offering me his unique sound on the album for some of the tunes.</p>
photo Bruno Duchet. Ahamad Jamal inviting me august 4rth Marciac</p>
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Our internationaly French recognised film maker, Jean-Henri Meunier who did "Smoothie" will film the recording.</p>
I also thank Philippe Combelle for his talent and support ! but still:</p>
I cannot do anything without your help !!!</p>
thanks for you attention </p>
photo Didier Viode</p>
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Dear friends</p>
I'm ready to record and any help would be very much welcomed, the world wide distribution is secured by Proper Music UK !!!</p>
<strong>so I please request 5000 € for the recording</strong></p>
this includes</p>
<strong>recording / mix / mastering 10 days </strong></p>
<strong>and digipack quadri CD format min 3000 CDs for sell</strong></p>
exactly like the one I did for CD "Fresh" with kisskiss last time</p>
<em>so any help above 5000 € is for promo and clip and more pay for musicians !</em></p>
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