'A Box of 78s', a soundwork and vinyl record by DinahBird
I am a radio artist and halfway through creating this audio work. I need help to design, produce and press the limited edition vinyl record

End date
Out of €2,630
100 %
The beaks of the birds are the record needles of the world
Joli projet au parfum proustien, le temps retrouvé... http://www.atramenta.net/authors/justin-bergamote/28539
Je trouve ce projet très poétique. j'espère qu'il arrivera vite à son terme. Bonne chance.
Good luck lovely Dinahbird xxx
quel joli projet ! Bravo.
Good luck my dear xx h
Forza Dinah... BRAVA ! L'unione fa la forza !
We are intrigued by your project and wish you all the very best to complete it. Love Vivienne and Stephen