Hard Fist "Dust of Life": the 5 years birthday compilation

Get involved in the 5 years compilation by 20 artists from 17 countries that have left their mark in our history these past 5 years

Project visual Hard Fist "Dust of Life": the 5 years birthday compilation
End date
Out of €5,000
106 %

Our commitments

Yeelen-Kamanda971 days

Oh yeah 🤟 can not wait to spin this vinyl at a wild party ! ! !

Jonathan-Swayze972 days

YAY WE DID IT! WE REALLY DID IT!! :) Now if only there were Hardfist 001/002 vinyls avail to latecomers like me in this campaign - would have donated more! :)

Barney-Harsent974 days

Can't wait for this!

Jonathan-Swayze974 days

Keep up the great sounds - hope this helps put it over the edge!

colin-ponthot974 days

Longue vie :)

DotheJabz974 days


kévin-favreau975 days

Tombé complètement par hasard sur votre projet et envouté direct!

Jonathan-Perez -2986 days

Fingers crossed X

Miguel-Redondo994 days

FULL SUPPORT FOR THE FAMILY!!! peace and love!! <3 lebollet

Max-Brudi994 days

Congrats on the anniversary and hugs from Greece

Matthias-Wallaert1006 days

Damn, you're releases are super inspiring and give listeners a party oriented view on far away places. Every song is a little travel in your head. Much of luck with this project. Keep on making people happy!

Margot-Vanrenterghem1008 days

Ca part !!