We are really happy to start shooting this month thanks to the support from the non-profit sector. The crowdfunding campaign hasn't been successfull and we believe that is due to the Creative Commons license.</p>
The project carries on with the project of workshops and trainings with european programs about the best stories of participatory budgeting. This week, we are in Glasgow then Berkhamsted then Brighton. On friday, we'll co-organize a workshop about the software Popcorn in London. Then we'll go to one of the very first PB event of the year near Lille next week.</p>
<img alt="19708_531082560269180_1480769020_n" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/12066/19708_531082560269180_1480769020_n.jpg" /></p>
Example of design-led project for the experience of Lille</p>
Apprendre à compter
"Learning to count" is an interactive documentary following youngsters that decide how to spend public money for their school or their city in Europe. They are learning for a year by practicing democracy.
End date
Out of €8,550
11 %
The publications
We are glad for the increasing interest. We will go at the beginning of february to Trofa, then we fly to Lille and Roubaix. After the 12th, we take a train to Poitiers.</p>
In March, we will visit Glasgow and Berkhamsted.</p>
A local report from Berkhamsted :</p>
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<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EfVcSi4-nok?wmode=opaque&feature=oembed" width="540"></iframe></div>
A video will be soon added to this page...</p>