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Dear KissBankers,</p>
<strong><u>THANK YOU !!!</u> </strong></p>
Thanks to <strong>you</strong>, our campaign is already a <u>success</u> !</p>
But with 10 days left, we are not going to stop there ! Because we want to offer you a <strong>quality product</strong>, every extra euro spent will be used to get you an even better paper quality, et even a semi-hard cover that will enhance the final quality of this work !</p>
That's why I propose you to fix <u>a new goal :</u> <strong><em>150%</em></strong>, or <em><strong>3000€ !</strong></em></p>
Don't miss this opportunity to support this exclusive project and to add this magnificent book to your collection !</p>
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100 Years of 1SQN in 100 Anecdotes
Help us sharing our common passion, by contributing to create this book about a 100 years of aviation within the First Squadron !
End date
Out of €2,000
130 %